Vortech Pump

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There must be a 3/4" gap between the two halves of the pump at all times. For tanks thinner then 3/4" thickness, a part is included called the "pin spacer" which accomplishes the proper offset.

That is correct, 3/4" is the maximum thickness right now. We will eventually offer a kit for larger thicknesses once production becomes more steady.

EDIT* OPPS! you can ignore this, you guys cleared things up while I was typeing it

I just checked the website, Im sorry, I must have been confused, I thought it was for 1" or 1.25", or perhaps they re-designed things since I first read about it.

Its actually designed for 3/4" tanks, and you use the spacers to stack things up to 3/4" if your tank is thiner. (unless they changed the spacer thing too)
EcoTech Marine said:
That is correct, 3/4" is the maximum thickness right now. We will eventually offer a kit for larger thicknesses once production becomes more steady.


Are you gonna put a warning on the magnets telling people not to get their fingers stuck!!!:D :D :D :D

Hey Luke, no problem!!!
For production a new part is included with the pump which eliminates the need to stack gaskets to achieve the proper offset.

There is a series of warnings on the pump. If you place both halves of the pump directly together, you will damage the pump and require that you replace the magnets as you will compromise their protective coating. DO NOT EVER PLACE BOTH HALVES OF THE PUMP TOGETHER.
I really like it. It's dead silent unless you turn it on the highest setting and even then it's still really quiet. you can just hear a small hum. right now mine is breaking in so there is still a little more noise than their will be.

it was really easy to install but you do have to watch clanking the pieces together to quickly as the magnets are quite strong.

it definitely offers a varied flow instead of a direct current like a maxi-jet and/or seio. it hits the bottom of my tank and ripples the top of the tank. my fish didn't know what hit them when i turned it up almost all the way.

it's built really really well which i am glad of. i was afraid it would be not well built especially when you fork out that kind of money for something.

i don't have the controller but it comes with a variable speed knob on the power / switch box. it also has a couple of LEDS on it which tell you when it's on, when it's over heated, when the magnets have lost connection as well as when you have it on battery back up.

another plus is the cords are long enough so you can put everything where you need it without worrying about running out.

i'll try to take pictures of it tomorrow and post it. my batteries in the digital camera were dead today.

the one thing i'm confused about though and maybe EcoTech Marine can answer this. The new controller coming out is wireless, correct? so does the speed control now have the wireless aspect built in or how in the future will you use the controller?

charlie said:
Are you gonna put a warning on the magnets telling people not to get their fingers stuck!!!:D :D :D :D

I don't really know any thing about the way the manufacturers recommend you stick the two halves together, but from my personal experience with powerful magnets :shock: :rolleyes: I recommend placing both pieces on the glass/acrylic in two different spots then sliding them slowly together:D
well first off the Vortech is not that powerful when installing it in the tank. The added space of the tank and spacers make it less of a problem. They can still snap together quickly if you let them but it's not difficult to control them.

Also, sliding them together would not work as they have to have a space on the outside as well as a wet spacer on the inside.
I thought I would do a little conversion cost analysis for my tank in crudest form so the details are left out

I currently generate roughly 12000GPH of random-wide spread flow in my tank using a closed loop on an OM and penductors on my return. This method requires roughly 640watts of continous power consumption 24X7.

To achieve similar statistical results I would need 4 Vortechs and the controller. Running at roughly 40watts per vortech 24X7 there is a 480watt delta between the two methods.

4 Vortechs would run me 1400.00 not including the controller but we'll leave it out.

480w X 24hr = 11520w daily = 11.52KWH daily
In the Puget Sound area KWH run about .80 cents per

The power cunsumption cost difference = 27.50mo

At this rate it would take 4.25 yrs to make good on the investment assuming all parts in both solutions require no maintenance and operate to spec.

Now lets break down a direct cost comparrison.

Dolphin 4700 = 245.00
Iwali 70RLT = 260.00
3 Penductors = 75.00
Locline and Plumbing = 170.00
OM 8-way = 350.00
Tot - 1100.00 plus about 26hrs of labor

This cost difference would pay for itself in about 1.5-2yrs if you tack on the controller to the Vortech cost.

No need to tear apart this high level cost comparrison because I didnt articulate all of the assumptions and details. My company pays me to do that, not you all :) lol but overall for large tank owners like myself justifying these spendy but cool little devices doesnt pencil out so well.

