Our pets

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BCT - love the pup!

bigyank - the first pic of Gracie is too cute. My fluffy cat Emily enjoys watching the tank, and chasing bugs. When my daughter goes to bed, it is Emily time, and she will meow and meow until you pet her. The old man, Schumacher, would rather sleep all day, throw up hairballs, and shed on my clothes, than be social. He also enjoys biting my little one instead of running away from her, too. :rolleyes:

Man, being a housecat sure has its perks :)
Cat= long days of sleep, about 23.5 hours a day, the other time is for the litter box & eating!
This is an old shot of my pal Buddy

Thanks Nikki, I'll pass your coments on to Gracie. She certainly is a weird one. I dont know how much you guys remember from Winnie the Pooh, but Tigger used to 'bounce' people. I think that would be what gracie does ...... only late at night while we try to get to sleep. About an hour after lights out a strange silence ensues while Gracie and Cleo partake in a small game of cat chess, quietly and with stealth they try to out-manuever each other on the landing and stairs. Gracie gets fed up (Cleo is clearly superior) and starts her attack run in the dark. All you can hear is a 'fuddump, fuddump, fuddump fuddump' (sound of gracie building up speed)................... silence for 2 seconds (sound of Gracie airborne).................. thaddump (sound of Gracie landing millimetres from Cleo on her blind side. Cleo hisses and growls. In the aftermath, I swear I can hear an oriental style chuckle from Gracie.
Then a sound like a herd of minature ponies on stampede as Cleo runs away in frustration (and slight embarrassment) with Gracie in hot pursuit.
For one so bold in the dark, it never ceases to crack me up when she has a small fit every time she goes to the litter box, the flap closes behind her and she freaks out. She sometimes will go in and out of the box 3-5 times before she manages to go in slow enough to stop the flap swinging back on her.
She is only 1 1/2 - what the hell is she going to be like in 10 years?



Our pet count just increased almost sixfold! Our Border Collie had eleven pups this afternoon. She had eight in her first litter.
Steve - your goat is so cute! My 3 year old said she doesn't care if he eats her hair or her pants (to quote from your other post), she just wants him to come over. LOL
I let him borrow the truck. If he doesnt get lost, he should be there soon. LOL. I've put off getting to work long enough. You all have a good day. Steve
:( :( :( We need some more pet pictures to perk us up! I'm sad to report that Maxi, the white water loving papillion in the first pictures, is very ill and has been in the doggie hospital all week. Thanks to Jesse (12) and his quick thinking he rubbed caro syrup on her gums because he highly suspected her blood sugar was very low due to not eating and the vet said he saved her life, so he is very proud right now. She's 12 and we are all very said as we know she won't be around much longer. She's the last of our 4 papillions.
MAN Im so: Sorry jesshimom, that sucks so bad! :( I had to make the tough call of putting my rottie down when I was pregnant with my 1st child. After maxing two credit cards to help her (which of course I coundnt afford expecting a baby} I had to make the call to put her down. She had cancer in her shoulder and was sprending very rapidly. Watching her in that much pain was horrible, it wasn't fair to her at all. I was with her until the last minute, she was put down in my arms looking at me. :( I hope that you have some good times with her and are able to say goodbye, if thats possible. My thoughts will be with you guys. Lisa

But on a happier note! Heres our current doggie Cisco. Hes a good boy hes a little wild, but we love him. He thinks hes a lap dog :D
Beeba said:
My maltipoo named Sandy. I also have a Dalmation that is 14 years old. I'll hunt down a pic of her. The vet says she is the oldest Dalmation he has treated.

Lol...we too have a dalmation that is 14 going on 15 and still going strong. I swear they never die..just reincarnate themselves!

We also have a ferret, and 9 boxers(2 adults and 7 puppies)...which will be ready for new homes the end of September.hint...hint(if anyone happens to be looking) :razz: