Who Will Win The Prize???

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Oh Oh Oh I know, it...its...its a ... :tape2: Oh its time for dinner, so I'll check back later to see if someone has figured it out :bounce:

Cheers, Todd
I can barely see that! I'll just throw out a guess..

Queston 2 : ID
Answer: Feather duster
I can barely see that! I'll just throw out a guess..

Queston 2 : ID
Answer: Feather duster

:nono: :p

Couldn't make it any bigger as it would give it away. :)

On a side note I need the actual name of it. So you would say Tiger instead of cat or cobra instead of snake. Also, clues will be added to post 9. Might give one before I hit the sack tonight, but not 100% sure. It all depends on how many people attempt it before I sign off for the night. Definately tomorrow though if no-one gets the answer by then. :).
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Queston 2 : ID
Answer: [SIZE=-2]Protula bispiralis

more specific answer with text as small as your picture :)
Queston 2 : ID
Answer: [SIZE=-2]Protula bispiralis

more specific answer with text as small as your picture :)

Haha! Strike number two and not a type of feather duster.:p I tried to repost the picture in post 9 as a larger file, but didn't work. Let me try something else. Give me a sec.
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K...Calling it a night. I gave you guys two more clues on post# 9. I'll check back in the morning to see if anyone figured it out. If not, I will put up another clue in post #9
Queston 2 : ID
Answer: what is a bristleworm

pretty random guess but its the first thing i could guess when i looked at hte picture!
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I need to run your ip address and make sure you aren't a mod with an alternate account and have seen all of the questions I put in the mod room :lol:

i see how it is...know how to perform a proper internet search and people get all suspicious! :)
I hate to be that guy but my answer above of candy cane shrimp is an alternate name for a coral banded shrimp.....so technically I win.

And if you don't believe me type candy cane shrimp into google.
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i see how it is...know how to perform a proper internet search and people get all suspicious! :)

Haha! No you are good...Just messing with you :p

I hate to be that guy but my answer above of candy cane shrimp is an alternate name for a coral banded shrimp.....so technically I win.

And if you don't believe me type candy cane shrimp into google.

Haha!! Never heard of that used since I've been a member here. If I did, I wouldn't have used the candy cane clue because it would be too obvious :p
Soooo its a tie game then correct as I answered first?

I'll have to talk to the judges :lol:. Honestly I've never heard of coral banded shrimp being called a candy cane shrimp just like I'm sure some people never heard of a queen trigger fish being called a turbit so if that is the case, you both were right even though Coral banded shrimp was the name I was after. I will probably have award both of you a point there and next time be a bit more specific in the answer I am after so I will award you a point as well Seth IF... I google search candy cane shrimp and it comes up as a coral banded. Fair enough?? :)

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