I can barely see that! I'll just throw out a guess..
Queston 2 : ID
Answer: Feather duster
Queston 2 : ID
Answer: [SIZE=-2]Protula bispiralis
more specific answer with text as small as your picture
Question 2: ID
Answer: Flame Scallop
that took a miracle from the search gods, but i think i found it!
Question 2: ID
krish's coral banded shrimp
(image in post #5 here - http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/f124/coral-banded-shrimp-reef-compatible-15266/)
I need to run your ip address and make sure you aren't a mod with an alternate account and have seen all of the questions I put in the mod room :lol:
i see how it is...know how to perform a proper internet search and people get all suspicious!
I hate to be that guy but my answer above of candy cane shrimp is an alternate name for a coral banded shrimp.....so technically I win.
And if you don't believe me type candy cane shrimp into google.
Soooo its a tie game then correct as I answered first?