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Mike I just cant stress the point enough that your pictures just dont show the depth and beauty of the rock you have to work with.
Maybe after the water is in you can create a video to post.
The depth and scale of the scape just dont show up in the pics. ( No fault of your own).
Very very nice work on your Reef Wall aquascaping bud, it is going to be alot of fun watching this take shape with the addition of corals and fish. Great decision on going back to a sandbed, a little more maintenance but sooooooo much better looking plus the additional livestock choices.

Cheers, Todd
Wait a minute, you're putting sand in this?

Who are you and what did you do with Mojo?????

Yea my hands were shaking when I put it in their, lol . No theirs only about a 1 1/2 on the bottom, I have top and bottom euro bracing that sticks out 6 inches so it kind of look bad with bare bottom.

Ok all the water is in and the tank looks like a milk shake...dam sand, lol Oh one more for the record my skimmer can skim out sand, lol couldnt believe I have about a 1/2 of sand in the collection cup.

lookin great Mike, we should have some some lighting headed your way soon to really show off all this hard work
Great job on the rockscape. I love all those ledges you built into it. That's going to give you lots of room for coral. Will you cut back on the black foam that is showing or will that get covered with corals?
Looking good, that is a lot of rock.

It is but it isnt really, most fo the rock was cut to give a flat one side, this allowed me to cover the back and build the plumbing into it. So the 6 inches or so coming off the back of the tank is pretty solid, but from that point the rest is just ledges, arches, swim throughs, and then a big island with ledges coming off it. You would have to see it.

Rhodes the black will stay black until it gets covered with coraline, so a bit of time like this.

Yea my hands were shaking when I put it in their, lol . No theirs only about a 1 1/2 on the bottom, I have top and bottom euro bracing that sticks out 6 inches so it kind of look bad with bare bottom.

Ok all the water is in and the tank looks like a milk shake...dam sand, lol Oh one more for the record my skimmer can skim out sand, lol couldnt believe I have about a 1/2 of sand in the collection cup.

Your gonna see some good results from the added surface area for bacteria Mike. As long as you can kee pthe sand down with that closed loop that is. I kept about that same amount and had good sucess with the shallow sand bed. Also now you will have the ability to keep sand dwelling creatures.
Yea the tanks have always had an inch or two on the bottom, so nothing new really?

yah coulda swore your old tank had sand too. nothing wrong with a little sand, it just needs to be tended ;)

Looks awsome man, so many places for corals to grow out on.
Ok so the water went in on the weekend and then a bottle of "The one and only" bacteria and its on its way. Dont have any lights up yet so no use in taking pictures, but it go through a quick nitrogen cycle.
