President of PSAS

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I paid already also, the club can keep the money as a donation if it is decided that the BOD doesn't need to pay. I figured my reward for volunteering was ensuring the club continues and is fun!
I'll try not to be rude or harsh in any way with this post. forgive me If im out of line.

I disagree with a membership fee being mandatory for BOD members. That , other than being able to share opinions about the clubs future is the only perc to being on the BOD. After that, its all work, It costs time on the phone, I for instance dont have a big cell plan so calls on the road take personal call time away, it takes time from our weekends for BOD meetings, it takes gas to go to meetings we dont necessarily want to attend. It causes stress when there are scheduling conflicts, for me, Im quick to say OK and then my wife gets into the mix, talk about stress. Working at meetings, after four or five, starts to feel like work, taking membership fees and dealing with logistics cuts into any social time for the most part. I could go on with petty details but wont.

Also, I dont really need a membership card. I have typically forgotten to ask for my discount. I only have purchased them to attend interesting meetings and frag swaps. The LFS dont have much that I need other than cleaner crews and salt. I simply go to BR and buy a 20 pack crew which is already discounted and then (after spending more than $20 on any merchandise) they sell IO for $34 a bucket. They wont give PSAS discount on already discounted stuff. I buy my fish during the LFS sales and I buy everything else in bulk on line and I mean everything.

If we decide to make the fee madatory Ill surely pay it. But at that time I would also give a formal "years end resignation" as a BOD member. I just cant see paying to work extra. This is an exciting year and there are great things happening behind the scenes. I realize Im not doing much and you are all doing alot (if not all) of the work. I was literaly left holding the bag "so to speak" and dont have the time and energy as most of you. I do however have desire to help when I can and have alot of opinions. Im enjoying being on the BOD and want to continue doing so.

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I agree we should continue free membership for the BOD, I did not know this was past practice, but definitely would be an incentive for getting people onto the board so I think it should continue. As I stated before, just consider my $30 a donation.

Duane, I do not think we were really considering changing this policy, more it was a matter of Bob and I having no idea that it was a perc of the position. You should still get a card (cause you never know when you might need that discount) the cost of the card is only like $0.50.
:D I know, I just wanted to express my opinion. One thing Ive learned about posting on RF and RDO is that explanations of ideas and theories go a long ways. A simple one sentence "i disagree" surely couldnt have expressed my feeling as well as my long winded letter. :p
Plus, the rest of you all need to here from me that I appreciate all of the hard work you are doing on a weekly basis. Good job to all of you.
Again, I do not care either way. I know that people put in a lot of extra time and their own money at times. I think people do it for the sake of making things work and do not care about money.
If it were me, I would wait until we get a new president. I think things need to settle today. There was a lot dirt thrown in the air. I am concerned with people walking away. I hate losing anyone. I have had some good times with people in here.

I am hoping we stay on track with speakers and what would benefit club. The first thing would be us all working to make it fun. We volunteer our own time to make this a enjoyable escape. The key word volunteer. If we go crazy and vote people out of club. I am not sure that would be the right answer. As BOD members we represent the Club. Our actions speak louder than words. We need to be civil but non judgemental. When someone contacts me and says they have a concern that effects the club. We have sponsors reading threads, club members reading threads, potential club members, curious onlookers from other clubs, potential guest speakers, potential sponsors, etc. You get my Drift?
I received 36 emails & Pm's today about the Becca issue.

I edited the data and I consider it closed......
A friend and I were talking about the election and this person was wondering why there has to be the title "President". This year, unlike others, there are alot of volnteers. I agree all three guys have their strengths and are very likeable Mike, not to my suprise, dropped out due to too much drama. I wonder how he would have felt when he found out how much work is actually going on be hnd the scenes right now....

Any way, This is what my freind thought of.

I wonder if there is a way to involve all three of these candidates, so as to utilize their talent and energy, and make each of them feel important and valued. Is there any way to come up with titles for each of them, and some amount of responsibility that will utilize their skills? I could see Mark as "CMO" Chief Marketing Officer or and Ghanzi as COO (Chief Operations Officer which would be Event Coordinator/Membership) maybe Mike in some other role like CFO.

Since there is no one person in charge, in the event of disagreement, issues would need be resolved by the BOD...maybe by simple majority vote or something.

Not a bad Idea really.
A friend and I were talking about the election and this person was wondering why there has to be the title "President". This year, unlike others, there are alot of volnteers. I agree all three guys have their strengths and are very likeable Mike, not to my suprise, dropped out due to too much drama. I wonder how he would have felt when he found out how much work is actually going on be hnd the scenes right now....

Any way, This is what my freind thought of.

Not a bad Idea really.

I like this idea and is what I hinted at earlier, if someone wants to volunteer we should be able to take their help regardless of title.

Bob I see you edited my post on the main forum, I apologize to all for getting caught up in the drama and intended to come home and post that my statement was my personal opinion and not that of the Board. But you took the bad stuff out so now it is not a bad statement, thanks. I forgot for a minute that my signature includes my position on the board and I should be more professional (or maybe hide behind another user name . . .ok bad joke).
I like this idea and is what I hinted at earlier, if someone wants to volunteer we should be able to take their help regardless of title.

Sorry Kris,
I meant to add that you had already mentioned this.
So how do we go about having an election? I do not know that having a poll is the best way, as there is no way that I am aware of to control who votes and the results are instantly available so it is possible people could base their vote on the results they are seeing.

Do our techies have any neat electronic means of sending a ballot to members only that allows then to anonymously cast a vote?
So how do we go about having an election? I do not know that having a poll is the best way, as there is no way that I am aware of to control who votes and the results are instantly available so it is possible people could base their vote on the results they are seeing.

Do our techies have any neat electronic means of sending a ballot to members only that allows then to anonymously cast a vote?

In the past, all proposed Members of the BOD have been posted in the club's forum. When more than one person was running for a position on the BOD, the election has been in the club's forum as well. If we change that now, the members may feel the BOD is attempting to manipulate the election. I don't feel we should make changes at this point in time.

I also feel (just my opinion) that since we're just in our first month of membership for 2008/2009, we should allow the members from 2007/2008 to vote as well since many of them haven't had the opportunity to make it to a meeting to renew their membership yet.
