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OK, if there are no objections in here by the end of this evening, I plan to turn Brad lose on getting all the info on Jon Warner to speak at our October meeting. Once that is firmed up we can start planning any raffle or other fundraising for the meeting and also move on to the other speakers.
from frank marini. Emailed him showing interest for him to speak.

HI Thanks for the email.
i would be interested in speaking at your club
I have many available dates during the upcoming year, I'm sure we can work one out. As for what I charge--hum---people charge for these trips? Okay a plane ticket, hotel, maybe food, I've recieved honoraiums from $400-500, but honestly we can work this out. Are you guys holding a conference anytime soon, or having another guest speaker come in for a talk, i could piggyback and you could have a 1day symposium...
Just let me know
Again much appreciated

What do you guys think.
sure turn him loose, my only comment is not to ask what do you charge, let them bring it up since we know only one speaker has ever charged us. That just tells them to say a number in my opinion. (Referencing his "speakers charge for this" comment in his response.

Not having Mike wine, dine and lodge them is going to add to our expenses alot already. We need to watch spending.
OK then.

Brad, why don't you see if we can slide Jon Warner into our October slot (October 15th if we want to stick with 3rd saturday) and we'll figure up a few of the costs to get our arms around what we will be in for. Then we can all work on ideas of how to recover that money. Colleen is right, we are going to incur more costs without Mike acting as the Holiday Inn and Denny's.

On frank marini, I'm thinking this might be a perfect speaker for our November Vendor Expo. If we are going to an extended meeting we could have him speak and maybe get a few other smaller speakers to keep people entertained and bring people out to the event.
good point colleen but I think we can always negotiate with them. If no one has a problem with jon warner I will call him tommorrow.
reedman said:
OK then.

Brad, why don't you see if we can slide Jon Warner into our October slot (October 15th if we want to stick with 3rd saturday) and we'll figure up a few of the costs to get our arms around what we will be in for. Then we can all work on ideas of how to recover that money. Colleen is right, we are going to incur more costs without Mike acting as the Holiday Inn and Denny's.

On frank marini, I'm thinking this might be a perfect speaker for our November Vendor Expo. If we are going to an extended meeting we could have him speak and maybe get a few other smaller speakers to keep people entertained and bring people out to the event.

The November Vendor meeting will be on the 19th. If Frank wants to come that would be good...except we wanted to expand this a little with a couple of speakers/presentations and was thinking that maybe Terry B and then one of the club members that has had good luck with raising fry could give a presentation. If Frank speaks, that kind of shoots that idea out of the water and we'll need to come up with an alternative speaker...but maybe Ryan Gent could fill that bill??
Alice you are the pro so you make the call. We can always talk about it at the next meeting.(while eating a few hotdogs)
What does Frank even speak on? I think we need to have another online chat to hash out some planning....or meet at the picnic for a while to talk some of this stuff through.
I think it will be difficult at the picnic to round everyone up at once; etc. I think the chat worked well; if we can find a time convenient for all.... ANytime after 5pm for me weekdays; anytime weekends.
Saturday morning at 9:00 or 10:00 will be fine with me, if it works for all of you.

Brad...I'm glad you approached Frank; it would be good to have a speaker we've never had before!

Reed, to use our time most efficiently in chat, maybe you could outline an agenda for us and we could do the "any old business" "any new business" routine to keep us on track. Since we don't have a gavel online, feel free to "slap me with a large trout" when it's time to adjourn. ;)

Mark, since you are the secretary :) could you figure out how to record the chat so we can preserve it for minutes of the meeting? I know it can be done...I just don't remember how!! Also, last time we only had one person drop in right at the end, but I'm wondering if we could set up a #reeffrontiers2 chatroom for biz??

Let's all think about what points we want to address and go through them one at a time...it will help us poor typers with slow fingers keep up with our brains. :D
By the way Elmo reappeared and I messaged back and forth with him and mentioned that we might have him speak next year and he seemed happy with it.
Sounds good. I'll get an agenda set up before the meeting and post it in the forums for all to see. I'll try to allocate a time to each as well to try to keep the meeting flowing better this time.

I chatted with Erik (Macbeth) after the last chat and he said he would be happy to set up a BOD chat room for us with passwords to prevent anyone from accidentally walking in. I'll follow up on that with him.

Good show Brad. I think he Ilham would be fun to hear talk about clown fish. He really is passionate about them and I think would do a good job presenting at a levelt that will benefit all.

Chat with everyone on Saturday.
i'll ask chuck or mike how i can record the chat, good idea!
also, i happen to be going camping this weekend, sorry, i've been planning it for months with the family, leaving on thursday, i should be back sunday in the p.m.
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My schedule for June is crazy with three jobs, the only day that I'm sure I have off is the 18th and I had to do some creative scheduling to make sure that happened. July will be better though, since my last day at the paper will be the 1st. Still, since I'm low man at my other job(s), my schedule will be variable and I won't be able to commit to a specific day for chat. Sorry :(

On another note, I'm not sure that the Event Coordinator position was meant to be part of the BoD, was it? I'm willing to not be part of the BoD decision making but continue to work with BCC, do other event coordinating duties and offer input when needed.

~ Steve
Hey Steve. I think you are a part of the BOD, but with your statement that you trust us to make good decisions, I think we're fine if you can't make the meetings (chats). Fact is, you just can't make it due to more important obligations. I certainly understand that.

Thanks for all of the work you do on the BCC coordination. Be ready for more as the vendor event creeps up on us.
K so for now we have jon warner who will cost next to nothing.... If you guys want fish person steven PRO said he would come out here... I think he would be cheap because he is Calfo's buddy and Calfo didn't cost too much.. I am thinking $500ish... If we get a sponsor... That would be two speakers for the year..
I'm thinking we should stick with Jon Warner for now until we tally up the raffle proceeds. Then we'll have an idea of what we have to work with for the next few months. If we can get a couple of the stores to sponsor a speaker, all the better. I think we need to get a handle on what we have to work with for the year and go from there.

Colleen, you are the money person, if you could work up some numbers from the last year on what we made from what and how much things cost we can all get an idea of what we are up against and all be on the same page. I think we need that to make good decisions.

We have several income items coming soon: raffle, membership renewals, vendor event (understanding we have expenses with this one too). If we can get a consensus of what we think we will bring in, we can start planning, and contacting, our speakers for the year. We can't wait to make all the money before contacting them or they will be booked. I think we will have to take a little risk, and if we eat into the reserves we have right now, that is what they are there for and we learn to cut back a little next year.