
Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I'm sorry I didn't make the meeting last night. Kid problems and then car problems - being stuck on I-5 waiting for a tow truck - conspired against me.

I just sent another email to Scott Micheal, since I hadn't heard back from him with flight plans. I'll let you know the response, and if it's still positive, I'll pass him on to you, Colleen. I told him that we needed a firm commitment so that we could announce it at our picnic next month as he would be the kick-off speaker for the 2006-2007 season.
A couple other possible topics that we discussed were:

New Tank Setup- indoor Reef July

Aquascaping - possibly shark reef

Annenome Care

Soft Coral Care

A couple other Ideas I had:

Electrical 101 - go over the basics and advance techniques for wireing a tank

Swap meet - This could be for both equipment and frags. this could be one of those non-member meetings we were talking about.
Scott emailed me back and told me he's coming for sure. Ya! He'll have flight info for us in the next two days. Colleen, is your email addy in the contacts thread the correct one? I'll send him on to you when he replies. :)
Alice said:
Scott emailed me back and told me he's coming for sure. Ya! He'll have flight info for us in the next two days. Colleen, is your email addy in the contacts thread the correct one? I'll send him on to you when he replies. :)
Has anyone told you how beautiful you are lately? :)

Here is a thought if people want to follow or not. Pablo from New Life Spectrum giving a talk about the importance of good food(?). Please give me your thoughts.

I owe you a appoligy. I spoke with Steve S and Charles Delbeek. I have not heard a reply if they had time or not from either.
No problem we just need to keep track and I think we need to wait until we can confirm yes or no on all the speakers you and Randy have corresponded with and go from there. I dont want to have to tell any no because we have too many (although doubt that would occur.. :) )
Jon Warner has been chatting with me a lot lately. Do you want me to ask him if he is available. He gave me a product to try. That product being his new phosphate remover. He is communicating a lot and wanting to show people his new product.
Well, here is the deal... he cancelled on us twice already. It is really an unbelieveable ordeal when a speaker cancels after plans are made. You get in super crazy mode trying to throw something together at the last minute.

I dont know, what do you guys think?
Ok, I have this strange Idea. I was hoping for more sponsors. You know You show your product and people get educated about what you have to offer. Vendor helps hobbyist by teaching hobbyist about product, ways to use it. Hobbyist sometimes goes wow, why didn't I think of that, and hopefully good idea.
Ok, I contacted FAMA today. I asked them if we could support each other.
You have a good magazine. You have sponsors that want to bring thier products to hobbyist. How can we work together. Ok, I am chatting with Chief Editor on his answering machine. His assistant sounds gung ho...Will it work, only time will tell. But I believe the hobbyist want to be educated, vendors want to show their product. So I stick my hand out for freebies from vendors for club, not me.
Jon Warner gave me some of his new product. He wants me to try it, my idea is now that I am part of PSAS Bod. I need to share the idea and see how you guys feel? Should I give it away or try it for him?
Now here are a few more, that I did not contact yet.
Coral Magazine, A very well liked magazine. People like Charles Delbeek, Bob Fenner are part of the board. So what do you say?
Here is number three..
Tropical Fish Hobbyist...They have an area to post your club. Does it cost money, I do not know. But I did see Seattle has a Saltwater Club other than PSAS and they are posting that they meet twice a week.

If we can get support from advertizers, and advertizers want to sell their sponsors products.
What is your oppinion? I will not be insulted either way.
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Interesting! Well I'm game for anything that furthers our club defiantely if it's free and anyhting else is worth us all discussing once we know what's available and what it cost.... keep getting the info Ed, you are great at it!!!
I asked a few people who they would like to see this year if possible for ideas.
Here is one persons oppinion below.
They would like to see if possible
Scott Michael
Anthony Calfo
Bob Fenner

I would love to see Adelaide. She has been in the seattle area for a LONG time and PSAS has never invited her to speak. For the life of me I have no clue why not. Close distance, great topic, a local resource greatly underappreciated.

Sanjay is good, a bit technical but he is a great guy.

I enjoyed Mike Paletta at WMC a lot showing off how he built his huge tank.

So what are your oppinions?
Well we are confirmed with Scott Michael. We just had Bob Fenner a couple months ago, and we've had Anthony each year of the past two. So where's that person been... lol We also had Sanjay but definately highly technical and over most of the normal people's heads.. (I'm not the only one who said that and don't quote me).

Adelaide is definately an option.

Mike Paletta would be great (in my opinion we need some new speakers that we haven't had in the past couple years). Any word on Delbeek Ed?
new speakers that he havn't had before? or speakers that just haven't been here in a couple years??

Just remimber the two that I have from the Marineland program.... Lots of free give aways and a discounts on some of the travel costs..... Both of the are ready to come, just need to know when
Mark I need to rely on your knowledge about these speakers. Please let me know what you think so Randy can get back to them about scheduling. I just want to make sure it will be money well spent.

Randy: Can you find out what the expenses will be for each of them? Are we just talking airfare and lodging and what does Marineland kick in? Is it one time or for both of them? The BCC room is $190 to come up with a total figure.
Ok, I bumped Charles Delbeek. He said the only time he has available this year is August..Any feed back on this, so I can reply?
Great, but August? End of our year. We basically need him or big name speakers or events to bring in the renewals and new members at the beginning of the year. More money out of our funds, that are short with nothing to come back for it. August is still on our current card...

I'm sure we can figure something out.
So here's the thing....August is historically a slow month. Why not try to get him for next year? I would try to get him in October or November since airfair from Hawaii is much lower then and it isn't getting better with the oil prices somin up up up.

Also, we've had him out. He was great, but there are so many other speakers to choose from, don't get stuck on one.

My suggestion would be to continue to pursue other speakers that have lower airfare locations. Find interesting topics that people want to hear about...that will increase attendance. Also, get someone to talk to Chuck and find out how to use the mass email. You need to get the entire membership (past and present) reinvigorated with the club. Use the email to get a pulse on the club. Find out what people are interested in, what would get them out to meetings, if the time/day of week is right for meetings, if the location is good. We've seen a decline in attendance for a reason...what is it. Just bringing out Delbeek is great, but it won't solve the membership decline.

My 2 cents.
Agreed with Reed; airfair from Hawaii right now is $585. It would be a shame to bring Charles out and have the turn out be low because many club members will be on vacation or tied up with summer sports.

The mass email is a good idea. :)
I know how to access the email through the evite. It is an option within that program.

Since Ed is the one conversing with him, I'm going to have him explain the August airfare issue, and see what can be done, if he can come in August, surely he can come some other month even if confirmed for next year.

What do you say everyone?