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I was thinking air plus hotel and food.. guestamate.... he is from the same area as Calfo If I remember right..

Reed Sounds good. just some rough ideas.
ballance right now 3500
add 1000 for the raffle
add 1000 for renewing memberships.
add 1000 for the vendor even

We should be ok this year but we have to plan..
Yes Brad I am working on Reed's request. I will be emailing everyone a detailed accounting of income and expenses for this year as well as projections for next year based on the meetings scheduled plus the draft letter for speakers as discussed in chat. SO just stay tuned.
Thanks Colleen! I think this will allow everyone to better understand where we are and where we expect to be.
Let's pick a short list of speaker and start contacting them to see if we have a chance (both timing wise and finance wise).

Here's my wish list:
Dana Riddle - coral coloration
Walt Smith - coral import
Scott Michael - fish
Martin Moe - water motion
John Tullock - water quality
Joyce Wilkerson - clown fish
Good list, Reed!

Let's try to nail this down tomorrow, if we can, between eating and doing the raffle.;)
Now that we have a decent amount of $$$ from the picnic, let's get a speaker lined up for January. Maybe Steven Pro? I don't know what he speaks on but Brad thinks we can get him & I've heard he is a good speaker.

Are we all confirmed with Jon Warner for October?
Ack...damn Comcast...we've had some serious issues here at home with connectivity; I'm just today back on reliably for the 1st time in quite awhile.

Brad, has Steve confirmed? (Isn't he a fish guy???)

I've got an email out to Scott Michael and offered him his choice of January, February or May...hopefully he likes spring weather ;) I'm hoping to hear back soon, will keep you updated.
I've also emailed Bob Fenner and given him a choice of March or April. I'm hoping that Steve, Scott and Bob will get back to us shortly so that we can round out the schedule.

Dana Riddle would be great...but I'd rather go to visit him; he lives in Hawaii. ;)
Sweet ! If those come through we'll have a great lineup for the year and I think we'll boost membership some more. Certainly give people a reason to pay their dues.
Maybe setting up a new aquarium? We have a lot of newbe's now and may want to cater to some of them. Otherwise he talks lighting, species compatability, biotopes, diving. He's pretty well versed in most of the areas of reef tanks.

I'm trying to think of topics we haven't had yet, but I'm drawing a blank.
Couple more topics I'd love to see talked at a meeting are reef pests (identification and erradication) and maybe a ZEOvit night. There are a lot of people interested in how and why it works. Maybe we can get one of the distributers to come out and do a talk about the system and allow them to sell at the end of the meeting.
Waiting to hear back from Bob on what topic and month.

Scott Michael says he'd be happy to talk to the club; I need to check back with him in September, though. So let's count him as a strong "maybe."
So I heard back from Bob Fenner. He sounds like he'd be happy to come out and talk, but is going to be in Palau during the March/April meetings. I can't recall having anyone lined up for January or May, but wanted to check other people's memory before I offered it.
I had a chance to spend some time with Bob Fenner at MACNA; what an interesting and enthusiastic guy! He's good to go for the February 18th meeting - yahoo! We're working on topic selection now, but he has us written in on his calendar. If any of you want to cruise over to Wet Web Media to see what's been going on there and suggest topics, that would be great. He gave a nice presentation on Red Sea animals at MACNA. He said fly him in on cheap flight and put him up at someone's house where we can talk and have a few beers. :) "Staying in a hotel is boring." Bob's our kind of people, lol.

I told him I wanted to post the schedule and topic within a week, so I'll let you know ASAP.

He also has access to all of the people who are writing on WWM and the online mag and we talked about some of the up-and-comers in the industry who aren't getting recognition yet as speakers. He's working on getting me in touch with some of those that are interested in speaking to clubs.

Scott Michael is checking his calendar for the May meeting, but we'll see. I figure if he does have time for us in another month, but not for May, we can juggle something as we need to finish the schedule anyway. I told him we could be flexible on the date as long as it was far enough out. I'd much rather see Scott on the 2nd weekend of a month rather than not at all!

I also spoke with Steven Pro, I see he is on Reed's wish list. He's good on equipment talks, among other things.
Bob has a couple of topics in mind, so I'll hold off on announcing the topic until we get closer.

I think we should ask LFS if they would like to help sponsor Bob's trip. What do you all think? SW City has already been involved with sponsoring events...what say we start with Indoor Reef and then move on to Shark Reef to see if they would be interested in helping out with the cost?

Oh, I forgot; I'm already getting emails from other potential speakers; Bob has forwarded my email to others! :)

Colleen, Bob said he's fine flying SW or Alaska or whatever airline where we can get a good deal. Too early to book though yet.
5/20/06 meeting

SO we talked about a few more last night, and I think they'd be great to plug in throughout our coming year:

Pest ID/natural predators/etc - maybe StevenPro

Photography workshop - Dylan (Llarian)

Seahorse Meeting - Vicky along with someone else (I will talk more to Vicky)

QT and fish health - SteveS

Dive meeting - Aaron (uwscotch)