Running a fish tank without arms or legs

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I've only recently found your thread, and I'm very impressed at what you've been able to accomplish with your difficulties. A friend of mine was recently paralyzed and is now a parapalegic. He does have some use of his arms, and is growing stronger with physical therapy.

Could you please tell us more about how you take care of your tank, and what all you have in it?

Its inspirational to me to know more about your tank.



Well it has been quite a long process, that's for sure. You should read through the thread that I have on another website called nano reef. There is a link at the beginning of my thread on reef frontiers.

I do pretty good job in keeping it up but as everybody knows in this hobby there are difficulties. my caregivers that work with me do regular maintenance , water changes, cleaning and I've got a good friend of mine named Todd that comes over and does more of the difficult things to my tank. Gluing the coral, aqua scaping and recently we did the lighting upgrade. We put a protein skimmer and a fuge in the back. He has been awesome!

There are a few people that I've met from this website who have recently given me some coral to add to my tank. I can't afford much so it's been quite a gift.

I'm uploading some pictures for right now that I took recently and I'll post them here shortly. Tell me what you think.
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I'm changing the size on photo bucket right now.
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Awesome Brendon!

I saw you at the Bob Moore Frag Swap, but didnt get the opportunity to introduce myself to you! You are indeed an inspiration to others and I am glad this hobby gives you much fulfilment!

I have recently had the pleasure of meeting Todd and a few others here on the forum and being able to build friendships with others in this hobby is a big plus. The people I have met and those here that I havent have ALL been very generous, kind and willing to help.

Hey Brendon, GREAT pics ! Everything seems to be happy as a clam but I didn't see any pics of your 'Two-Faced Occ'. I'll get over to finish gluing all your zoa frags in place next week and try and capture the Chalk Bass again. The cuttings from your green leather are healing up well, so maybe we should take a couple more cuttings before you trade her in. It could be good barter stock for something else.

I just went to go get my very first Mandarin Dragnet and I'm very very excited! I've been thinking about it for a long time and I finally decided to go for it. Copepods are running around and plenty! it's time to make the move.
Super excited about my new fish! It is absolutely beautiful. Tough to get good pictures of though. Here are only a few that I've gotten.



how are you getting him enough pods to eat in a nano if you don't keep buying pods he will starve to death i get mine a jar a week at like 20 a week and it is pricey inless you trained him to eat frozen or he will not live long
I could not think of a better thing to get into for you; I could watch a tank all day and never get bored. You should love your 29 gal I have one in transistion, nota cube but regular and oh I love it!
Check it out!

Here are a few photos that I took recently of my tank. There are a few close-up shots that I really like.

My friend Todd and I recently moved around a bunch of rock to do a Feng Shui. It looks pretty cool I like it.

There are a few Zoanthids that were donated to me from saltwaterfishes. There are also a few that I got from Jason D that look beautiful! We are going to glue them on one of the rocks here sometime soon. It should look absolutely amazing when it is done! I'm very excited to see the final product.

Well, sorry I don't get too much up here very often. I hope you liked the shots that I took already.










Hey Brendon, things are looking good my man! I'll try and get over there next week some time to finish gluing up the zoa frags for you. I've been crazy busy trying to finish our masterbath remodel (wife does not like sharing a bath with our 18yo son) I saved a frag of the green leather for you also and is ready to go.

Very nice set up you have there, and I admire your positive attitude in spite of things that have happened. I've recently gone through some dramatic changes of life as well, though not nearly like yours.

If I'm down that way I'd like to meet you if you have the time and see your tank set up. I'm also the one who is usually up at 3 am if you ever have a fish tank emergancy. I'm only an hour or so north.
Hey Brendon, things are looking good my man! I'll try and get over there next week some time to finish gluing up the zoa frags for you. I've been crazy busy trying to finish our masterbath remodel (wife does not like sharing a bath with our 18yo son) I saved a frag of the green leather for you also and is ready to go.


No problem... I look forward to seeing you again soon. Hopefully the bathroom turns out good.
I love how colorful so many of your things are! The bright oranges are incredible! And great looking zoos! We have a 29g biocube as well, and have struggled with aquascaping. Yours looks so nice and open and natural! I really admire it!
Thats a sad story... I am going to have nightmares now. On the bright side I am glad your tank is still up and running. Glad you are still with us!