President of PSAS

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Good points to consider Vicki. I have proposed that we change this method in our by-laws but those by-laws would be approved by the members so they would be aware of the change before the next election.

I like the idea of letting last years members vote, since as you state they have not all had the opportunity to renew yet.
I think we should not allow 2007-08 members to vote. Rather extend the membership deadline to NExt event (October) and then keep elections after that.

Afterall, in last BOD meeting, we decided not to contact them and build our membership from scratch again and we all agreed. This is going against the policy, in my opinion.

If they really want to vote, they should become members which is good for our club.

My $0.05
I agree with Ghazni.

We all stated that we were starting over. I emailed the application to everyone. We have posted that the memberships are due now.

You can't vote in life without filling out the required paperwork, why should you here?.

I also think that we need to finish the By-Laws prior to the vote. This way the election will be according to approved procedures.

Just my .00000000005 cents
I think we should not allow 2007-08 members to vote. Rather extend the membership deadline to NExt event (October) and then keep elections after that.

Afterall, in last BOD meeting, we decided not to contact them and build our membership from scratch again and we all agreed. This is going against the policy, in my opinion.

If they really want to vote, they should become members which is good for our club.

My $0.05

Here is my nickel. In the past we had a agreement with sponsors that we would post sales to members. If you delete those address to potential club members we both lose. There were like 450 plus addresses. Those all were potential club members, speakers, sponsors. They lurk in the back ground watching. I think we need to focus on things that bring people together. Draw those people out with new interesting ideas. I do not want to see any bad mouthing of any member, store, sponsor, etc. The past members of PSAS have built a foundation. If you are new and have not seen things in the past I am sorry.
We had some awesome times. There are plenty more to come God willing. We had all the stores years ago at BCC for A vendors meeting. They all worked together at one time. We were given donations from Reef Frontiers. People are not going to donate stuff to a negative feed. People will not join a negative crowd. If I were new and saw things of late posted, chances are I would walk away with clouded vision.

I ask you to do what you can to make this a place that people want to come to. A place where people can learn joyously, give their hearts. If you do not want to give your heart. I hate to say it, but you should not be here. You guys remember a Pay It forward Meeting?

This is no place to argue, put people down, belittle someone, Control people. The BOD forum is no place to campain for votes for any position. My parents told me never talk politics or religion unless you are looking for a fight. If you want to learn about someone, let them be themself. I do not think anyone wants to be controlled. I beleive people want to feel good about themself. I ask you not to feel good about yourself at the expense of others. I had a good conversation last night with sponsor. I was embarrassed. I appoligized. Sponsor stated and I beleive him. I will do what I can for PSAS. I am thankful for what they have done for me. I want to keep a good relationship. I know the person you are talking about. I never wished them harm. The rumor is completely false. You have my support. No more Egg please.
If someone wants to run for position, I say we do it the old fashion way. We do a vote at a club meeting with ballot. That way no one is hurt. We do not say numbers by margin. We have a club treasurer. I am sorry Duane. I know you (Duane)do a awful lot. But we want to be honest. I think that is the way you would want to see it if you were running for a position. I beleive Cowboy was hurt and publically humilliated by last vote on forum. I have not heard very much from him since. We use to talk alot.
Ed, I completely agree with you for the 450+ membership. That is why we brought their accounts to gmail account so that we can contact them. If they do not want to recieve correspondence, they can decide to opt out.

But, BOD had mixed feeling about it with some saying yes and some saying no. I think as a VP for the org, you can decide what should we do with those accounts. We'll take your words as final.

Honestly, our sponsors would be delighted to post their upcoming sales to these people.

Make a decision and we will follow.
Ed & BOD.

I had an interesting conversation with one sponsor Ed talked to last night. The convrsation started as me as part of PSAS. Then in a personal level i promises not to repeat what is was told.

So here is a fact.

If Marc(ie) is elected, I will resign....................

I will not support the 19th century mentallity
Ed & BOD.

I had an interesting conversation with one sponsor Ed talked to last night. The convrsation started as me as part of PSAS. Then in a personal level i promises not to repeat what is was told.

So here is a fact.

If Marc(ie) is elected, I will resign....................

