Treehuggers (Jeff) 240

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So I redid the last of the aquascaping, found homes for all my frags from my frag tank, got the flow just about right, cleaned up the electrical nightmare, and cleaned the glass for the first time. By tomorrow I should have some pictures of the "finished" product.
With a little bit of tweaking (scraping of excess silicone...thanks glue sniffers) and once I replace some of the bulbs (a couple of them got dropped during the switch) I think I might be on my way to stabilization and then acquisition. (After all I can't just leave all of this open space right?) Although...suprisingly enough there's less realestate then I thought...haha
Wow... I'm looking forward to see this in person Jeff. Post some pics of the fuge when you get a chance.
I'm waiting for the new lights to get here so I can get some nice pics of the corals are still adjusting...but on another note I just got a new shipment of aussie acans and a prize japanese acan!
japanese acan tokyo night?,,,,,i am ready for it,,just say when:D

i'll get a pic up of it soon... it's crazy. it's quite an expensive mania to get into... we'll see what happens. Apparently they are SUPER slow growers... like anything that comes from japan. But i'm sure jeff will be stuffing a cube of brine shrimp into it's mouths every few days.
the truck

here's an interesting 180 shot i put together of driving in the truck with the tank in the back.

The tank/lights are looking awesome Jeff... thanks again for having me over last night!
I promise I'll have some pics up once I have a chance to get some good ones. The family is still in town and ayla's bday party is this weekend. It's going to look like a frag tank though after the other night. I went a bit frag happy and broke up most of my stuff. I'll be posting pictures of those as well really soon.
All the full tank shots we got were blurry and we didn't load them in time to find that out. Then we got this shipment and I ripped the whole left side of the tank apart to make room....but dont' worry I'm setting the 120g back up as a frag tank so i'll have plenty of room...haha
i really want to post some pics of our new shipment... acan lovers beware. right trido?

Better get busy then Mark. I promise It'll only take about 20 minutes to post at least a few pics. You guys are going to get a rep. of being a big tease. Remember High school?