What do you do?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
I figured that since here we could talk about anything, maybe we should share what we do for a living (if it hasn't been discussed yet) because you never know if may be able to help someone out with something not reef related.

O.k I'll start... I basically manage and run a car/home/boat/motorcycle/golf cart/ jet ski, pretty much anything audio sound and security system shop/buisness here in the Bahamas. The buisness is called Audio Concepts and the only person above me is the owner and he knows I run the show (LOL). We don't really advertise because we have contracts with almost all of the major car dealers including Honda, anything General Motors, Ford, Nissan, Kia, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep just to name a few and they keep us quite busy. Basically what we do for them is they bring in some lines of their cars without any players/speakers etc and we provide it for them and install it and in some cases alarms. Just think about this...On an island 21 by 7, we average alone for just the car dealers anywhere from 100-130 cars per month. We also do general and custom work for the general public when we have the time. Anything from custom fiberglass work etc we do, but it is mostly done by appointment only as only the owner and myself are the only ones who can do that kinda stuff to our standards. Anything else like simple stereo installs or basic alarms the other emplyees do under my supervision. We tend to keep our buisness on the higher end and have a reputation of being the best the Bahamas has to offer (no joke). If anyone wants something done right they come to us, but with usually a higher price than anywhere else. But our thoughts is it is better to do things right the first time then to have to do it all over again. We are and have been authorized dealers for DEI (Directed Electronics) for the past 8 yrs which include some brands like Orion, Precision Power, ADS, Clifford, Avital just to name a few for those into stereos. So if anyone has any problems or questions in my field feel free to ask.
Hey administrator...I made a boo boo. Can you fix it? The topic is supposed to be, What do you do. Thanks.
I work in sales/customer service at Qwest (the phone company). Its over-all a good job, But of course we all have issues with our jobs, and no I don't want to answer your billing questions!! J/K :lol:
And shannon works in construction doing stucco. And yes he probably did do the Azteca near you!! J/K But he does do a really good job he did our bathroom which look awesome!! Its kinda nice to know what people really do for a living, except reefing which we all work to support:)
lol...I am a nurse in the Emergency Room, a full time mommy, full time student...and also have a part time job as an EMT. Right now I'm going to school to finish up my classes so I can hopefully become a flight nurse.
This is a fun thread. I've always wondered what everyone else on here did for a living!

Here it goes! I'm the accountant for Turner Construction in the ASP Ops division called Prolog, or more aptly named TurnerTalk. It's a project management software that manages any type of construction projects. Don't ask me what that means.. I just cook... errr.. keep the books straight and pay the bills! J/K about cooking the books, BTW!! Our biggest project that we worked on in the Seattle area recently is Qwest Field (football stadium) and we are currently working on the Seattle Aquarium addition on Pier 59. We're also one of the 3 companies in charge of cleaning up and rebuilding ground zero in NY. We built the 101 Tower in Taipei a couple of years ago, which is currently one of the tallest bulidings in the world, and just got the contract for the 76 story tower in Kuwait and the new Brooklyn Nets arena in NY. When they finally get funding for the new Jets stadium over there, we're going to build that using something called ViCon (Virtual Design and Construction). Really neat thing!

My wife is a loan officer for Golf Savings Bank, so if anyone needs a home loan or re-fi, she's the one to talk to about that. I'm sure she'd cut a better deal for anyone who says they are from here and beat anybody elses prices! She can write a loan with pretty much any bank in America and doesn't charge any hidden fees like Ditech and Ameriquest! ;)

Sr. Software Developer for a network/VOIP consulting company in downtown Seattle. I'm also responsible for all the design and implementation of our IP-based Call Center solution and dabble in backbone networking and managed private network design when I feel like it.

Oh, I make a little money doing sports photography from time to time as well, but that doesn't amount to much.

I play with fish. Serene Aquatics maintence service. Owner and it was one year old in june. So far so good.

Good for you Steve and congrats...and you like to play like you don't know anything about fish keeping. Geesh. You must know something. LOL.

