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I've never attended one of your meetings, plus I live in Michigan, so my face won't count anyway. Great pictures everyone.

I'll bump this thread with another photo. Here I am standing in a wedding a week ago on the beach. My wife was mad at me for laughing at an old man during the service standing about 10ft away from me wearing baggy speedo's. So I stuck out my tongue at her when she tried to snap a picture(LOL) I can't even seem to help my self at a wedding(LOL) I'm the one all the way to the left(duhhh)

Since when did Reef Frontiers turn into BeautifulPeople.com rejects????

I'm just messin with you guys. Wow i never pictured half of you to look the way you guys did. Krish i feel your pain at weddings too, i've never been able to take a wedding seriously. One time at my cousins wedding, as she was walking down the aisle i made a fart sound as she passed me. Once she past me my mom cracked so hard in the back of the head that i almost started to tear! Mind you i did that when i was 20. My cousin was a good sport about though and acknowledged me at the Reception. I am worried that i'm going to do something at my own wedding. This is great though keep it alive!!! i wish i had a digital camera so i could post some pics!

Its so wierd your like almost identical to my fiance's Cousin. I think i'm looking at the right person (the one with your Cousins friend holding your son and you standing next to her). Wow thats wierd!!!
lol !!! Shallowreef, that's an excuse to get a camera ;) .
now i wanna see pictures !!! :D and yes that's me hehe.
it won't be me and a few months from now though :p .
Krish i feel your pain at weddings too, i've never been able to take a wedding seriously.

LOL...I'm an idiot everywhere that's why I don't really go to funerals. I will have some updated photos of me when I get back home.
Ok, I'm not shy, and I have lots of pics to share to try to get this thread going again.

Lets see some recent pics guys!!! I want to be able to ID you guys and say 'Hi' at the next meeting.

This is my old bike, thats shag fur I covered it in. 141.1rwhp, 366lbs.

This is my father. He is a race-a-holic, and he has a reef. Some of you in the puyallup area might recognize that car :)

This is me diving at nite. Its hard to see, but it turns out that I am wearing the same swim trunks in every single water related pic.

This is me being a goon with a GF intake manifold that I helped to design.

Here Im doing what I do best, cylinder head mods.

Here I am on another old bike, I stopped rideing because my mother said she couldnt sleep because she knew I was raceing bikes all nite. She doesnt mind raceing cars, but bikes are too much for her. I try to respect my parents wishes.

This is me after playing 180mph face fly swatter. I cant belive some people ride without a full face helmet.

This was my 550hp gayness mobile. I cant belive I used to think that cars over 2000lbs could be sports cars. Ehh, everybody was young once. BTW, thats my old roomates backyard. He had a really bad pickup truck collecting habbit.

This is when I got my first REAL car. 1985 toyota corolla GTS (ae86). I cant belive I wasted my time for so long with vettes, 300zx, nsx, vr4. That chicken you see was the fearless super attack chicken. The whole time I was trying to get that car to run, that chicken would randomly launch fierce attacks against me and my buddy. I figure the chicken had exellent taste in cars and was pissed I was going to take it away.
Enough said.

Me and my buddy with my Skyline r33 front cut in the back of my dads pickup. Boy was my mom excited to have that sitting in her yard for months! :D

This beach is my buddys back yard. That water is just FULL of amazing super colorful hard corals and this metalic blue xenia that looks a billion times cooler than the light blue xenia people sell in the states. I wish I had a decent underwater camera.


That pic gives you no idea of how damn high that was, landing gave me a serious wedgey.

Playing tarzan

Trying to surf... ended up with badly bleeding nipples... I definately will stick with diving over surfing.

Its hard to tell, but I'm trying to hold my poor bleeding nipples. Thats hanalai bay.

None of you will be able to say you didnt recognize me if you see me at a meeting now. :D
Yeah...That turbo was huge! Is it a T-88? A friend of mine in the Bahamas is using a T-88 on an inline 6 Supra motor in his Altezza (Lexus IS in America) with NOS! He beat a Hyabusa with an air shifter at the tracks!
lifeforphysics, i like your pictures:lol: !!! hey how come we don't get to see a nipple bleeding picture? :lol: .... just joking.
Now we just need to see your pictures from when you were born and we'll be all set :D.
Now where did you see that blue xenia?? did you bring any by any chance :p?
Krish, that perticular turbo is from a deisel generator. The compressor and turbine wheels are custom 5 axis machined Titanium. Both houseings as you may assume are radically modified for use with a gasoline engine. That perticular car broke the import world record with a 6.61 that day which at 2350lbs means it was produceing over 2000hp.

T-88 from the mitsu garbage truck is an exellent turbo choice for your friends altezza to drag or wangan. It feels SO good to smoke a busa now and then. Tell you friend if he would like his engine to run like its breathing n2o off just the turbo to have his head ported by ENDYN in fortworth texas, and get the CF intake manifold I am wearing on my arm in one of the above pics. We have seen over +200hp and improved fuel econ from those 2 mods alone.

Doodette- Sorry, no bleeding nipple pics or metalic blue xenia. Fortunately, its just chilling in my buddies back yard in little dinner plate sized patches, so rest assured a sample will fall into my tanks at some point. :D

Nobody else is going to add some fun pics? Come on guys!
Alright Luke,

I'll step up again. This is a great thread. Top one, is just a picture of my anemone's that I like (with my clarkii)

Then there's one with my dad, I'm the bald one... ;)

The last one is just me chillin on the couch with my dog - Red.
Krish, that perticular turbo is from a deisel generator. The compressor and turbine wheels are custom 5 axis machined Titanium. Both houseings as you may assume are radically modified for use with a gasoline engine. That perticular car broke the import world record with a 6.61 that day which at 2350lbs means it was produceing over 2000hp.

T-88 from the mitsu garbage truck is an exellent turbo choice for your friends altezza to drag or wangan. It feels SO good to smoke a busa now and then. Tell you friend if he would like his engine to run like its breathing n2o off just the turbo to have his head ported by ENDYN in fortworth texas, and get the CF intake manifold I am wearing on my arm in one of the above pics. We have seen over +200hp and improved fuel econ from those 2 mods alone.

Cool sounds good...:)

Nice photos Shauna. I'll updat one as well later:D
You know the ride Mission Space at Epcot? Don't go on it! Here's me later on that day:eek: (LOL)

My wife and I at New Years

My wife and I with my cousin and his new wife (Couples are kinda mixed up LOL)

LOL !!!
in the first one, you look like you are about to shoot one :D.
I really like the second picture Christina and you look cute :) ( and you have a tiny little bit smile in there).
in the thrid one hmm how many wifes can you have in the Bahamas :D :lol: