Powder Brown w/ mouth sore

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here is a pic of a happy PB tang!!!...i did a 70-80% WC yesterday..i also added carbon
it eats everything in sight...it always has, except for the first 2 days when i added copper..it swims right up to my hand as soon as i put in some seaweed..it isn't skiddish at all...it swims around all day..its color has always looked this way,except for one time...i think it was when i added the copper..it was so dark,it almost turned black...it could just be my lighting or something
The color is dependent a lot on diet and the stress level of the fish. Since you've only had it a short time and it's been copper treated, that will take time to improve but should relatively soon.
after you were saying something about the color, i watched it for a bit..it was swimming rapidly around..i checked my water..the nitrites were high..i did a good water change..it still seemed to be acting a little strange..i am going to keep an eye on it
ammonia is at zero..it seems back to normal today.. i did i big water change last night
Steve, my PB was added about 2 weeks ago..i watched it for about 2 weeks after the treatment..i didn't see anything..i just noticed on one of its fins that it has 2 or 3 small white blotches..i can't tell what it is..it doesn't appear to have depth to it..it looks almost like pics i have seen of fungus infections....i don't know if i can catch this fish without destroying the tank..if i have to, i will try though.
Looks like a diluted spot of milk? Probably just a minor bacterial issue. It's actually quite common. More often than not it will clear up on it's own but a water change would improve on that.

Let me know if that doesn't hold true here. Should be gone by Thursday.
maybe...i will definately be watching it...i just did a 30g water change a few days ago..i will get ready for another one
i will get ready for another one

Steve, i just did a 25g WC..the condition actually looked a tad worse today..i will wait a few days and see what comes of it
Try another water change today and one again on Friday. Make sure they are 20-20% volume.

How's the appetite/foods etc?
it eats everything it can!!!! this fish is a PIG!!!! i can't keep enough nori in the tank for it..i feed it nori several times daily and also Formula2 pellets 1-2X a day..Steve, i am not able to do those big water changes that close together..i don't have a huge resevoir,i only have 5g containers to hold my water..My Ro/di filter only puts out like 60g a day..i can only get about 10-15g a day from it because i have to be here to fill them.i will do as much as i can
The volume of the water changes along with food nutrition are really the keys to the success of this. If you can get the water changes up, great. If not you might need to consider the QT if it does not improve. Be sure this is not Lymphocystis, meds will have no affect. Water quality control/improvement and diet are the only treatment. Also ensure stress is at a minimum.

On the foods, do not rely solely on Nori. Mix it up with a variety of algae based foods fresh and frozen. Don't be afraid to use broccoli florets either. Just be sure they are well frozen/slightly cooked first. Don't forget the vitamins and HUFA. Once in a while using Beta Glucan will help as well.
alot of the white is gone today, but some of it is hanging off of its fins..it is a white string just hanging there,,it is not sediment or detritus
Could be Lympho or bacterial. If you can do the water changes give it a few more days. It can mean all the difference.
the white on the fins has pretty much cleared up, just a tiny, tiny spot left...i told you a while back (while in copper treatment)that it looked like the PB had a pinhole in its eye..it looked like this again a few days ago and was very cloudy..its eye has returned to normal now though

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