superman woes..

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2004
Houston, Texas
I got a nice sized frag of M. danae, aka superman, which is the real deal too back in august. It's from a very reputable sps keeper and was told to place the frag low to start with as they are easy to bleach. I did so and slowly have moved it up a bit in my tank. It's growing nicely but I can't seem to get any color on it. It is like a sky blue with orange polyps. I know for sure it's a real superman but am wondering where do ya'll with this coral place them in your reef??

My water is and has been super stable, with ca @ 450ppm and alk at 9.8dKh, sg @ 1.025.

Hi Charlie, how are you?? I have patience, thats for sure and will use it if this frag will make it. It definitely doesn't look like it's bleaching, but just has no color or very little color. For now I have it about halfway down in my tank directly under a 250w 10k reeflux.
I picked one up at a meeting in August that was brown and placed it directly under a 400 MH - The blue is coming through nicely, but haven't seen polyp color change (or maybe I'm not sure what a superman is supposed to look like)

Hi Charlie, how are you?? I have patience, thats for sure and will use it if this frag will make it. It definitely doesn't look like it's bleaching, but just has no color or very little color. For now I have it about halfway down in my tank directly under a 250w 10k reeflux.

Hopefully Kevin will chime in here. I have never owned one, but I have had the slower adapting types before. Maybe you do need to move it up????
Hi Sue,
Your placement should be fine. My is very picky about changes in light intensity. It may be just a case of waiting until it adapts to its location.

Thanks Kevin, was hoping you'd chime in. Thats what I understood about moving it too much and it's only been moved twice. Once from the low spot to the mid tank spot. It is definitely growing so I think it's ok, but just wanted to make sure I wasn't keeping it too low.

Thanks skimmerwhisperer, it does indeed have flow. 2 mj 1200 mods and 2 reg. mj 1200's.
Thanks Mark, those are of my old 180g that was featured in Paletta's book Ultimate Marine Aquariums. Sadly, I tried to add a ca. reactor and it crashed the tank.
Hey Sue whats up ol' friend!!

Could you maybe post a quick reason how that reactor crashed the tank so us others could be forwarned....or are you unsure of the event...

My Danae's take lots of time to color up after I have got them in ...most wild supermans brown in time...the "original LE superman" hold color nicely they say...Keep in mind though Sue most brilliant dark red and ble pics of supermans you see are under 20K lighting.,..I run Radiums and get those colors...Your magnificent tank is very bright I bet with those good lamps you use...and you still run long (like 11-12) hour phtoperiods..? Longer photoperiods produce lighter (not unhealthy just lighter) pigments in sps, preferably acropora and least in my personal experiments at my humble little aquaculture farm...

I got a true supergirl monti Danae in months ago..its still very washed out , but slowly is regaining color...the kep word with danae's is "slowly" everything they do is slow including dieing...unless munched overnight by a fat monti thats not funny....wouldn't desire my least liked buddy to have those ugly burgers...

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Jeremy, my superman is the real deal. I got it from Tony Nista, or spstoner. He's had his colony for quite some time now, so I know it's a captive grown specimen. I wouldn't buy a wild coral for anything now. I'm not using XM's anymore and have changed to the 10k 250w reeflux.. they are not near as bright and I have some incredible blues under this lamp. Actually the only frag I have thats light is the superman. Everything else has a nice deep pigment that is better than most everything I've ever had before.

Ok, for what happened with the ca. reactor.. I had a local guy that had his own acrylic business and he offered to make me one and his work was really good. Most in our marsh club used him for some of their equipmeny. So I said ok and he built it with the promise he'd help me get the thing dialed in and if I ever had any kind of problem he'd be there to help me. We got the reactor on and for about 2-3 weeks it ran fine. Paramters were excellent. Then all of a sudden it stopped running as smoothly as it was. I called and he would not asnwer the phone, return my emails nothing. Slowly as I tried to do what needed do to help, my alk, went through the roof. I tried everything I could find on the internet and nothing helped. It slowly over 2 weeks burned up everything I had. Was a very sad time and it burned me badly with trusting people again. I wouldn't want to even guess what in $$$ I lost coral wise.
oh yes Sue...never doubted its originality...I know Tony..(Spstoner)...pretty cool cat...has a great tank.....his stuff is the real deal just like snipersps was....too bad Hugo LE tank crashed over that heat wave this summer....right after he sold a frag of pink lemonaid on e-bay for like $370 If I remember right...he had top quality sps....hope he gets another going...

Thats a tragedy...about your tank...happens to the best ones even from time to I said look at Hugo...
