Yea My wife thought the same way for the longest time. When she finally got to go to Newfoundland, she realized why we actually did it. On the coasts that I have been to in NFLD I have seen ALOT of out of work fisherman. 50% of which don't have electricity or plumbing. Hunting is there life, imagine the embaracement of applying for a simple factory job and getting turned down because you can't read or write. These people were raised to fish thats all they know thats all they were tought. It goes back generations. When the fisheries were shut down all these people lost there livlely hood.
Believe me when I say, 99% of the people hunt to feed themselves and there families. Especially the people that hunt in there own area's. The locals in hunting areas don't like it when people from other places hunt in there area, because is taking food from the freezers, or so they think anyway.
On the same note, the thread was titled appropriately. You had the choice to look in or not. I understand what mean and in no way offended at your comments. They are beautiful creatures and need to be respected. But over population of any of them can spell disease in the wildlife and human life.