Swifty's 265 gal

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Thanks guys! The aquascaping is ok. I'm still not in love with it but its really nice for putting frags on. The flow is pretty good though. The tangs seem to be happy with it.
Thanks guys! Sorry for the late response. Been really busy lately. I have 3-400watt Halides over the tank @14K each. Here are some updated pics of the residents of the tank! :)








Got a new skimmer on this since the old one just wasnt hacking it! ATI BubbleMaster 250-



Tank is well, doing. Have an on going battle with pH and Alk. Then my stupid purple tang eating all of my nice zoas/polyps and chalices. So I got him out of there but the next day after I took him out I noticed that my Tenneti Tang was missing. Well I found him (his skeleton) in my intakes for my closed loop.(Yes VWMoneypit, that was him in the intake!) Still have no idea how this happened. He was doing awesome in my tank. He was even holding his own with the purple tang. I recently added two more pistol shrimp in my tank. So I have a total of 3 in my tank now and only 1 goby. Do you think that maybe since they dont have a goby helping them out in gathering food they could have stunned the tang? Anyone had experience with this? Thanks!

Any updates? I missed that your skimmer cracked. Man! That sucks! How do you like your ATI? I had one before.....................good luck with the sicce pumps. I hope yours are better than mine was! I saw your purple tang at Kevin's. I really wanted to cuss him out for eating your miami hurricane chalice. Grrr!
LOL...Thanks! Yeah he got an ear full as I caught him out of my tank for sure! The skimmer is awesome! I love it. However the pumps do tend to not turn on right away. I need to do the mod on it to the pinwheel and that should take care of it. The tank is doing a lot better now that I have it up and running and got rid of all my softies. I will post some updated pics here in a day or two. Just winding down from being gone all the time.
I bet he did get an ear full. He was a beautiful fish though. =( I am glad your pumps work better than mine did. The mesh never worked for me. I would have to jiggle the pump the get it to start. It would get stuck in the pump all the time. I bet if you did get the pinwheels, it would start up all the time. =)

Are you going to make the fish meeting tomorrow? It is 7:00 at Barbie's store.

I can't wait to see some more pictures. =)
The skimmer is awesome! I love it. However the pumps do tend to not turn on right away. I need to do the mod on it to the pinwheel and that should take care of it

I got so mad sometimes dealing with the startup issue with the sicce pumps untill I got the new white pinwheels and intake covers ( new impellers also) from Luke at reeffiltration.com. Haven't had a startup issue since.
Yeah I'm just trying to save up the money for the pinwheels but I just keep spending it on corals instead! lol....Really good deals lately!
I couldn't make it to the meeting the other night. Just too much stuff going on. Its really hard for me to ever make it to the meetings because I am always gone. I will get some new pics up shortly though. Maybe in a few mins! :)
Yeah i got caught up last night with some stuff. My light are off now. I will try to get some up with the new additions on Wednesday. Sorry! Like I said, busy schedule! :) lol...
Lookin good! What are the big orange zoas/palys in the 7th pic? I really like them! I heard you had a problem with the Magicians, did they make it? My purple people eater has something wrong with it now. Hasn't opened in 2 days and looks like it might melt.:cry:
I would still love to get a duncan frag, and have some more stuff you might like!
nice looking tank. Sorry to hear about all the problems. Makes you appreciate it a little more LOL Man so much space....
That sucks about your PPE! If mine would ever reproduce I'll hook you up with another one. The Orange with green skirts are whammin watermelons. I still have a Duncan frag for you. When are you off this week?

Lol...yeah it definitely makes me appreciative of what I have now. Long hard road to get here but now its just the small stuff...(knock on wood)
Just noticed this morning that my mandarin got a fin ripped out of his body. There was a giant hole where the fin was. Needless to say he did not make it. I dont know what did it though. My suspicions are on the crab or the trigger. The trigger has been so well behaved though I really don't think it was him. Now to make a crab trap to catch my giant sally lightfoot!

Also does anybody know how the sand seems to creep in between the polyps like in pic 7's whammin watermelons? I have seemed to notice that shortly after they all close up and then melt away...