Powder Blue Parasite, Help!

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To be sure the message is clear -- it is not worthless. It is just a far second choice. Praziquantel kills when the worm is in direct contact with it. How many worms will get this contact when the med is in the water around the fish and the parasites are cozy and comfy inside the fish? Some will be affected. The ability of the fish to absorb this product is limited, not impossible.

Now ask another important question. . .If the bath treatment is so effective, why can it be used in a reef tank? Another way of asking a similar question. . .How many reef-safe products work really well at killing marine fish parasites?

For the marine fish worms that have an 'outside-the-fish' stage in their life cycle, the bath will work.

The best attack on internal worms is an internal medication. This should be easy to understand. :) When those parasites see a bit of Praziquantel comin' down the intestinal track, it's 'All hell done broke loose time' on their scrawny asses!


LMAO..this is the most passionate reply I've seen you post...I love the passion !!! :D

BTW, I did some research on the products you mentioned that have praziquantel and the products by Jungle and Gel-Tek Ultra Cure PX have been discontinued.

PondRX reads to me like a liquid that is added to tank water not food, and i was not able to find it on the National Fish Pharmaceuticals site you listed.

any ideas where we can find this stuff that can be added to food?

I rarely get roudy!

I'll need to go into that post and update it. I have updated it on other forums and in other areas. I knew that the Jungle one was discontinued. I suspect that too many people couldn't get their fish to eat those droplets!

Do the search on the Internet for Praziquantel for fish. That got me a thousand hits including it being offered on eBay. Get the powder, just plain, no additives.
That looks like the right stuff. You want to be sure of the ingredients, though. I see nothing that look 'official' in the description which stipulates just what the ingredients are. I'd drop the seller a note/question and ask if there is any other ingredient in with the Praziquantel. If the reply is, "No" then buy it. You want Praziquantel with no additives.

Like I wrote (a few times above) its original use was in ponds and it was added to water. We know it can be administered to fish by ingestion, just like formulas of it are used to de-worm cats and dogs by ingestion. Just follow my instructions if ingestion instructions don't come with the product.

You are lucky to find it in such a low quantity (10g). Most packages are large -- for pond treatment.

Why do you think this isn't pure Praziquantel? The only ingredient I can see listed is Praziquantel.

so if the product Rea listed is OK, I might get it and start soaking my food in it..
I only saw one compound listed in the "Contains" tab. Do you see others listed someplace Rea17?

You trying for the 'How many times in a thread I can misunderstand' Award? Who said anything about soaking? A nice overdose will harm your fish. You want to administer a specific amount. READ!
By soaking I meant putting on food per instructions...soaking..poor choice of words..

Okay. To most others it means something else. Didn't want anyone reading this thinking that was the procedure. Good guy! :)
Hi Rea,

Welcome to Reef Frontiers!

I hope your Tang is doing better. Your fish are gorgeous.

I am in Bellingham and its great to see fellow reefers are here in Whatcom County. I've sent you a PM.
She is doing a lot better, I ordered some Praziquantel for future treatment.

Thanks! I work hard to keep them fat and healthy, so I can't help but freak out a little when I see spots.
I just read the whole thread and fixed the images in the first page so they are visible in the posts as opposed to having to download them.

This parasite reminds me of a parasite I had on my Red Sea Regal Angel several years ago. It looked like a small white pointed blister that was approximately 2-3 times larger than ich. This actually came up between the scales and eventually dislodged leaving a scar.




Sorry for the craptastic pictures, they're from Dec 2010....

I saw two of the parasites in the year that I had the fish, and in both instances they dislodged leaving a scar and I didnt see anymore after the second one. The fish died shortly after a year in my care due to the H.magnifica wandering into a powerhead shredding the tentacles and releasing nematocysts throughout the tank killing all fish except the clowns.

After that, all subsequent fish were placed in QT before being introduced to the tank and I havent seen anything like that since.

Dont know if its the same sort of parasite, or completely unrelated, but found it to be similar so I thought I'd post this up....

That looks similar. They spread out of control on my PBT months ago, and completely disappeared this time around. There were a few larger spots on the PBT that took a lot longer to dislodge in the cupramine treatment, but did leave scars. I could not tell if the parasites were coming out from between the scales though.

Sorry to hear about your fish disaster =/ yet another reason I am avoiding a H.magnifica.
That particular issue was my fault.
I have another Regal Angel I've had since that happened, (going on 5 years now thanks to help with Lee), and I now have 3 H.magnifica anemones, (the original split and I have another that I've had for almost 2 years now).

Your PBT is gorgeous, hope its doing better.

Thanks a lot, she is probably my favorite fish. I love the look of magnificas but my tank definitely isn't set up for one, their wandering tendencies worry me. Maybe someday :p

The fish is still looking pristine, hopefully she won't relapse again but if she does I will try and get some decent pictures, camera phones just don't cut it
Yeah, I hear you. The system was set up specifically around the requirements/needs of the H.magnifica. I would not suggest doing it any other way with an animal like the H.magnifica. Fortunately, the conditions are very similar to what SPS need, (High light and high flow) and that tangs thrive in too, (High flow, excellent water quality), so it works out.
