To be sure the message is clear -- it is not worthless. It is just a far second choice. Praziquantel kills when the worm is in direct contact with it. How many worms will get this contact when the med is in the water around the fish and the parasites are cozy and comfy inside the fish? Some will be affected. The ability of the fish to absorb this product is limited, not impossible.
Now ask another important question. . .If the bath treatment is so effective, why can it be used in a reef tank? Another way of asking a similar question. . .How many reef-safe products work really well at killing marine fish parasites?
For the marine fish worms that have an 'outside-the-fish' stage in their life cycle, the bath will work.
The best attack on internal worms is an internal medication. This should be easy to understand.
When those parasites see a bit of Praziquantel comin' down the intestinal track, it's 'All hell done broke loose time' on their scrawny *****!
Now ask another important question. . .If the bath treatment is so effective, why can it be used in a reef tank? Another way of asking a similar question. . .How many reef-safe products work really well at killing marine fish parasites?
For the marine fish worms that have an 'outside-the-fish' stage in their life cycle, the bath will work.
The best attack on internal worms is an internal medication. This should be easy to understand.