very frustrated with my new 2 true percs

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I should get kudos for being 16 in my 1st tank :p lol...anyways, I now have 1 zenia stalk, 4 bullseye mushrooms, 2 zoanthid colonies and 2 zoanthid frags. One colony I just picked up which is radioactive green...should look cool at night! I'm also running a bag of denitrate by seachem in the filter chamber of the hopefully all my levels should be lookin perfect!
Try not to count on the 'shoulds.' What I mean is that you don't want to assume anything. Do your tests! :)
Well last time my only problem was that my nitrate was 10 and my calcium was 380 so i needed to lower the nitrate and raise the calc...which i have
What are you raising your calcium to? I'm curious because you don't want to take it up too high: Reef Aquarium Water Parameters

Joker - I just wanted to remind you that adding new corals to your display may bring ich back in. I know you mentioned your store doesn't have fish on the invert system, but you may not always get your corals from that particular store....there may be a point in time you pick up corals from fellow hobbyists. At that point, you'll want to remember your ich-free display.

BTW - not only do I applaud you for only being 16 with your first marine aquarium, but I also applaud you for going through the hyposalinity process. Please listen to the advice on length of time in hypo. There is no need to rush through the process. If there is confusion as to when to end the treatment, then go with the date that is further out, IMO.
well the store I bought the last ones from has two tanks that have nothing but inverts and corals...the display tanks for fish are at a separate location, same with the other place. And I try to keep my calcium around 420 if i can
I understand about the stores. I mentioned in my last post that you may not always get corals from this particular store(s), so remember when buying corals or trading corals with fellow hobbyists....their corals may not be in separate systems from their fish. If you remember this, then you won't be introducing the parasite back into your tank. All you'll have to do is QT the new acquisitions prior to with any newly purchased fish.
Oh...yeah I completely understand...but believe me I live in SC and I'm from Florida so basically I'm one of the few people who keeps SW tanks around here other than the LFS's
Also remember... your LFS (Local Fish Store) is constantly receiving new stock. Even in a "Coral Only" tank, that stock just came in from somewhere... that most likely had contact with fish, in one way or another.

With that in mind... this is what leads to the saying "QT EVERYTHING wet"!!!

This is the ONLY way to really be safe.
Trying to take it pretty slow...2 days ago i brought it from 1.010 to 1.012-1.013 yesterday i brought it up to 1.015-1.016 and today it's up to 1.020
Once the SG in the tank is back up to normal should I observe how they act for a week?
I'm currently starting to bring the SG up in the QT tank

The 20th of July was the soonest date to start the inspection process.:confused:

Sorry to say this, but your impatience will cost you dearly in this hobby. Best of luck on your success but shortening a Hypo period typically has bad results and becomes a big waste of time and effort. :doubt:

One of the many who have tried cheating and failed...
Wait...what? I began raising the SG 4 weeks 2 days after i saw the last spot
Read this thread, every entry. Read the links, each one. There has been no lack of warning. It is your tank and your hobby. Everyone here wants you to be 100% successful and many offer help.
Good luck pal,

here is one of many:
Originally Posted by leebca
You can try the longer end of the normal range (e.g., 6 weeks), but since your fish had complications, I suggested 8 weeks of treatment. I think you previously indicated that puts you to the second week in July.
That's part of the recommended hyposalinity treatment:

Lee, 8 weeks from the 8th of June would be the 8th of August.
The last day I saw a spot was at 1.018 which was the 6th of june...which put me raising the salinity again right back at 4 weeks 1 day
At an earlier point in time you had asked, 'How long?' and it was advised that, under the circumstances, 6 weeks in hyposalinity would be best.

You are still okay, if you just remain patient. You need to observe the fish NOT for 1 week but for no less than 4 weeks at normal salinity/specific gravity.

For clarity's sake, that means you don't move the fish from out of quarantine. Watch the fish closely through August 3rd. If between now and August 4th you see no spots and no signs of hard breathing, scratching (flashing) or any signs of disease, then on August 4th the fish are ready to move into your display tank that has been fishless for no less than 8 weeks.

There is a small window of error by putting wet things into the display that weren't quarantined. :evil: They could have brought fish diseases with them. You'll know when the fish get into the display whether this happened or not; AFTER the fish remain in quarantine until at least August 3rd.

Mark your calendar to move the fish on August 4th IF they are disease-free!

Hang in there! Keep close watch and be cool. :cool:

cause i remember you saying 4-6 weeks and it was the combination of hearing the nagging "when are the clowns gonna go back into the big tank" and seeing them healthy as can be swimmin around better than ever that made me start raising the SG
joker - I think Lee is saying you are still OK....but don't put the fish back in the display until you have observed them for several weeks (he says no less than 4 weeks) at normal salinity. Hang in there and be patient for just a little bit longer. You're almost there! No need to rush. You should feel good about going through the process.