Tank turned 41 years old

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To update the algae trough, it is now full of hair algae looking stuff and is practically clogged. I need to clean out some of it so it does not overflow.
There is not a bit of this sticky looking algae growing in my reef so I am happy that the thing is doing it's job so well.
I want the benefits of the algae in my water because algae is one of the best water purification plants but I would rather not see too much of it in my reef.
How cute is this guy? He is the one I collected in the summer and doubled his size already.

This is of course my local animal tank and not my reef


The rest of the collected stuff is all also well. These two butterflies and two wrasses are looking good as well as all of the local hermit crabs and local snails.
I have to step on stuff in this tank to kill anything and it is practically un lit, un filtered and un heated. There is a small HOB filter which is really clogged.


santa your wife is hotter than your tank

who do you see first when enter your house

34 year old wife or 34 year old tank

if i was you i would have spended all my hobbies on my wife...

mery christmas and happy new year.....!!!!!!@ground
Actually my wife has not seen 34 in quite a few years, she just looks it.
We are married 37 years so figure it out.
She was 18 when we got married and she looked just like this
This last live blackworm keeper so far is working great. I never have a dead worm and they are even multiplying. This is my third model as the first two were too small for the amount of worms I need to keep.
The secret to these things is they have to age for a couple of weeks to build up some bacteria. I have some eggcrate in there for that purpose. The shallow water flows over the worms and into the tank below. Some of the worms manage to get into the tank but they ball up and I suck them out and put them back on top in the trough. There is a very small powerhead in the tank that is suspended off the bottom. The worms don't swim so they don't get sucked into the pump.
This model has been running for a few months and I am very happy with it.
I feed the worms pieces of paper towels and some occasional flakes.

is that clown in the first picture a priolepis aureoviridis?
mine looks like a miniature lionfish with extended rays on the dorsal fin but has cup shaped ventral fins like a goby.
very criptic hardly ever see it and hangs upside down almost all the time.
I don't sell the worms but I can buy them anywhere near my home and they are cheap.
The thing keeps enough for me for about two weeks.
I only have two clownfish and they are both fireclowns. The larger one is about 16 or 17 years old
I had some free time so I thought I would annoy my mojanos.
I like to inject them with different things, just because. Well just because I can.
Today's mixture was calcium and straight Lugols Iodine.
They hate it when I do that. You should see what they write about me on the inside of the glass.
I doubt it kills them but I bet it really upsets their stomach :idea:


These here are not speaking to me anymore since I injected them with iron, vinegar and calcium.

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I need to replace 2 legs on my tank stand which I built 30 years ago. Here is one of the legs, it is made of Kindorf which is what we use in construction to build almost everything. It is 1 1/2" square and is heavy galvanized steel but even heavy galvanized steel is no match for 30 years of saltwater. This particular leg is near the skimmer and auto tank fill. It is also under where the skimmer fills the algae trough and where I siphon water from when I do water changes.
I will add a leg on both sides of that leg, a few inches away from it and bolt them in place.
THat is a galvanized plate under the rusted leg which is almost gone so I will also add two more galvanized plates under the new legs.
I am 61 years old so I am figuring the new support legs will stay here at least until I croak, after that, I don't care :rolleye1:
There is another leg almost as bad which I will do the same thing to. The stand itself is built out of the same stuff but twice as thick. It is 3" by 1 1/2" and is in much better shape.
I don't think I can even get the tank out if wanted to as I built the wall and finished the basement around it.

Just a thought u might. Wanna check out 316 or 825, its a tyoe of stainless and is
better with salt
Burning2nd, that is true, I can even get Kindorf in stainless or even PVC coated but I am 61 years old and regular Kindorf lasted 30 years. In another 30 years I will be dead or just about. I also get the stuff for free.
If I knew I was going to have the tank for so long at that time, I would have used stainless.

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I just put two new MH 175 watt 14,000K lamps on my tank but one is defective and has no color at all. I just love sending stuff back. Half the tank looks great and half looks burnt.
I have not seen my watchman gobies for a few weeks so I figured they croaked. I searched this morning behind the rocks in the tank with a flashlight and they are doing fine. The pair is still together, actually right on top of each other. :love1: I guess they found new friends and just don't want to hang around with me any more. :sad1:
I occasionally would see one darting from rock to rock but I never saw both of them together.
I have 4 or 5 of them (I am really not sure) but I can find them in there also. I just can't count them because some look the same.
None of them ever come to the front of the tank anymore which is fine as long as I know they are alive and "happy" :D
When they were young, they always stayed in the front. I wish I could turn the tank around because most of the fish are back there.
I had a 5" cusk eel for 18 years and never saw or fed the thing unless I searched with a flashlight at night.
To update the algae trough, it is working flawlessly for free. It is filled with hair algae and there is absolutely no algae in the tank itself.

Today I tried to rinse the sponge I have on the intake of my reverse UG filter and when I removed it from the pump, amphipods were jumping all over the place.
I didn't want to lose them so I just put the sponge back. Now I will buy aother sponge to put on the pump and I will just lay this one in the tank until the amphipods find a new home. These are the offspring of the ones I collect by the thousands in the summer.
Whenever I raise the anchor on my boat, they jump all over the front of the boat.
They are fantastic things to have in your reef but you really need to collect them initially.
I don't think anyone sells them.
Hello Paul,

New to the site here, but was wondering if a good sander, and some sort of coating, paint, something, that could buy you some time on the stand?

I understand that you would have to be extra careful with the paint fumes if you used it though.... just a thought.

By the way, extremely impressed with your talent and skills and longevity in the hobby..

Good luck on the rust issue.
