These things seem to ba a hit. Some have carx media and some dont.
What if anything do you think the carx media is going to do. The ph is pretty low but all the research so far, is saying the media isnt disolving like it would with co2.
Using a orp controller seems to be the new thing to make these safer. Could you explain whats happening here and how orp is helping.
One company is dosing strontium into the units for phosphate removal. Could you explain this also.
These things seem to ba a hit. Some have carx media and some dont.
What if anything do you think the carx media is going to do. The ph is pretty low but all the research so far, is saying the media isnt disolving like it would with co2.
Using a orp controller seems to be the new thing to make these safer. Could you explain whats happening here and how orp is helping.
One company is dosing strontium into the units for phosphate removal. Could you explain this also.