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Gaby you are crazy if you think I would move close to you. You are already to close.

LOL!!! well the boss has the last word hehehe :D .

Yes BJ i live in Washington.

spongebob lover
Cant drink Coffie right now but would love to have a glass of water and talk about the hubbies.......... Hee hee

awesome water sounds good to me since i'm suppose to drink about gal and a half with all the pregnancy thing..... anyways it's all about hubby talk :D .
I used to be a snow bum, dropped out of school to go full time at it ( was a bio oceanography major), working at REI and then managing a small skate/snowboard shop called "Dusty's". They still have 2 shops in eastern WA.

I did odds and ends, mostly dealing with pc hardware repairs, until I met my wife, and figured I should try earning $.
Now I am a sys analyst for Xbox Live (orange), basically I make sure people around the world can play their video games 24/7.

I still try to get up to the mtns as much as possible, moved to Issaquah to get closer to Budgequalmie pass. My son will hopefully turn pro and fund my existence when he becomes 15. Till then I guess I will keep working.
Now I am a sys analyst for Xbox Live (orange), basically I make sure people around the world can play their video games 24/7.

that's awesome dood :D ...now i know who to pm when i'm playing xbox :p :D .
Man I used to love to ski. Now I'm out of shape and out of energy. I guess having kids will do that to you.

No I'm not a woman.
I'll jump but I know I'll get in trouble with this. I frame houses. I have been a framer for 7 years. Every time I post that I am a framer I get flooded by this one question.....Can i put a big monster tank on the second floor of my house? The answer? You must know what the floor was built out of and then find an engineer and he can tell you. But what I can tell you is if your house is newer, I set stacks of plywood for roofs on the second floor of houses all the time and 35 sheets of plywood weighs a couple thousand pounds! But its not my fault if your tank falls through the floor. Seriously though I love to help people so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

I work in a corragated manufacturing plant. Someone earlier in this thread posted they work in the same type of plant. We make corragated sheet (cardboard) and turn them into boxes. The people in the office get upset if you say "we make cardboard boxes" But to me it is all the same. I work in a plant in the St. Louis area.
By the way Dave 777, have a 180gal with a 75sump in my third floor apt. But yes, alway have a engineer come check out things. I didn't think I could do it. I didn't plan on doing it. The Land lord did the checking, and then rewired my apt to handle the extra pull the tank would cause. It is so funny when people come over and they see this huge tank up in my apt. They can't beleive it hasn't crashed down to the basement.
Im a 7th grade Science teacher. Ive been teaching for 3 years. Ive taught bilingual reading, 8th grade Social Studies, and now 7th grade Science.