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No Midcolumbia Conference this year in August. I wonder if this will help with attendance or effects things in August at all?

Charles was very pleasant. I forwarded the email to you Colleen, Thank you for the personal letter to forward to him.
If you like I will continue to see who is available from Coral Magazine, FAMA as far as speakers and vendors? Another route would be for me to talk to Cheri Phillips and see who she recommends. Cheri is the President of Masna.
Please let me know what I can do. My brother is moving and its his Birthday today. I will check this as much as possible today. I just think it may not be much with things going on today. Josh told me that there was a meeting on line last night and every 2nd Wednesday of the month. I did not know, or if someone told me I forgot. I am really sorry.
Please let me know what I can do. I am planning on taking off at 6am Saturday. I will pick up Josh along the way.
The meeting last night was the MASNA board meeting. I couldn't attend, due to a final, although I usually do as I'm a MASNA sponsor.

Leng Sy called me and left a message that he may be in town on July 21-23, 2006. He said if we hurried he may be able to do a presentation. I know that is the date of Indoor Reef And Kahunakatz tour. I need to reply asap.
waiting for Mark to chime in on Leng Sy.... He had some opinions about that when I talked to him last.

Of course, we need more speakers, nice to see who is avaialbe. I still want to confirm Delbeek, no summer months and not Sept. So Ed, whatever is the next month other than those, please confirm!

We dont track Masna meetings Josh, we all have enough to do with our lives, jobs and PSAS without that, at least me! Everyone thought we missed a meeting! Are those finals done yet?
I talked to julian on saturday... he won't be able to speak at any other locations, he wants to spend more time with his family, and was away the majority of last year.

jesshimom said:
I'm on my second email to Scott Michael about his reimbursement.. wow these guys are somehting else to get contact from.

Tell me about it! It gets nerve wracking. :|
Here are some speakers I would like to pursue, Daniel Knop and Mike Palleta.
I would also like to see if a manufacturer would like to talk about his product and possibly donate a item to club. For example, this is why I built this this way. Leng Sy is giving away a Disc. I am thinking its a disc to teach people about his way of refugeums. If a person is selling a book or getting ready to promote a new product. I think it works best for both of us.
ok, back in my corner, I promise to be good.
PS No money making book deal on Scott Michael. He says Calfo publishes his own vs he has his published (somehting that that effect) so he makes much less per book than Calfo does so he cannot afford to offer quantities at reduced price and that he uses the sales at meetings to allow him to come basically. I'm fine with that; and said it was fine.... Just thought I'd pass that on.

What does everyone think about buying maybe three for a door prize? Or buck a ticket? SOmething free once in a while is nice. Reed, are you out there? Just kidding I'm giving away... lol not being the money grubber for a change.
Ed that was a very nice message... I dont see anything wrong with it; I know many have asked about Jon Warner, I worry about him because he cancelled twice and I'm praying we dont have to go through another cancellation. I guess we can do the three strikes you're out thing.

What does everyone else think?

PS: Mario at Ocean Reef PM'd me and I called him; he is looking at the Masna or something site (sorry I'm not into all of the extra curricular stuff) and wants to know "who we want help getting" and I said I'd have Special Ed give him a call since Ed was showing himself (not literally) as the club speaker guru at the moment. So Ed can you give him a call and see what you can work out? We sure dont need another meeting until maybe Spring over there in my opinion..... :)
Can we put a calender up of monthes available for speakers? That way we all can work on monthes ahead and preplan. Someone had awesome idea of trying to work together with Portland to save money. I still think that would be awesome. That is if Guest Speaker will allow to share. I am having more fun than I have in a long time, Thank you all. Jon Warner offered me some frags a while back. I am not sure what he has, but it would be awesome if we could get Guest Speakers to bring frags.
Leng Sy was not able to due to his travels.
Yes I was planning to do that but was hoping to confirm another speaker or two as we only have Scott Michael at the moment... Do you think we can count Delbeek as confirmed, was that March 07?

Also here is what Aaron has to say about the dive meeting...

Hello Colleen

We have a sponsor, Underwater Sports in the Puget Sound Area. Not quite sure where the presentation will take place and whether I will be presenting something or they will bring someone in. They intend on putting special offers, etc together and we will bring in equipment or have it on display if it is at the store. A powerpoint presentation would be nice so that we can show what is all located here in the NW. maybe set up some SCUBA tanks, have people breath on them, washing in between, etc. I will get back to you with a few more details. Still trying to decide the best time to hold the meeting. Winter or Spring. Late winter and early spring have the best visibility and I think is the best time to consider diving. The water temp is the same regardless of the time of year.

If you think Delbeek is confirmed I'll plug that in...

I was thinking of a frag swap in October, unless we get a speaker that has to have that. What does everyone think about that, and where? I loved it at Paul's house last September and the salsa factory was soo fun for those that were there. Everyone loved going there, he gave everyone a freakin case of salsa... something different!

Charles said he could possibly do May 07. I asked him to confirm that.
He has not gotten back to me.
Can you help please... Here is letter I got from Cheri Thomas. Cheri is the President of Masna.
Letter below...

Right now, Alice Hart is the official delegate to MASNA for your club. The official delegate can log into the MASNA website and will have access to MASNA's National Speaker Database, which should be a helpful tool for your efforts to find some good guest speakers. If the club would like you to be the new official MASNA delegate, either the club president or Alice should send me an eMAIL to that effect and I'll make the change in our database. We, of course, would love to hear about any speakers that you've had that your club really enjoyed that isn't already in the database.

BTW - my son has been living in and loving Seattle for 6 or more months now! Maybe I'll be up for a visit one of these days.

Take care,


I think it would be cool to see Cheri Visit and maybe give some input on things in MASNA. But that is up to you guys.

Again, Please let me know your thoughts.
wish you lots of Fun, you know Fun!
Ok, I spoke with a Taam representative. You know the person that gave Dave B (O2manyfish) the goodies. He visits Seattle off and on. I was hoping maybe he could demonstrate the new (super powers toy) the Polario.
He says he will communicate with me often. We had a pretty good chat.
I told him PSAS trys to have meeting on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
He said he will definitely try to work something out for us..
I like free stuff. I wish he would stuff one of those Polarios in the Raffle Bag.
I would definitely buy a few tickets, you know Like Bob and Joe. he, he.
The Polario is going through Patents right now so no one can copy it. It should be out hopefully in September.
thats the latest for Chat...