Salsakings new 700 gallon jaccuzi! lol 700 Gallon Reef system

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If I may ask what is the post problem and whos talking about who.
I think the person that reprted the post thinks that.
Sure I can go shopping for a post and find one in no time at all. PM a mod and complain..

PS I think Eric dose care and is a little upset that what has happend is vary harmless and the one person that don't like the color of the american flag should get it changed. Just my 2 cents

Read the post above yours, he just admitted what Nick was talking about, you can't go out bashing others like this. Pretended it all to be joking around & not referring to Dang but all this time then making a post like that, contradicting to say the least don't you think?

As far as who reported what is none of anyones business, that is why it works so well. Also you must consider what other people read, what I see written doesn't necessary mean what you or someone else intended, posting otherwise carelessly like that will just end up with what we have here. This is a forum for Family, kids and all to see so care to what is posted should be considered, If you want to play like that, do it in person or elsewhere.
As Mods, we read & consider every complaint, discuss it throughly & we have a small group that thinks they can come here posting up whatever without any thought to others here.
This can all be straighten out if you follow those simple guidelines, we don't want anyone to be leaving but at the same time we need to keep to the forum design which just happens to be Reef-Keeping!
That would not have been posted if he didnt get pissed. This is getting all over the place it tryed to get redirected twice that I know of but know way.
Ok Hows this. I have paparika all over my hamburger and some in my pop. You know, it looks like red bug. Hope dang dont think iam talking about him if so sorry dang.
Oh thats right your the only one on the planet with red bug and also have a thai restraunt.
Time to get this thread back on track. We are all getting tired of it, that was well said that we are all getting tired of. Now that we are all tired of it, we don't need to bring up the subject again unless it is truly to get rid of or trying to prevent the infestations. Let's get back to good ole fashioned reefkeeping instead of insults, complaints, and issues with other people and back to what this site is intended for, sharing of information about reefkeeping.

Back to our regularly scheduled thread of good ole fashioned reefkeeping :)
Back on track!!!!!!

You tryed, the mods won't let it go :confused:. Here ill try, will the tank be ready by this week-end. If so count me in for some help Eric. Look forward to a fun week-end. You need to get your RODI water going like last week. Who is taking your window out.

You're right I tried and it just keeps on keeping, like the bunny. Anyhow the tank will hopfully be done by this wknd and if so it will be in Eric H's hands at that point; although I think the tank will just be going into a warehouse for storrage as the stand wont be done for a few more weeks. I dont know if Eric H. will want help to unload it and move it but that's what forklifts are for. Maybe it will just be a little get together for chip and salsa and to take a look at what a 700 looks like up close before water. I'm sure Eric H. will chime in and let everyone know what the deal is as we get closer to the wknd...

Thanks again
Eric Dustin
Veralte Aquatics
Thank you Chuck and Moderators for your insite! At no point have I ever been upset with any of you. And YES we all should just move on! I'm done with the bad energy that was going out! Got my frustrations out. Anyway back at hand! If anyone wants to help lift, or break there back let me know!

Chuck, Your a short guy like me.:D Want to help. Have not seen you in a long while.

Please folk!! let's just move on! We have shared our opinion! Now lets just move on!!

It's the best thing to do!!

Hope everyone had a great Easter.


P.S. Thank you Erik for getting us back on track! Sorry to have you involved with this when this is your business as well! I appreciate your work! Really do!
Well all the wholes are done. It took about 8 hours just to map and drill the holes, all 42 of them. I believe that the tank move is going to go down next week sometime if anyone wants to help out and check out the tank. Eric H. will post the details I'm sure...

Eric D.
Veralte Aquatics
700 Gets moved!!!!!

Well I think that the tank is going down to Eric H. on Friday, but will hope that he'll chime in and confirm for that. It was no easy job getting it loaded into my trailer with only 4 people. I think that I'll have to take a vacation just from that 30 feet that the tank was moved...Again a big thanks to Clear Fab. for building this monster!!!!

and a few more pics, lucky for me the trailer is 7x12, cause it just fit... :) Tank: 96x56x30
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It looks smaller via pictures! Look forward to its arrival tomorrow!

If anyone wants to help it will be at the salsa factory around 10am

Thx Jason and Erik!:D
700 gets delivered...!!!!

Well the tank went down to it's soon to be new home today and after a little thought into it; we figured out how to make it work..... (Electric pallet jack and a Fork lift) and a little luck...Other than that it went smooth as always...A few pics...and yes I took the pics! Figured it was time for someone else to do the moving..!!! :)
Store that little guy , right over there....

And into storrage it will go for a couple weeks until it's ready for water.. :(

I've forgotten why its in storage. Is it because the 40+ holes aren't drilled yet??

Eric, is that your sump ?. If so, are you doing a in sump skimmer?.
You may have to cut the top to fit the skimmer in it.
PS give me a call I can help you cut the top.
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