I will not support the 19th century mentallity

You may want to pack your bags. I have no way of telling how election results.
please keep your emotions in check. We're all trying to do good for the club over here.

Comments like above can be really detrimental to our relationship. And this is not it should be about.
EdHahn said:
If someone wants to run for position, I say we do it the old fashion way. We do a vote at a club meeting with ballot. That way no one is hurt. We do not say numbers by margin. We have a club treasurer. I am sorry Duane. I know you (Duane)do a awful lot. But we want to be honest. I think that is the way you would want to see it if you were running for a position.

I not sure how to take this Ed.:confused: Anyhow, If I'm ever out of line with my posts, comments or general actions regarding the club in any way. PLEASE CALL ME OUT on the carpet BY NAME and let me know what I have done wrong. I make mistakes, like everyone and have strong opinions, and in most cases am not afraid to share them. I like to call it being candid. :D

please keep your emotions in check. We're all trying to do good for the club over here.

This is true. We do need to keep our emotions in check, remember this is a hobby. Not the office of the governer. As Ed has said more than once, our actions and words as the BOD effect the club today and for years to come.
We all need to take a step back and take a deep breath. I'll tell you. If I want to get worked up over something. I can think of three things my twenty two year old has done this month alone. Or better yet, MY AEFW's. Preferably not whats happening on RF.

Twice today, Ive tried to remind people that if this club is shrouded in controversy that the members will leave. I for example, have had fish tanks for near twenty years and can say with certainty that in another twenty , Ill have a tank in some capacity. I dont need the club to enjoy this hobby and can guarantee that if the club isnt fun, the rest of the members feel the same way. However, I really like the social aspect that the club has brought into my hobby as do many other club members. Its our task (I wont say job because we volunteered) to ensure that the meetings are fun, even educational and not filled with bad feelings toward any one member or sponsor.

We are doing alot this year to help make the club grow. Lets not lose sight of this. We dont have to accomplish these for the club to go on. But if we do, good job to us. Remember, this club started a long time ago with a few friends drinking ber in someones garage. It has come along way since then. Last year there really wasnt a BOD to speak of. Ed and Randy single handedly coordinated everything for the whole year and I voluntered a little of my time during meetings from January on. We, as a team are supposed to make the work load lighter and get more accomplished. Not cause more stress for everyone involved with the PSAS.

I hope this little letter helps remind us of our simple goals and helps us to keep on track.
Have a good day, or night.
We are doing alot this year to help make the club grow. Lets not lose sight of this. We dont have to accomplish these for the club to go on. But if we do, good job to us. Remember, this club started a long time ago with a few friends drinking ber in someones garage. It has come along way since then. Last year there really wasnt a BOD to speak of. Ed and Randy single handedly coordinated everything for the whole year and I voluntered a little of my time during meetings from January on. We, as a team are supposed to make the work load lighter and get more accomplished. Not cause more stress for everyone involved with the PSAS.

I hope this little letter helps remind us of our simple goals and helps us to keep on track.
Have a good day, or night.

Well said! This club needs to be what our members want, not what we want or what the sponsors want. But most importantly it should be fun. I did not volunteer because I needed more drama in my life (My daughter has provided enough of that for my lifetime, trido sounds like we could share war stories, hopefully you will find the next year or so brings drastic changes in the situation, my daughter just turned 24 and has matured and taken responsibility for her life over the last year and a half). Most of us volunteered while the president was still unknown, and we are unfortunately in that situation again. I will support the president the club chooses whoever that may be.
A friend and I were talking about the election and this person was wondering why there has to be the title "President". This year, unlike others, there are alot of volnteers. I agree all three guys have their strengths and are very likeable Mike, not to my suprise, dropped out due to too much drama. I wonder how he would have felt when he found out how much work is actually going on be hnd the scenes right now....

Any way, This is what my freind thought of.

Not a bad Idea really.

I like seeing the work being done. I think we need to slow down though.
I am 200 plus miles away from you guys. I have been irritated as of late about emails. I vented to Duane pretty hard. My Wife actually said I was yelling. I guess I just felt out of control of myself. I will work on that.

First of all. I hate any threats. I do not need it. I do not think anyone does.

