Hi, I'm pretty new to reeffrontiers, but I just wanted to say that I agree with the new rule. I don't even have enough posts to put a WTS or WTB post up and I'm for the rule. I know a lot of other reef sites that I've looked at 50 posts seems pretty intimidating when you look at the responses a "newbie" question gets, but I just wanted to say that this site is different in my opinion.
I'll admit I was a bit nervous to post on here when I first joined, because I was scared that I'd ask a "stupid question" and then get flammed for it. But every question I've posted on this site has been helpful, supportive, and informative. Thanks to people like Sid and Cross. I look forward to contributing more to this wonderful group.
To me this new rule is actually very helpful for new people because it gives us a little shove to go ahead and ask the "stupid questions" that we were worried about posting. Thank you all for this great site!