Roscoe's 270g build

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When are we dropping that new guy in???

Any updates?

Will you guys be available Sunday morning to help drop the new glass in? I just got done scraping the paint off the side of the tank where the OFB was. I also cut out the lip 3'' strip off of the plastic brace. The brace is still intact it is just the lip part that was cut. If everything goes right it should'nt take more than 30min. to drop the glass in there. I should be able to take care the rest. The hard part is getting the heavy glass in there.
Mothers day schmuthers day, my friend needs my help..
She's not MY mom.
just the the mother of my children..

It will give me a chance to go buy her a gift.. SSHHH don't tell her..
yeah I know its mothers day. I know it would be hard for people to make it over so I figured early morning was best. Its all good if u can or can't make it. I undestand.
Thanks guys see you Sunday!

I have 4 suction cups. I think that would be enough. The glass should slide right in at a 45 degree angle. I notched out a 3'' strip of the bracing lip in order for the glass to slide in.

You really might want to consider a few more. Best to not slide it if possible because any chips can run and become cracks. Danno has plenty. The more handles, the less each hand is supporting and the more coordination possible.
Thanks for the info. Mike! You are starting to worry me LOL. Te new glass has no visable scratches or chip. The edges were flat polished. We are just sliding the glass into the 3'' notch and once in the tank it will slowly be lowered down flat.