Successful hunting trip

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I missed out on the last 3 years couldn't get home to hunt with the family. I usaully go moose hunting. Got me a few geese though. That should cover the holidays hehe.
As i was reading this i was thinking "hmm. i wonder if someones going to be offended?" as soon as i came across it i was like BINGO! Its a hard subject to talk about with the public. Trust me I know! when i was a kid i was hated by a lot of kids because i would take off school to go and hunt or i read earlier "Snuff Bambi" :lol: Which kinda sucked, but it was rewarding to come home and show my friends all the deer we got that were hanging in our garage. Hell i use to get back at the kids that used to give me a hard time by raising the garage and showing all the kids on the bus the gutted deer hanging :badgrin: Which was pretty mean now that i think about it.

From one hunter to another thats a nice elk!! How long didi it take you to drag that SOB out? Well nice job. I bet the everyone at the check station was checking out your truck.

I'm going deer hunting this weekend. Wish me luck. Word has it that there is a big 14 point buck running around on our property.

Again Nice Kill!!!!
Becky sorry you were offended. Believe it or not though there is a method to our madness. There is also a lot of stuff that goes unseen by the public. Like did you know that the money from all hunting and fishing liscenses goes to buying private goverment property for the wildlife that cannot ever be hunted. Thats right all the money we spend to kill one or two deer/elk/etc.. goes to preserve and protect these animals. If you want to be pissed at anyone i'd be pissed at these contractors that are tearind down these wooded areas and turning them into subdivisions. Pushing all these animals into smaller areas where they end upp eating the faster than it can grow and end up starving to death. I'd rather die by a bullet then starve to death. Thats just my opinon.

So i'm sorry this subject upset you. But i hope this might have opened your eyes a little.
I'm not pissed, just a sad that they are killed. I know hunting is needed, and I know it goes on (I'm not ignorant), but I don't really like to see the aftermath. I feel bad when any animal dies or is killed.

My husband placed 5 out of 550 people in a sporting clay competition here in Texas. He's a natural shot (with any gun), has a very nice shotgun, and could bag a lot of doves, but he knows how I feel so he won't do it.

I'm really not condemning hunting or people who like to hunt, just the picture :)

I didn't want to make a big deal, just give my 2 cents. I know that when I was a little kid, I would get sick to my stomach from seeing any animal that had been killed. I know there are other kids out there that feel the same way.
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Yea My wife thought the same way for the longest time. When she finally got to go to Newfoundland, she realized why we actually did it. On the coasts that I have been to in NFLD I have seen ALOT of out of work fisherman. 50% of which don't have electricity or plumbing. Hunting is there life, imagine the embaracement of applying for a simple factory job and getting turned down because you can't read or write. These people were raised to fish thats all they know thats all they were tought. It goes back generations. When the fisheries were shut down all these people lost there livlely hood.

Believe me when I say, 99% of the people hunt to feed themselves and there families. Especially the people that hunt in there own area's. The locals in hunting areas don't like it when people from other places hunt in there area, because is taking food from the freezers, or so they think anyway.

On the same note, the thread was titled appropriately. You had the choice to look in or not. I understand what mean and in no way offended at your comments. They are beautiful creatures and need to be respected. But over population of any of them can spell disease in the wildlife and human life.
Nice 5 point, and I bet you had one of the most relaxing times of your life. Congradulations,
well Vecky, i know what you mean.
i used to not be able to watch an animal dead and more since you'd never see one of those in Mexico City :p, but now i understand.

I used to have a bumper sticker that said "I snuffed Bambi"

LOL!! Stan :D that's a good one.

hmm i guess if i ever get close to a gun it's gonna be a bb gun (or however you call it, the one that shoots colors and hurt a lot :D ):D
Thanks again everyone :)

I do have a few other pictures but as Becky pointed out they may not be appropriate, and I understand that. Therefore if anyone would like a couple of him in the woods I can email to you. Just PM me your emails.

As far as pictures of packing him there I can't help out, I was alone and had to bone him out to get him out. I only have about 4 other pictures but if you want to see more just ask.

Again, sorry Becky and thanks everyone for your comments and opinions. I do understand and appreciate all views. I was a little worried about posting and probably shouldn't have but if nothing else I knew we could all voice our opinions and noone would be overly offended.

Nature is evil and sometimes so are WE.


PS Files are around 300k each and there is about 7 pictures, if needed I can make them smaller. Let me know
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Obviously there are a lot of us that are not offended, but as Becky said she just feels sad about the animals dying or being killed...This is very valid and understandable. She didn't seem to mind the post so much as the pic. Is there a way or can we maybe link to photos like this with a warning about what it is and then those of us that want to see, can, and those that don't want to get a choice. I personally think the water fountain is a good place for these of course, or I should say I don't feel like its a problem, but if we did the above it would prevent administrators from having to close a post some one might be offended by. Just a thought to everyones benefit. What do you guys think. Of course I mean photos that are relatively tame, not porn photos and junk....

And I'm still jealous. :D
ohh darn it.. no more snail porn with Bob Marley as a background :( :D !!! now that's harsh :D dood .
Well dood i already got to see the pictures and they are not bad at all, i believe they are kewl, and i think they are viewable, but that's just me.
Bambi looks ready to get in the grill :D.
Yea thats a good suggestion :D Stan! I hope I didn't sound offended :( I am totally not at all offended.

Gabby, that would be a paint ball gun :D not a bb gun
I actually really like that idea as well. If I were ever to post again I think I would try and post a different title, or maybe just supply a link to the photos

Lessons learned :D

I don't think anything was major enough for anyone to be too terrible offended - the pictures don't even show much unless you click on them anyway. Although you could change the title to Successful hunting trip :badgrin:
I was un-successful in trying to correct the title without redirecting the thread into a new one, so I failed :(
EYE Kant spel Ither!