PH what is too high?

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Thank you so much, I will give it a try. does this stuff have the capability of hurting/killing other things, like button mushrooms. my mushrooms seem to be shrinking away....
My 02

A combo of PH manipulation combined with light deprivation may be more effective than PH manipulation alone. Many people who have Dino issues will turn off the aquarium lights and cover the tank for many days (sometimes a week) to help rid their tanks of this nasty/and often pervasive problem.
I will follow your advise (both of you, wise experienced individuals).
Double check; should Kalk be added once a day until pH is maintained. I have drummed into my head to make changes slowly.......if I should dose more frequently than that let me know.
Other clarification, Boomer, I did not mean could Kalk hurt/kill my mushrooms, I meant could the dino be doing it. Other things in the tank have been thriving.

Thanks again for the help
I mean when you add it do 't be dumping it in where it lands on animals :D And Kevin's addition is also god forgot to mention that lights thing:(
got it! I'm off to the fishy store to buy Kalk.........wish me luck, oh yeah, lights are out.

thanks a bunch