Time for another one... Custom 300 Gallon setup

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Thanks guy, ill wait to add more fish for a few weeks. I had my powder blue tang die a few days ago, not sure why though, my corals and other fish seem very happy in the tank.

Dang-Your always welcome to visit. Might make you give me a camera lesson though :bounce:
Thanks guy, ill wait to add more fish for a few weeks. I had my powder blue tang die a few days ago, not sure why though, my corals and other fish seem very happy in the tank.

Dang-Your always welcome to visit. Might make you give me a camera lesson though :bounce:

yes i can ,,not a problem,,see you soon
Debating on adding two more MP40's to the system or 2 of the Tunze 6065, Any input would be great, im looking to have a larger surface agitation and the front of the peninsula isnt getting enough flow i feel to keep sps fully happy. Im also going to tear out oll the rock this weekend and redo the rock work to make two islands i think. any ideas for flow in between the islands? they will be shallower (Most likely about 12" tall only)
I prefer mp40's over the 6065's. I like your scape now but would like to see what you come up with at the same time.
The only problem with the MP40's is they are fixed in one place on the tank wall. I might need to go the Tunze's just to be able to rotate them to face the front part of the peninsula where there isnt much flow from the other MP40's.
try the nutrient transport mode or tidal swell. they will give u more flow. the vortechs dont really work well for directional flow. if u have them setup like the manufacturer recomends it doesnt matter where they are pointing. try putting them on opposite sides.
Thank you Darth. The issue is not enough output from the MP40's, rather that they cannot be aimed in different directions. with the peninsula layout its tough for the SPS on the very front of it to get enough flow that i feel comfortable with. Thus thats why im thinking about adding two of either Tunze's or maybe two Korilia's for directional flow.
Tank looks great, I believe i will be doing a similar build when i decide to go big! Cant wait to see it mature..

The car choice however i cannot support : P But im biased as i drive a modded 370z : P

Yours is a base lancer with mods right? sorry for side tracking your thread.

Here is a video of me vs my brothers WW EVO X.. sorry for the lame music : P

370z vs EVO X - YouTube
Latest test results:


Whats the best way to raise potassium? Do many people even worry about that? I'm working to raise my ALK, MG, and CA currently though. This is what I get for neglecting my tank lately. Corals are growing like crazy though, Ill try to get pics up soon.
New pics:







Beautiful work on the system. I can't remember the system but I saw a huge peninsula set up similar to yours only longer. The system had a column of MP40's on the right and a matching row on the left. The left was. Cycled on for a bit and then switched off while the right ramped up. I believe this is the laminar flow I hear people speaking about. It resulted in a huge swell of water flowing one direction then reversing. The resulting momentum of water flow capitalizes on the energy expended by the pumps instead of the pumps constantly switching and fighting each other. Obviously they're known for big wave action but that doesn't mean wave action is the best for every tank. Hope this helps. I'll try to find the link to the video. Its a great alternative to the typical mp40 waves we all like. (I love mine).
I hope you don't mind a little more feedback, I did a little searching and found the video I was thinking of with the mp-40's. I didn't want to post links directly because some forums are sensitive to linking to outside locations. I don't want to offend anyone. If you're interested, search "Vortech pumps push a large gyre in a 1200 stony coral reef" It's an older video, but a good example. If you search "rocky mountain reef tank" you'll see an updated version of the tank. I guess the creator of the video referred to it as "gyre" flow not laminar.[FONT=arial, sans-serif] [/FONT]​
Thanks everyone! I'll be updating pictures this week at some point. Ive been playing with the camera under LEDs, now i just need to find time to upload them to the computer.
So I've decided to tear everythig out this weekend and re do the rock work, I'm removing all the sand and replacing it with new stuff during this process also. Everything is coming out of the tank tonight and will be slowly adding stuff back in over the next few days. I also got a few new additions I should post pics of!
Heres some updated pics i took today before taking all the corals and fish out of the tank:












Starting to get a little better at shooting pics under the Radions, Let me know what you think!