Since a few of you put what your better half does my wife is Accounts payable/receiveable manager for Pinder's Customs Brokerage which is basically a shipping company that basically brings in your goods, clears it through customs (paying all duties etc) and delivers it to you.So in otherwards, if you say, buy a car in the States, you'd give Pinders a call and they'll handle everything for you in getting it to the Bahamas and then to you. They are also the agents for UPS.
I do community relations for a major Canadian Oil and Gas producer. This involves working a lot with First Nation communities and a lot (about 100,000km/yr on my truck) of travel to remote areas. My territory covers Northeast British Columbia, Northwest Alberta and the Yukon and Northwest Territories. Best job I have ever had! :)
well let's see.
my husband is a network administrator at the university of washington, he pretty much builds computers, helps students and teachers with their e mail problems and he's always looking for viruses .
Now about me, i'm a staying at home mom for the moment :D.
I am a sales/marketing/operations manager for our company (Caliber Inspection) in Seattle that does inspection of materials in our lab and out in the field. We use X-ray, Ultrasonic, Magnetic Particle, Penetrant, Ground Penetrating Radar and other methods of non-destructive testing. We do a lot of different things on a daily basis. Examples are Weld testing, testing concrete floors in buildings prior to coring (so they don't hit rebar or electrical), X-ray of airplane or crane components, inspections on Submarines, X-ray for forensic or insurance investigations (similar to CSI), Ultrasonic inspection of composites for aerospace industry, inspection for cracks in race car or hydroplane engine or suspension parts. Basically we inspect anything that has liability or risk of loss of life associated with possible failure. It can be very interesting and we see a lot of amazing things. Some days I will be on top of a skyscraper going over x-ray film and other days I am sitting in the cockpit of a new Boeing jet. My favorite was a tour of a Trident submarine while we did an inspection (of course I had an "escort" with a gun).
We have a large tank for inspecting aluminum bar stock that is filled with water. Everyone always wonders why I know so much about pumps, piping, skimming, and maintaining water quality...they have no idea how many "mistakes" I've made to know so much :)
And yes I will consider trading frags for X-raying some object you might have for you or your kids. (But, No I won't x-ray your kids)
what I do

Im a siding and window contractor, my business is Northwest Exterior Design, so if any of you on reef frontiers need some siding or window work done let me know, I will make great deals for my fellow hobbyist....

Matt Krom
I work in the corrugation industry. I am a operator of a 3 color rotary die press. We produce cartons displays and anything thing made out of card board. My machine can print cut and stack 180 cartons per minutes or 3 every second.

Well, I'll jump in. I am a Maintenance Technician, for a food processing plant that makes dry mix bakery products such as pancake mix, cake mixes, bread mixes, muffin mixes and the list is pretty endless. I do pretty much all aspects of repair and maintenance including PLC, electrical, mechanical, welding, machining, fabrication and design. I find the work very interesting, I like to tear down and rebuild machinery, program PLCs to make the machinery do what I want it to, thinking of innovative ways of doing things, and being the one to call to get a machine running. I have been at this company forever, and they have done me well. The occasional travel to check out new machinery, to do factory acceptance tests, or help out at our plant in Kentucky is always nice, as is getting home.

My wife, Dona, is an office manager at a veterinary clinic that specializes in cats. She has been there as long as I have been at my job.

I'm a street cleaner/ gene pool life guard/ babysitter/ and 5 minute solver of problems that takes someone years to create for themselves :eek: OK I'm a cop :D
My turn. I'm the in-house kitchen designer for the premier kitchen design firm in Billings, Mt. I spend my days staring at a computer, making housewives dreams come true! (don't tell my wife). I also do general sales support for my six salespeople. I am also the goto person when the computers don't do what they are supposed to (its usually operator error).

My wife, Dawn and I are also foster parents. We have four children (2 still at home) and two grand babies (one lives a home) and six foster children 4mos to 7years.

In my spare time i chase kids, play in my reef tank, converse on RF, and try to find a moments peace.

Hey flugelnuss, if you guys need a kitchen designer let me know, im always looking for the next great adventure. Some of those huge projects you guys do must need kitchens. :D