President of PSAS

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The poll message looks good to me. I say post in in the morning and run for 10 days (you will want to add the 10 time period to the message).

Thanks Vicki

Bob this poll would be just like the last one, on the honor system.
I am going to remain out of the polling system since I am running for elections. But I trust all of you to make the right decision for the club :).
Bob, Can you make the Poll a sticky?

With the new way RF works it is not going to show as an unread thread unless people go there the first time they log on after it was posted (I have noticed that this seems to have changed, it used to show everything I had not read as unread, now it seems to only show new post since last time I was here as unread). Also without comments it is going to drop down on the list.

I've just had a question from a (currently) non member of PSAS.

They are asking if they can vote as they PLAN on becoming a member.

In the Poll thread it is stated:
"The voting in this Poll is open to any PSAS Member in the 2007--2008 and the 2008--2009 Membership years."

It has also been pointed out to me that in the nominations thread, a BOD member mentioned the Poll was open to any member of Reef Frontiers. (I haven't looked for that post yet.)

How should I reply to these questions?

Bob posted this statement in the Nomination thread and is likely what caused this question "I think it should be open to all RF members, like it was last year! We have no way to determine who was or wasn't a member during 2007. Either that or make it paid to date members since everyone in our evite received the application and they knew the new year started on Sept 19th. "

However, I do not believe it was open in the past to all RF, it was members only on the honor system.

Boy, am I surprised at the number of people voting, more people have voted for each nominee than we saw total for the last election. I think the banter back and forth really sparked some interest!

I had one person e-mail me about joining so they could vote. I directed them to the website to download the application and gave them Bob's PO Box since that is the one that is being used on the SASE we are handing out at the LFS. They were a member last year and I told them to watch the thread as we were considering opening the poll to last years members also (which we did).

I think maybe we should post on the poll thread that the application can be downloaded from the website, give them an address to mail it to and then tell them once they mail the application and dues they can feel free to vote. Once again this counts on them being honest but I feel if they were not they probably would have already voted anyway. This could possibly increase our membership quickly as it seems many people want to vote.

There is my $.02 worth.
I assumed that everyone read that before the poll was posted. We do NOT have anyway to tell who is or isn't a member when they vote.
I will ask all of you. What would you think about LFS having the ability to vote along with its employees. They sponsor us, So why not allow employees free access to guest speakers, elections, etc. I think it would be a good will gesture.

I will follow with what the majority says.

I still think election should be by ballot. Inviting the LFS and their employees would show support or no support.

Its up to you guys?
Until the elections are over, i'm not voting on anything. Based on his posting we will be in trouble next month anyway.
I will ask all of you. What would you think about LFS having the ability to vote along with its employees. They sponsor us, So why not allow employees free access to guest speakers, elections, etc. I think it would be a good will gesture.

I will follow with what the majority says.

I still think election should be by ballot. Inviting the LFS and their employees would show support or no support.

Its up to you guys?

I know we were discussing (after the frag swap I think)whether our sponsors should recieve free membership (not sure we ever made any decision). If we decided to do that then that would give them the same rights to meetings, voting etc as any other member.

I agree elections should occur by ballot, in fact that has been written into the charter we have been working on. But for this election we felt we had to continue with the process used in the past. If we can get the charter hashed out in the next few months and get the members approval (I think that should occur at a meeting) then we can post it to our website and begin using it for the next election.