I want to say something else. I hope it sinks in. There have been three of us previously. If life side tracks you. You take care of yourself. I will respect you either way. I am grateful for what you have done. I myself want to make this a fun place where everyone can come to relax. Any threats to anyone creates a problem.

Try to look at them level headed as possible.
Please think first what would benefit club, bring more people together, create stability.

The changes so rapidly have scared me. I will be honest.
I feel threated when I think people are getting power hungry. Its not one person that runs club. Its a group that work together.

I live 200 miles away. My family in Seattle both moved out of Seattle.
I have a little experience of what has happened in the past. I am proud of that. I do not think it was that bad. I feel threatened when people say the past was bad. I ask myself why would people say it was bad at all when they were not there?

I will talk to you. I saw your email. I saw your phone call. I will be honest with you as I would wish you with me. You irritated me as of late.
I do need to talk to you about that. My wife told me to cool down.
I do not want to say anything that I would regret or hurt anyone.
In a short, we need to slow down think of priorities. We need to plan events to keep positive environment for club members. I am not a mod.
But I feel if something is posted and threatens relations it probably should be removed.

I guess I need to make a few more phone calls to all of the LFS that supported us. I need to do some PR work. I think a lot of phone calls.
I wish none of you would ask for donations from guest speaker or LFS at this time. Please do not ask for donations from a guest speaker. If guest speaker donates free time (no presentation fee), pays for own travel, wiling to offer a donation to support club. Please do not push the issue of what will you give me. Randy and Adam are very good friends. Adam spoke with me Yesterday by telephone.
Cy offering to do stuff for club looks good. I just wish to decline it.
Reason being I want him to know we are not here for a hand out. We want to support him. I think that is Cy saying he supports us and hopes to continue with us supporting him because he felt threatened as we did.

I like the proposed discounts given to card carrying members.
By Laws and Non Profit Org Status maybe slow down and look at other clubs that have non profit org status.

We were given a gift from a Distributor last year. That gift may have a continuem if we carry on good charma. The key word Good Charma.

A few of you know there is members throwing their own get togethers in their own houses. Groups of 30 people getting together often. I would like to see those people back. To do that we would need to create a positive energy as much as possible.

I can not be president because I travel 200 miles. I do not want to. I do not want change at this point. But I can not be there all the time due to circumstances. If you create by laws stating that or agree as group, you probably voted me out. If you want me out of Bod. I will leave gracefully with no negativity against club. My family as yours is I am sure comes first. I hope you respect that. I have two close relatives that have brain cancer. One my brother is over the hump I think for now. My Uncle in Tri-Cities is not good. So if I get irritated easily that is why.

The person that runs for president I wish you gods speed. I will do what I can to support you any way. Even if you irritate me at times. I will respect you and walk away but always be back to support you. I will not call you names, well maybe under my breath (joking). It is a sole priority to support the club and its members and the trust that was built in the past with RF, LFS and Hobbyist that join us. I may not agree with all ideas. But I will put my best foot forward to keep stability in our group of good people. Duane, I wish I had not called you last night. I appreciate you listening. I may have projected some negativity to you. I will work on that never happening again.

Ed Hahn:)
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You can call me anytime. I agree with everything you've said.
There has been a small murmur in the North end about private get togethers.That is one reason Ive joined the BOD. To represent those voices.

Im not even sure where or why the by laws and constitution came to be. Do we need them? Did we vote on that?

Edit: I did some research for the non-profit app. status and found this
draft bylaws and get board approval these specify how the board will operate and configure the staff; some states require these; some of this information will be in the Articles if you file Articles; the board should approve the bylaws

Does our state even require these?
Ghazni, SLOW DOWN......................................................
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I will talk to you. I saw your email. I saw your phone call. I will be honest with you as I would wish you with me. You irritated me as of late.
I do need to talk to you about that. My wife told me to cool down.
I do not want to say anything that I would regret or hurt anyone.
In a short, we need to slow down think of priorities. We need to plan events to keep positive environment for club members. I am not a mod.
But I feel if something is posted and threatens relations it probably should be removed.
Ed Hahn:)

I am an honest guy and please tell me where I have taken the bad step. This is part of my learning and I would love your feedback on anything, literally.

So, yes, call me whenever you can.
You can call me anytime. I agree with everything you've said.
There has been a small murmur in the North end about private get togethers.That is one reason Ive joined the BOD. To represent those voices.

