Where has all the particpation gone???

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hmm... another tangent. anyone around here smart enough to 'dumb down' hawkings new paper for me?
hmm... another tangent. anyone around here smart enough to 'dumb down' hawkings new paper for me?

Hawkings has a new paper! Give me a sec to look it up and i can do it!!!

There you go!
lol thanks for that, thats about as far as i got too...few more reads and a little more research and i might get it
well......he's a little tooooo deep for me. Don't get me wrong I know he has a high intelligence level but at this stage in my life there is no use in trying to caught up! I mean.......he's running a 40 at 2.5 me 20.5! LOL
another tangent. anyone around here smart enough to 'dumb down' hawkings new paper for me?


basically he is saying that events horizons do not exists for blackholes...this goes against the findings of Einstein's theory of relativity...to put in context, if an astronaut were to put caught in a black hole, Einstein's theory say the astronaut would slow be pulled apart as it is being sucked into the black hole; Hawking's theory says the astronaut will be burnt to a crisp..


basically he is saying that events horizons do not exists for blackholes...this goes against the findings of Einstein's theory of relativity...to put in context, if an astronaut were to put caught in a black hole, Einstein's theory say the astronaut would slow be pulled apart as it is being sucked into the black hole; Hawking's theory says the astronaut will be burnt to a crisp..


Just about everything in the quantum physics world goes against Einstein's theories. It doesn't seem justifying the two will leave either intact.

I'll have to read it again, but my understanding walking away from it the last time was more than he was noting that the event horizon still existed (and therefore black holes still existed), but that the apparent horizon was the interpretation of the event horizon (which could be the same thing) in a quantum space.. allowing it to be mutable enough to fit both ideas. (and I'll check the link in a bit)
Wow, we went from trying to boost participation in the forum to quantum physics, now that progress, Kind of the opposite ends of the spectrum.
Wow, we went from trying to boost participation in the forum to quantum physics, now that progress, Kind of the opposite ends of the spectrum.

Maybe its only funny when you type it, so it can be more easily observed.
It apparently was, as no one even bothered to notice my schrodinger's reference. Damn cat.
Hey bud,
Thanks for dropping by. Interesting thread we got going here. LOL
I am helping the local high school build a robot. Kinda neat.
Worse part of the whole mentor thing is most of these kid dont know what a fillips head is. Sometimes I want to pull my hair out, or just do it myself. LOL

What kind of robotics work are they doing at the school? Are they controlling it with some embedded system, or a remote control,... What kind of movement/functionality are they trying to get out of the bot?

I wish they had offered something like that when I was in high school. The coolest thing we had was FFA. Anyone else out there a former 4-H/FFA member (if you were, you know how cool those kids were)? Demin jackets with a big logo on the back that looks like an outlaw MC logo?

Those were the days. "Well, life's on a farm is kinda laid back, ain't much an old country boy like me can't hack...." Finish that one Husker :)