Roscoe's 270g build

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I believe Barrier has these in stock as well if you need them sooner. I think I remember seeing them last weekend when I was there.

Thanks for the info! I don't need it right now. I still need to order the glass.

Aquarium rated silicone. They could all be the same, but I figured that the aquarium rated ones didn't latently exude toxins?

Others would know more. I haven't bought silicone for a tank in a few years. Used to use GE...

here is one cheap sourse

Thanks Mike! I just got off the phone with the guy that runs that site and he also has an online store. He told me that he gets these types of stories all the time and has dealt with simular situations and he assured me also to that it would be 99% safe esspecially there is a 1'' bracing all around the bottom of the tank. Also to he said not to bead the glass sheets together unless you can smooth the silicone evenly. What do you think about that? Anyhow i just ordered 2 tubes. If this works out I might try my hand in building a small glass cube tank for clams but 1st things 1st LOL.

thanks again guys for all the help!
Thanks for the info! I don't need it right now. I still need to order the glass.

Thanks Mike! I just got off the phone with the guy that runs that site and he also has an online store. He told me that he gets these types of stories all the time and has dealt with simular situations and he assured me also to that it would be 99% safe esspecially there is a 1'' bracing all around the bottom of the tank. Also to he said not to bead the glass sheets together unless you can smooth the silicone evenly. What do you think about that? Anyhow i just ordered 2 tubes. If this works out I might try my hand in building a small glass cube tank for clams but 1st things 1st LOL.

thanks again guys for all the help!
Agree that you want the bead around the crack to be as thin as possible. Perhaps flattened with a spatula. Definately pressed down before curing. Do not want the glass sitting UP in some spots as that will add stress to the botton cracked layer. The majority of the cement will be in the seam between the bottom and the sides.
Thanks for the help Mike! I getting more comfortable with the repair now. Since I don't have to move the tank to put the new glass I don't have to worry about creating anymore stress to the crack. The cracks themselves are about 1''-1 1/2'' long
Thanks for the help Mike! I getting more comfortable with the repair now. Since I don't have to move the tank to put the new glass I don't have to worry about creating anymore stress to the crack. The cracks themselves are about 1''-1 1/2'' long

They cracks started from chipped glass at the holes. The pressure started a fracture to run. One reason to drill really slowly with a good diamond bit such that the hole is very smooth.

As a trivia note, you can often get a crack to quit running by slowly drilling a smooth small hole at or just beyond its end.

I have built dozens of shallow tanks out of window glass and silicone. A lot of fun. With thicker glass, anything is possible. The important part is accurate cutting and VERY clean glass to cement.

Good luck!
They cracks started from chipped glass at the holes. The pressure started a fracture to run. One reason to drill really slowly with a good diamond bit such that the hole is very smooth.

As a trivia note, you can often get a crack to quit running by slowly drilling a smooth small hole at or just beyond its end.

I have built dozens of shallow tanks out of window glass and silicone. A lot of fun. With thicker glass, anything is possible. The important part is accurate cutting and VERY clean glass to cement.

Good luck!

Yeah I'm thinking after this fix. I'm goning to spend sometime researching glass tank builds. I think it would be another fun hobby LOL besides there needs to be more custom glass aquarium builders in our area. I did a little research the last couple days on building glass tanks and it looks fairly easy. Just like eveey job you just need the right tools to invest in.
The best tool I can think of to spread the silicone evenly would be a thinset trowel. It is designed for exactly that purpose just for thinset.

Also use tape on each side of the seam and peel off right after application to get the straight clean edge on glue/silicone..
Also use tape on each side of the seam and peel off right after application to get the straight clean edge on glue/silicone..

Fo sure that is how I did the OFB. Man who ever say acrylic and silicone don't bond to well I have to beg to differ LOL. It was a B*%^$#@H getting the OFB off! So for a little update as I stated earlier I got the OFB off. Looking at the crack now that I cleaned it up a bit. It don't look too bad. I just got done with razor blading off the old silicone from the seams of the tank all I have to do now is do the pain staking fine detail work of making sure the whole bottom glass is free of old silicone and debris with acetone and emery cloth sand paper per all the instructions I've read. Also to I spoke to an glass aquarium builder and he said the silicone around the seams is not what binds the glass together it is for added strength. What binds the glass together is the bead of silcone that the two sides meet so he assured me that as long as I rebead the seams before I lay the new glass in then place the new glass sheet over it and press down making sure the silicone spread evenly. Then once the glass is in place you would bead the seams over the new glass and then dip your finger in water and smooth out the bead creating a joint between the side and bottom glass and there for would create a permanant bond and strengthen the integrity of the tank once again. After all that is done let cure for 24hrs (i'm doing 48hrs) fill a couple inches with water let set for 24hrs and then check for leaks.
I don't do the finger dip method.
I put the tip of my finger on top of the tip of the caulking tip and press down with both so the finger follows behind the tip giving you a flawless even smooth seem with out the follow after finger or trowel..

This is the way they do it at "the big show" (the pro's)
Keep in mind that silicone skins real fast. You cant lay down a bead and work for five minutes before tooling it, or it may (will) be too late to have a nice finished bead.
Keep in mind that silicone skins real fast. You cant lay down a bead and work for five minutes before tooling it, or it may (will) be too late to have a nice finished bead.

Yes I understand this. All my research says to take your time with the prep work (the most important) and make sure everything is in place and within reach before applying the silicone and try to apply the silicone as quick as possible and have the glass piece ready. I have 4 suction cups ready for this to help with the fix so it should go smoothly if I plan this right.:) Ok just a little more update. I have finished getting most of the old silicone out there is still a fine fine layer of it but I will take care of that tomorrow with the acetone and emery cloth sand paper as my arms are tired from scraping silicone LOL.
I may have missed it, but what material are you going to be using for the new overflow wall?

It will be acrylic. I was going to do a coast to coast oferflow but now I'm just going to reuse my old OFB only difference now is the box will be faceing the front glass which is no problem. I plan on painting it like how I did in the back so you wont see it anyways.
So you're going to use the bulkhead that's on the side and then just have the return over the top of the aquarium?

Yes sir! That is how it will be now since I already have holes on top for 3/4'' bulk heads. My drain will drain along the left side of the tank then dropdown behind and under the stand. My 2 returns will now come up and over the back of the tank. That hole on the side really came in handy!
I took a 1/2'' 3'x3' I know it is 3' shorter but I just need to see if the 3ft side will fit in an angle and it slid right in with plenty of room. So I will order my glass and I should have it by friday.
I took a 1/2'' 3'x3' I know it is 3' shorter but I just need to see if the 3ft side will fit in an angle and it slid right in with plenty of room. So I will order my glass and I should have it by friday.
So you'll need help next weekend getting it in??
Give me a shout!!
So you'll need help next weekend getting it in??
Give me a shout!!

Yeah I think so. I got 4 suction cups to help with job. I'm all done sanding down the old silicone and now leaves a nice smooth glass finish. all I have to now is wait for the glass.