Where has all the particpation gone???

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Driving that train, high on cocaine,
Casey jones is ready, watch your speed.
Trouble ahead, trouble behind,
And you know that notion just crossed my mind.

This old engine makes it on time,
Leaves central station bout a quarter to nine,
Hits river junction at seventeen to,
At a quarter to ten you know it's travlin again.

Driving that train, high on cocaine,
Casey jones is ready, watch your speed.
Trouble ahead, trouble behind,
And you know that notion just crossed my mind.

Trouble ahead, lady in red,
Take my advice you'd be better off dead.
Switchmans sleeping, train hundred and two is
On the wrong track and headed for you.

Driving that train, high on cocaine,
Casey jones is ready, watch your speed.
Trouble ahead, trouble behind,
And you know that notion just crossed my mind.

Trouble with you is the trouble with me,
Got two good eyes but you still don't see.
Come round the bend, you know it's the end,
The fireman screams and the engine just gleams...

That was pretty good.
Do you know Jim Morisson's Backdoor Man??
I'm looking at 25 pages, I think this thread is where our participation has gone. Really I left it go because I was hoping to get good feedback to see what can be done. I don't have a ton of resources to bring in specialist workshops etc. Last year we had contest all year and even that didn't help much. I think people moved to FB or have settled on their own forums and the amount of information is just there easily available if someone just searches they can easily get all they need these days. Not sure of the long term future of this site, I hope we can keep it going forever but it takes sponsors to pay the bills and to keep sponsors we need participation, activity and people clicking on their banners and supporting them. That may be a lot to ask for these days :(

This post is still going? Really? Why hasn't anyone deleted this bs thread yet?
This thread is about people having fun, I guess even fun is in question these days huh? I know life and situations have changed, but this is harming no one, no one has been flamed, we have heard some lousy singing and watched some good just old fun BS.

You have it right Scooter, there are other options! My question is why is someone upset over it, if they don't like the thread don't look at it, plain and simple and the person complaining joined over a year ago and has 29 posts, THAT IS WHERE THE PARTICIPATION IS AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know, maybe he should have another cup of coffee, or a latte, or maybe even an expresso and just ignore us and let us get some free beer from Peppie.

Just my .02 from someone who has been here since 2004 :).
Easy Carla, lol we're ok I was just explaining why I'm letting it go and your right it is fun and we should be having fun here and sharing what we love so be it. I'm trying to relax the rules here as much as possible hoping that it does help the activity, which I do think it does and threads like this helping. I'm considering reviewing all of the rules here and simplifying them.
Easy Carla, lol we're ok I was just explaining why I'm letting it go and your right it is fun and we should be having fun here and sharing what we love so be it. I'm trying to relax the rules here as much as possible hoping that it does help the activity, which I do think it does and threads like this helping. I'm considering reviewing all of the rules here and simplifying them.

I am fine........................... LOL. I know what you were doin and more power to you. But like you say, other avenues have really cut into reef boards like this and others. Facebook especially has taken away from alot of participation here I am sure. I was just bein old and in the way I guess, I remember way too many good times had here ;).
Threads like this build a sense of community. This site doesn't claim to be an encyclopedia. If you want a community, there has to be some interaction other than asking how to get rid of cyano for the thousandth time.. and if you want someone to answer how to get rid of cyano for the thousandth time, they will need a reason to give a crap to even be bothered by it.
People follow up on threads like this because they are fun or stupid because they care about community, whether they want to admit it or not. Facebook is successful not for random picture sharing, or knowing what that guy that knows that other guy that you met once a few years ago had for dinner. Its successful because there is a sense of community in knowing that people go through crap, that they laugh some days and cry others. Its successful because its a basic human instinct to crave interaction. So, at least IHMO, threads like this are the core of what will define what sites make it and what don't. Couple years into a tank, how many questions do you have? How tired of answering questions are you? Long term folks.. I'd be willing to be that the bulk of them are still around because community means something to them. Sites don't need to be all 'touchy feely', but for goodness sake folks.. if you can't sympathize for the troubles of those around you, or smile with them in their successes, then what they hell is the point.

Regardless, I think it would be awesome if you could set it up so the thread closes itself at 499 posts. :)
Threads like this build a sense of community. This site doesn't claim to be an encyclopedia. If you want a community, there has to be some interaction other than asking how to get rid of cyano for the thousandth time.. and if you want someone to answer how to get rid of cyano for the thousandth time, they will need a reason to give a crap to even be bothered by it.
People follow up on threads like this because they are fun or stupid because they care about community, whether they want to admit it or not. Facebook is successful not for random picture sharing, or knowing what that guy that knows that other guy that you met once a few years ago had for dinner. Its successful because there is a sense of community in knowing that people go through crap, that they laugh some days and cry others. Its successful because its a basic human instinct to crave interaction. So, at least IHMO, threads like this are the core of what will define what sites make it and what don't. Couple years into a tank, how many questions do you have? How tired of answering questions are you? Long term folks.. I'd be willing to be that the bulk of them are still around because community means something to them. Sites don't need to be all 'touchy feely', but for goodness sake folks.. if you can't sympathize for the troubles of those around you, or smile with them in their successes, then what they hell is the point.

Regardless, I think it would be awesome if you could set it up so the thread closes itself at 499 posts. :)

LOL................... why, you think Peppie is gonna skip town?

And I fully agree with everything you say. I have made good friends here, and even met alot of the Seattle folks at some of their functions. That alone makes life worth while. We are not a large community, us reefkeepers, but what we do share is the common ground that we are trying to grow stuff that we shouldn't be able to grow in our own little(?) tanks.

129 posts before free beer, or lack thereof................LOL. And does it really matter if we get free beer, hell no, we just wanna prove to Peppie that we can BS for 500 posts ;).
This post is still going? Really? Why hasn't anyone deleted this bs thread yet?

Turd in the punch bowl.

He's right everyone. We need to get serious here. It's time to compare skimmer sizes. Let's talk about important things like turf scrubber propaganda, because we haven't seen that thread pop up in a few days.
Turd in the punch bowl.

He's right everyone. We need to get serious here. It's time to compare skimmer sizes. Let's talk about important things like turf scrubber propaganda, because we haven't seen that thread pop up in a few days.

Here.................................. scrub this...........................lol.

Oops.................. sorry, couldn't resist :)