Tank turned 41 years old

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OK it was not easy, I took this picture through a jeweler's loupe and 2 magnifying glasses all hand held, try that sometime.
Of course here the thing does not have the polyps extended because I sucked it up in a baster looking thing and put it in a tiny dish. make believe the polyps are extended as they do in the tank.
I Lied, it is an eigth of an inch, not a quarter.What do you think the chances were of me finding this in a 6' long tank?

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I am very impressed. I would have never figured that a tank would last that long. You hear so many people talk about old tank syndrome that completely crash the tank.
I got it, they are colt corals. The thing is re producing. When they extend their polyps they look exactly like the adult.
Mystery solved

I added this guy today because I have hundreds of astrea starfish and I can collect all the starfish in the summer I want. They are all over my boat.

I love these guys, I have four or five and will get some more


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Those are bumblebee gobies correct? I've always wanted to get some for my brackish tank, but I think my colombian shark would find them a perfect fit for his mouth. I understand they are just a really cool fish to watch. A lot of attitude for a little fish.
I find them very cool. They are the smallest fish in my tank so they don't get much chance to show off their attitude.
I have a few of them and the store ran out but I want at least 6 of them
Very cute paul!
I have a pair of little yellow clown gobies and love them!
So much character.
Very fun to watch.
Myteemuose, do you have them in full salt water? and if so, how long have you had them?
Talaverus, a member on another forum was kind enough to test my water for me. I was very happy as I don't usually test for anything and was surprised by some of the readings.
The last number in each line is my reading, the number before it is the amount present in seawater.
For instance my calcium reads 516, seawater is 418
My copper and zinc seem a little high, but I figured that.
My nitrate is 5, not too bad
Everything else seems OK.

Thanks again Stuart.

Analysis Atomic Symbol Units
(ppm) Acceptable Range
(Assumes Corals) Natural Seawater Value Your
Sample Results
Aluminum Al mg/L <0.2 0.001 <0.02
Arsenic As mg/L 0.0023 - 0.0037 0.002 0.07
Barium Ba mg/L 0.01 -0.03 0.015 0.040
Boron B mg/L 3 - 15 4.4 1.76
Calcium Ca mg/L 350 - 422 418 516
Cadmium Cd mg/L <0.0003 0.000114 <0.0003
Cobalt Co mg/L 0 - 0.002 0.0000068 0.0023
Chromium Cr mg/L <0.05 0.0001– 0.0005 <0.05
Copper Cu mg/L 0 - 0.01 0.000212 <0.05
Iron Fe mg/L <0.1 0.00014 - 0.045 0.05
Potassium K mg/L 380 - 500 399 468
Magnesium Mg mg/L 1200 - 1350 1280 1320
Manganese Mn mg/L 0.000275 - .05 0.000275 - .002 <0.001
Molybdenum Mo mg/L 0.008 - 0.01 0.01 0.015
Sodium Na mg/L 10800 10800 9390
Scandium Sc mg/L <0.005 0.000001 <0.005
Nickel Ni mg/L 0.000633 - 0.01 0.000633 <0.01
Lead Pb mg/L 0.000002 - .001 0.000035 0.006
Lithium Li mg/L 0.15 - 0.3 0.178 0.02
Selenium Se mg/L 0.0000085 - 0.15 0.000085 <0.1
Silicon Si mg/L <5.5 2.8 0.26
Strontium Sr mg/L 7.7 - 13 7.7 - 13 6.38
Sulfur S mg/L 30 - 930 904 861
Titanium Ti mg/L 0.0000009 - 0.003 0.000014 <0.01
Uranium U mg/L 0.0025 - 0.005 0.0032 0.0010
Vanadium V mg/L 0.003 - 0.02 0.0012 - 0.002 <0.003
Zinc Zn mg/L 0.000529 - .01 0.000529 <0.1

Bromide Br 60 - 75 66 78
Chloride Cl 1500 - 19345 19345 20000
Fluoride F 0.5 - 1.5 1 0.24

Sulphate SO4 <2701 2701 2600

Sample Temperature For Remaining Analysis: 73.7F
Analysis Acceptable Status Results
Iodide mg/L 0.02 to 0.04 Reef Low 0.002
Iodine/Iodate mg/L Reef Low 0.00
Ammonia mg/L 0 (below surface) Normal - Client will see 0 <0.15
Alkalinity Total dKH 8 - 13 dKH Good 11.462
Alkalinity Borate dKH Good 2.236
Alkalinity Carbonate dKH 8 - 9dKh Good 9.225
Nitrate mg/L 0.1 - 2.5 Reef High 5
Nitrite mg/L 0 Good 0
Phosphate mg/L 0.07 High 0.2
Silicate mg/L 0.02 High 0.5

Salinity ppt S=35 Perfect 35
Specific Gravity 1.025 - 1.026 Perfect

the fish are in full saltwater and I've had one for three months and is doing great and the one I got from KRISFAL was in her full salt tank for about 6-7 months??
I'm curious why you ask about "SALT"
I wanted to know how long you had them in salt water because thats where mine are and I wanted to see how they do long term. I am glad you said they are in full salt for 7 months, that means to me that they will live forever in saltwater. They sell them in fresh or brackish water.
Mine are only in saltwater for about a week. Now I feel assured I can get a few more of them. Thanks
Paul, he was talking about clown gobies, not bumblebee gobies. I really did a lot of investigating these little guys and do have a little info you might find interesting. There are 2 different varieties of bumblebee gobies. I don't have a trained eye, but I would say you have Brachygobius xanthozona, which sorry to say is more suited for light brackish and even freshwater. The reason I say that is the ones you have appear to have very well defined banding. The Brachygobius nunus has less defined striping with even black spots in the yellow bands. This is the one suited for brackish only. In that I mean they don't tolerate freshwater. They may do just fine in your setup though.

It's nice to see that they've lasted a week now and I'm interested to know how long they do last.
OH now I see, yes I did not read clown gobies. Stupid me. Sorry.
So far they are eating well and look adjusted, time will tell
I aquired another bumblebee gobi today and am aclimating it now.
I also tried frozen baby brine shrimp for the first time and my fish don't know the difference. I wanted to try them for when I go on vacation and someone feeds my tank, I can't expect people to hatch shrimp for me and feed the fish. The frozen baby brine work fine.
Gotfish, they don't appear to be stressed at all and are eating well and interacting with each other. Most of the time they don't like each other but they swim around and act normal. It does not appear that the increased salinity is affecting them at all but as you say, time will tell.
Today I saw all four of them at once so I know they are still all there.