Successful hunting trip

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
NW Montana
Hello everyone,

Haven't been very active lately due to hunting season and trying to get my elk but Yesterday around 9am I finally completed the task.

Thought I would show a couple pictures and maybe even brag a little.:D :D

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This is my 3rd year with no hunting :mad: Great rack, I think I can hear those steaks sizzling now :) . Congrats!

PS:Where's Charlie's elk :lol:
OK, now I'm PO'd. There goes your share of the steaks, if I ever get off my dead #@$ and go out.:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh by the way Duane, congrats, that's a beauty!!!!
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Thanks guys, the hunting is always fun but after you kill something then the work begins :)

He was about 3-4 miles back in.
Looks good. Got my first deer the first day we went out - a big doe. Now am looking for elk - will get serious next week - not as many down this way but there are still some around.
I know it's a guy thing to be a "hunter' and all, but I personally don't want to see a picture of a dead animal on here. I am 100% opposed to hunting. It's cruel and mean. Unless you need that meat to survive it's really mean. That's all I'll say.
hunting is a good sport that is even govenment regulated. The food chain. He just cut out all of the middle men.
I can't hunt. Heck, I even take poisonous spiders outside on a piece of paper. However, here in Missouri, hunting is necessary. We have so many Oak trees that acorn deer populations get out of control in the summer. Wrecks with these deer kill many Missourians every year. Then when the acorns have all been eaten, the deer starve.

Our state looks at the deer population and then decides how many hunting licenses can be handed out. It makes more sense to feed people than to feed worms and maggots with starved animals.
I'm taking a second year off, one of these days I'll get my nice mount, nice Elk I usually bow hunt so that would be a nice trophy for me one day also.
Thanks Everyone

Becky I do understand your point of view but can't say I agree with it completely. I thought long and hard about posting message but figured with a title like I wrote someone who would be offended wouldn't read.

Wrightme .... the gun is a Remington 300 SAUM, nice little gun with only a 22" barrel and more than a little kick :)

Thanks again everyone and sorry to those I may offend by my way of life

PS. Anyone who wishes to show up at the house and put up with my little tanks is welcome to a free meal. Lots to go around :)
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hmm as a girl i feel kind of embarrased to say that i have never had deer or go hunting, in fact i don't know even know how to use a riffle :p , but i think it's kind of kewl that guys like you can not only shoot a deer but CARRY the deer around which i believe it must be pretty heavy.
Anyways, since you killed Bambi.... hmm can i have a piece :D
Hey girls CAN hunt too - so far I'm the only one to bring home meat this year around this place - even though it was the first time I have gone hunting my sister used to hunt all the time. But as nice as venison is elk meat is even better. (and either a lot more healthy that beef full of hormones and antibiotics)

Duane do you have pictures of you carrying the elk out 4 or 5 miles;)
I used to have a bumper sticker that said "I snuffed Bambi"

Very nice.

Kevin I'm with you ...had to miss the last couple seasons too....:(