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um..lets see, I'm in the service(AF)...22 yrs now, dang has it been that long! Anyway I'm in the Civil Engineering field (carpentry and metalworking)

Why, do you need a kitchen designed, or someone to watch you kids? :D :D
Professional Cup Filler

I am a professional sippy cup filler-upper for my 3-1/2 year old boss.....who can fill up a cup of her own, however, she knows the right pitch of whining to get me to do it. I also am a pro at picking up toys, giving time-outs, chauffering the princess to and from montessori school, and kissing bruises and cuts. I also will pat myself on the back for the best story reader :D. Thank goodness the bottom wiping part of my job is almost done.....she only needs help sometimes - woohoo! I have the best job in the world, and wouldn't trade it for anything.

Pauls - I applaud you and your wife for taking in foster children. I think its wonderful!
I'm a street cleaner/ gene pool life guard/ babysitter/ and 5 minute solver of problems that takes someone years to create for themselves OK I'm a cop
ROFL now that is just a great discription!!!!!!

I am a saturation expert at the "Lucky Lady" peeler bar. :p

Both things Pauls, well i rent the apartment, but these apartments need to rebuild their kitchen, it's horrible :( , everything is to tiny.
and Nikki since we have the same job, how long did it take for your lovely girl to go potty and how did you do it?
I'm training my boss, but he gets upset everytime i try showing him the potty, so far we tried singing, reading potty stories and still he doesn't like the idea of going potty :(.
Warning, Warning....what you are about to read may bother some readers. Viewer discrestion is advised......it is about toilet training. :D LOLOL

spongebob lover said:
and Nikki since we have the same job, how long did it take for your lovely girl to go potty and how did you do it?
I'm training my boss, but he gets upset everytime i try showing him the potty, so far we tried singing, reading potty stories and still he doesn't like the idea of going potty :(.

LOL Gabriela - she didn't have a choice. I started her at 18 months, I was sick of changing diapers. She got the poop part right away....if I saw her going, I'd snatch her up and stick her on the toilet. Oh, she'd get all kinds of rewards....stamps on her hands (like Blues Clues....she even picked out her own stamper) or stickers, and calls to Popi. The pull-ups worked great, too - the only thing is I felt like it didn't make her feel wet enough, so we did those thick underpants, and pull-ups to bed. She was pretty much done by 2-1/2. I remember going on vacation for 2-1/2 weeks with my sis and her kids to Florida when she was 20 months old, and she didn't need swim diapers. She told me she had to go. I remember sprinting her to the bathroom thru the boiling sand. I've heard boys are slower at training....go figure :rolleyes:. LOL. My philosophy was, if they know they are going, then they can tell you they have to go. I guess I made her feel like it was the greatest thing in the world, and she earned prizes that way. Oh well, that's what I did. Now, I hope she never sees this post, because I believe I have thoroughly embarassed her :D.
wwouuu Nikki :) , mine doesn't like to get change, he can be running around with a wet diper :cry: .
like i said, we tried singing, reading potty stories.
I even made my bathroom all spongebob related, so he would feel comfortable there.
one time we spent 1 hour in there and as soon as he got up from the potty, he did pee pee :( .
I'm gonna try encouraging him with the stickers and see if he likes that idea.
Thank you Nikki so much :)

ohh yeah and i'm sorry guys, but i really had to ask, i'm running out of ideas in here :oops:
Talk about a Hijack...oh my goodness.....such potty talk..:shock: ..and from the staff...such shame...;)
hey i needed some good ideas, i really don't know what to do anymore with my kid and singing and dancing for him is not working .
Yes Gabriela, please post a video of your song and dance routine for our critiquing . It sounds to me you have been practicing for the show!! Good girl!!:p
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true Krish, i'm gonna stop singing the potty song to my kid :D .
and no Ken, my routine is just for my son's enjoyment.
jake65 said:
um..lets see, I'm in the service(AF)...22 yrs now, dang has it been that long! Anyway I'm in the Civil Engineering field (carpentry and metalworking)

Jake I was in CE and Red Horse as an exterior electrician from 1982 to 1989 active and 1989 to 2003 in the reserves.
snobanker said:
jake65 said:
um..lets see, I'm in the service(AF)...22 yrs now, dang has it been that long! Anyway I'm in the Civil Engineering field (carpentry and metalworking)

Jake I was in CE and Red Horse as an exterior electrician from 1982 to 1989 active and 1989 to 2003 in the reserves.

Cool Stan, I just got back recently from a stint in RED HORSE over in Korea

jake :D
Ah Koreaaaaa..... I was in the 50th CES at Hahn "West" Germany, the 317th CES at Pope NC, and the 241st CES here in WA at Camp Murray which then became the 254th Red Horse Flight
I was in CE and Red Horse as an exterior electrician from 1982 to 1989 active and 1989 to 2003 in the reserves.
I just got back recently from a stint in RED HORSE over in Korea
I was in the 50th CES at Hahn "West" Germany, the 317th CES at Pope NC, and the 241st CES here in WA at Camp Murray which then became the 254th Red Horse Flight

You guys got the whole "Pearl Harbor, Top Gun, Saving Private Ryan" thing going on here! LOL. Well I was in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th,9th, 10th,11th, and 12th grade so I top you all LOL.
LOL !!!
hey i liked Pearl Harbor, Ben Affleck looked hot in that movie.
Anyways, i think Cops,especially fire men :p , military guys etc. look really hot in their uniforms.
hmm to bad i didn't get anything of that :lol: :lol:
Pauls said:
Hey flugelnuss, if you guys need a kitchen designer let me know, im always looking for the next great adventure. Some of those huge projects you guys do must need kitchens. :D

Hey Pauls - I'll make sure to keep my eyes and ears open! I know that we have projects in Montana somewhere! We have projects everywhere!

A couple of CE guys huh? Hey i just placed a order to get the sink fixed over here.

My real job is Offensive Avionic System Apprentice on the B1-Bomber United States Air Force, Ellsworth South Dakota. To break it down even more im the communication navigation technician. Thats every to with radios and radar. I signed up for this office job which is a one year gig to get some college accomplished. My time here will be up after Guam, then its back to the jet to do more OAS. Right now i just talk to pilots that just laned to liason to the technicians what is broke! Also, a father of a just learning to walk son who will run into anything! Professional poker play, want some? get some! *shakes head at CE*