Volcano reef Round 2/revive tank

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DOn't mind the koralias, I am going to be getting 2 mp10w es. Im just going to be doing weekly water changes and wait till all that algae is gone.
Then put in my first coral. This waiting thing sucks,but it has to be done.
Alright so heres some pics. I decided not to get a clown yet,so I just got a yellow black stripe damsel.
He has been swimming and very active. Also got a clean up grew 7 hermits 13 snails. I have a hair algae out break and they have been going to town it.

I know I shoulndt have gotten a damesl, gonna be hard to catch the little bugger

Myfirst hair algae outbreak =(



Never thought hair algae could looks so good!!!! LOL
You are an inspiration Rothany... it takes alot to get back into this hobby after such devistation... Keep up the good work!
Taking your time and going slow will do you well in the end...keep up the good work.

and I am with you, wait until the HA is under control/gone before you add any corals..
Tank update, gahhhh! This hair algae is taking over. I'm still just sticking to weekly 10 gallon water changes. Does any one have a loaner lettuce nudibranch,I can borrow? He will have a whole feast waiting. Will post a pic when I get home
also are those trees alive in youre tank? if so what r they and wher do u pick some up as im setting up a 34g solona rimless tank and want some bad.
Yes, the ones I didn't pull out are still alive. I feel so stupid pulling most of them out. As the one I didn't pull out is doing great. They are mangrove trees,really cool looking when they start to sprout leaves. I oredered from reefcleaners.com
With no inhabitants to worry about, you might consider the magnesium method in order to get rid of the hair algae if it is that bad.
@jezzeapi I do have some snails,hermits,and a damsel. I been reading about a peroxide dip. Sounds like people, Have great sucess with it. How would I go about with the mag. Treatment? Sounds much safer then peroxide.