Our pets

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Im so sorry Jesshimom :(

This are ours two pets

Ash is 3 years old cat, I find him in tram. He was just a little cat, in very bed shape. Now he is a beautiful and very smart cat.

This is ours little dog Kim, she is JRT, got her last year, because his owner is death. She is very active and cute.
our boston

Here are a couple pictures of our family dog, 7 month old boston terrier, She is great with our two kids 20 month old girl (Jocelyn) and 6 year old boy (Dylan).

Matt and Niki Krom
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Heres a pic of one of our Ferrets. This is Sugarplop and shes just finishing her bath. Maggot was sleeping and running in her sleep.

Well, an update about Maxi.... she passed away yesterday and I have a daughter who thinks for sure her heart is broken and will never be the same. Poor Shilo..... poor all of us.... :(
Colleen, my family lost our little Corgi when I was 12 and it's hard. I still think about her and I'm 22 now... I'm so sorry:( Tell Shilo I'm sorry too. I know exactly how she feels and wish you and your family the best.
Colleen - my deepest sympathy to you and your family. Tell Shilo I am so sorry.

Dang - what a great addition! What did you name her?
New Puppy

Well, high on some of our priority lists was a new puppy.... so here he is

Nine weeks old, Springer Spaniel.... not sure on the name; so far Rusty or Jake but was looking for something cute and English sounding :D
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Nice new addition Colleen. Those are great little dogs. Should take Shilo's mind off the loss a little.

Just an update, as we've had a recent addition. With my brother and family relocating to Okinawa for a few years, we are going to take care of his dog while they are away. The lengthy flight combined with a long quarantine on both ends for an older dog was what made the decision. Plus it wasn't known if where they will stay will allow pets...so...I was more than happy to help out. He'll be 8 in a couple of weeks, and is wonderful! Here he is in his favorite spot of the living room (not allowed up on the leather of the family room). He likes to sit and look out the window.

(click on image to enlarge)
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Here is my Christmas present! Her name is Sophie and she just turned 11 weeks old. Great personality - very lovable.

she is a little teddy bear. she has a great personality - we got her from a wonderful breeder that socialized her well.

and yeah, she is a full blooded chow chow. :) purple tongue and all.