Im not even sure where or why the by laws and constitution came to be. Do we need them? Did we vote on that?

Edit: I did some research for the non-profit app. status and found this

Does our state even require these?
Ghazni, SLOW DOWN......................................................

Duane, we decided to get 1st draft of constitution and by-laws in last BOD and that is why I started the work and sent you the documents. I am not going to do anything further on this till we all agree, ok?

Regarding the filing for being a non-profit status, I did the research and presented it to you as we decided in last 2 BOD meetings. And we all decided in the last event to file it. You all provided your address on the forms. Unfortunately, this has been sent to Olympia on Monday as you all suggested. There's no way I can take it back now.

And Washington State do not require by laws and constitution for non-proft filing.
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You can call me anytime. I agree with everything you've said.
There has been a small murmur in the North end about private get togethers.That is one reason Ive joined the BOD. To represent those voices.

Im not even sure where or why the by laws and constitution came to be. Do we need them? Did we vote on that?

Edit: I did some research for the non-profit app. status and found this

Does our state even require these?
Ghazni, SLOW DOWN......................................................

Whether or not we need them for the state I think the by-laws are a good thing. They state in writing how the business of the club is handled. It puts structure around the business of running the club so there are fewer question regarding "how do we do this"? I do not know if you have reviewed them yet, but it addresses things like when the elections are held, when the new BOD takes over, and what will occur if members resign. I think this is a good thing and I think the entire club should review it once we have a final draft. That way they will understand how their club is being managed.

Documentation like this makes working as a group a lot easier as you have answers to many questions documented and there is not contreversy on how these things will be done. For example, in the bylaws I changed the part on the elections to indicate that the election will be held at the annual picnic. If we adopt that then the club knows when this will occur and it may even increase attendence at the picnic, if people truly care who is leading the club.

In every team, sub-team, project team where I work, one of the first items dealt with is to create team norms and a charter to outline our objectives and address how we will do things. It works well to avoid a lot of contreversy and tension because we have this document that we all agree upon that deals with the business of how the team will work and we can focus on completing the objectives.

I have a lot of training in leadership and team dynamics that I can share if anyone is interested and can probably even dig up and share some of the training material if anyone is interested.
That is my $.02 worth.
Duane, we decided to get 1st draft of constitution and by-laws in last BOD and that is why I started the work and sent you the documents. I am not going to do anything further on this till we all agree, ok?

Regarding the filing for being a non-profit status, I did the research and presented it to you as we decided in last 2 BOD meetings. And we all decided in the last event to file it. You all provided your address on the forms. Unfortunately, this has been sent to Olympia on Monday as you all suggested. There's no way I can take it back now.

And Washington State do not require by laws and constitution for non-proft filing.

WHO decided NOT to cc me on this communication and WHY?
WHY have I NOT been informed of these BOD meetings?

WHO decided NOT to cc me on this communication and WHY?
WHY have I NOT been informed of these BOD meetings?


You're part of the BOD meeting, you attended it last time.

Regarding drafts/constitution, it was just sent to BOD since this was the very 1st draft. I hope you do not mind it, but, I asked the folks to forward it to you if appropriate (because of your mentioning that you do not want to be the offical club BOD because of liability issues and I did not know where to draw the line). Nevertheless, the work is on hold and will not be moved forward till all of us agree and this comes as an agenda of next BOD meeting.
You're part of the BOD meeting, you attended it last time.

Regarding drafts/constitution, it was just sent to BOD since this was the very 1st draft. I hope you do not mind it, but, I asked the folks to forward it to you if appropriate (because of your mentioning that you do not want to be the offical club BOD because of liability issues and I did not know where to draw the line). Nevertheless, the work is on hold and will not be moved forward till all of us agree and this comes as an agenda of next BOD meeting.

I am only aware of a total of two BOD meetings this year. The first was at Steven11's and the second was a conference call, which was a little confusing with everyone talking at the same time. Are these the only two BOD meetings we've had?

I do mind NOT being cc'd on correspondence pertaining the BOD and running of PSAS. I mentioned in that conference call that I did NOT want to run for President because of liability issues.

Whenever you don't know "where to draw the line", you should just ask.