For NEW tanks these could work well but I also know the vortechs cannot generate the smae type of broad multi-ditrectional flow my current method delivers. I'll rest easy knowing that I spend 300.00 more each year to have the more dynamic flow..

Now on my 210 gal fish only tank?!?! I think this is a pretty darn viable.
The spacers are rubber, so as long as you have the spacers on... it shouldn't scratch acrylic IMO

i look on those pump and i like them but the question is : if i need to take the risk that a curious child will touch the pump and will get harmed i will think twice before i will buy it.

more then that they are just new and we don't know or sure by the time if the vibration and the heat from those pump will not damage the glass or the acrylic.... this the time will tell.

the different between the tunze are not so high for a person that want to spent this amount on a pump and the tunze approved them self.

i realy want to buy them bit i push my self to wait....
i personally don't see how a child would be harmed with this pump. that is only stating that if it's installed correctly. i've had my pump on high and it barely gets warm. i mean you can grab a hold of it. i definitely think an open sump would be a lot more dangerous to a child than a vortech.

i don't see how teh vibration and/or heat would damage a tank either as there are thick silicon spacers between the magnets and the tank. it's less vibration than what i get from my seio.

well you probably should wait if you are one of those people that buy only true and tried things i'm more of an adventurious type person and love new technologies.
thanks for the replay

i would like to see the pump out of the tank how it's look like if you can post a picture it will be great .
i saw a video that marc (melves) post in reef central and it's look great.
how you run the pump on medium or high flow ?

about the seio if i will have the time i will take one of my 2600 and change the propeller in the pump i like to see what will be the different i don't like the original one i want to put one like this in the picture i am very interesting to see how the flow will be .

i'm running it on medium flow right now till it breaks in and then i'll probably bump it up a little more.

i like those propellors....the Vortech design is similiar.

I don't have any pictures of the pump out of the water. I should have taken some but my batteries in the camera were dead when it arrived and I did not wait for them to charge up before I put it in the water.

Here is a website that does have some pictures of the production models. It's Aquarium Speciality which I highly recommend to order from.

i saw that site thanks . it is come with the Manual Controller ?

again about the seio i will change one and if i will see that it's give a better flow i will post here the information they are chep compare the other pump and it will be very good if the change will give higher flow for ppl that can't afford the expensive pump it will be great since just the seio can give 2600gph with cost of $69 and the propeller about $2. i already take one outside i just need the time to stop in hobby shop to match the propeller. i beleive it will work great. irun now 3 2600 in my 120 and the size of the tank 48"x24"x24" anywhere i put them i still have some detritus in the bottom of the tank (very low but with the time it will grow) , i think maybe to buy one of this in the future and put it on the low neer to the bottom and let the detritus flow up. i will wait one or more 2 week to here what you said about the pump and if everything will be ok then i will order one or two.


Personally, I would strongly advise preventing children from reaching in tanks. Not because they might get a cut/sore finger from hitting the pump, but because if they poke around at zoos and other things, then rub there eyes, or scrape themselves on a sharp coral they could be seriously injured or killed. I know I recently sliced my pointer finger deep on the damn edge of a crocea shell (really suprizing how sharp they can be), now had I combined that with a bump through some zoos or something I could be dead.

IMO, please make every effort to keep your children away from playing inside the aquarium.
good point luke....as well as animals. i've read horror stories of dogs dying after poking their heads in a bucket that had zoo's in it.

i think kids should be taught to stay at least 2 feet away from a tank! :)
i build my stand start at 42" high and then the tank sit on there is no knobs on my doors my children are 14 and 12 so i don't have to wary to much but i write this because as i saw those pump will be most in the side of the tank and ppl with not high stand will need to check twice before the buy those pump.

liveforphysics said:
Personally, I would strongly advise preventing children from reaching in tanks. Not because they might get a cut/sore finger from hitting the pump, but because if they poke around at zoos and other things, then rub there eyes, or scrape themselves on a sharp coral they could be seriously injured or killed. I know I recently sliced my pointer finger deep on the damn edge of a crocea shell (really suprizing how sharp they can be), now had I combined that with a bump through some zoos or something I could be dead.

IMO, please make every effort to keep your children away from playing inside the aquarium.