Please help with my Blonde Naso Tang...

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sryder said:
steve, can you blanch the broccoli first then freeze it?
Yes, just don't cook it and be sure it's cold water flashed to stop the heating process before it goes in the freezer.

Regular table peas out of the pod. Frozen from the grocers would be the easiest. Not an everyday food though, fairly high in sugar so it will cause algae issues if used too often.

As far as other foods, only dark green and preferabley leafy, kale, spinach and the like. Same rules apply, blanched and or frozen to break down the fibers.

An update...

I was hoping to report steady progress. But steve-s often brings me back to reality. ;) She's been sick for a long time and didn't eat for 13 days. I can't expect miracles overnight. :oops:

The last two days she has eaten Prime Reef, Emerald Entree and Formula 2. Yesterday evening I soaked it in the KanaPlex and today she turned up her nose and refused it... only eating Nori and picking at her broccoli.

Steve-s suggested I change things around and offer her food w/o the Kana. So tonight, she ate some Formula 2 and a small amount of Prime Reef.

I ordered Selco along with Rotifer eggs and live rotifers for my seahorse babies... (Well, that's another story) lol .... but the rotifers came in today, NOT my Selco or BBS eggs... sooo I have to wait until tomorrow.

Her lumps remain but not as obvious.

She remains quite active.

No Betty B. update. :oops: The pictures should explain why. :D

Been a busy girl today. :p



The above pictures show the male releasing his fry from his pouch with one HARD crunch! Kind of hard to see them, I had to take the picture down to 39% quality to stay below the 100k rule.

I am also raising 15 babies that were two weeks old today from the same Reidi pair. But this time... he had approx 130 150 fry.

Hope you enjoy the pictures.

I must admit... With the visible lumps on my Blonde Naso Tang and her lack of eating for 13 days... things looked a bit grim.

I've read many threads and knew going into this... that once they stop eating (especially for long periods of time), very seldom to they bounce back.

Betty B., we hope, is an exception to that rule. :D

Doc, I mean steve-s :p gave me the good news after viewing her pictures again today... that if she continues on this path... we can start the salinity up-climb this weekend... getting her ready for the (her) main tank!! :D

I don't know what Betty B. and I would have done without him. steve-s has given me mounds of support and the compassion he has shown ...of an animal he doesn't even know, well, t's just heart-warming... and humblling.

Oh... And I hate to see his "bill." ;)

pssssst Doc, your message box is full again. ;)

I'll keep yall updated...

Thanks steve-s :)

Yes, I started the upclimb yesterday afternoon. She's at 1.019. Plan to do another one today.

She's playing in the flow and attempting to eat her Prime Reef; but still mainly interested in the greens.

How happy you must be ! I'm really glad Betty B is doing so much better ! :)
Shes really lucky to have a mom that loves her so much. :)
Uncle steve-s... look at me now!!! ;) :p :badgrin:

steve-s (Doc) and the rest of you following this thread...

Betty B. is doing fine. What's very weired to me, after having her for one year now and knowing her eating habits... she NOW picks the greens out FIRST at feeding time... and after she devours the greens, THEN she'll go for the meats in the Prime Reef!

She has continued doing well... at times I think I see her belly getting a little lumpy, but it's usually after feeding time. Taking into account that she didn't eat for 13 days... AND survived Katrina... :D she is my miracle Blondie! lol

I added a Copperband recently and the Sailfin went right after it! Betty B. showed the Sailfin who was boss as she immediately protected the CCB and put the Sailfin in his place! (It's Betty B's tank. She does what she sees fit)

Finally got my new aquascaping done in the main tank. I totally trashed it when getting Betty B. out to put her in QT. That poor tank was so neglected for weeks and weeks... with Betty B. in QT and Seahorse babies every 2 weeks... 4 times!

SO the tank looks great! Betty B. is doing great! I adopted out 350 reidi babies.. So life is good... for now. :)

Thanks Doc, just wanted to give you an update!,com_gallery2/Itemid,3/?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=1765

donna in N. Dallas
She definately looks healthy. I'd say you two will be happy together for quite a few more years to come. :p

steve-s said:
She definately looks healthy. I'd say you two will be happy together for quite a few more years to come. :p


Thank you SO MUCH!!! :)

I never did get your bill, Doc. ;) lol

She looks great!! And that is a great photo!!

Thank you...!! (for everything)

The Rebel XT takes awesome pictures... PLUS... Betty B. is a GREAT model. She definitely knows how to "Strike a pose." ;)
