Yellow Tang Rescue - Fin rot

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Great job! I was just in there the other day and seen a yellow eye kole tang that I was kind of interested in, but his mouth wouldn't close. A quick smartphone google search indicated that was not a good sign. Glad to see your rescue working!

They are hanging in there this long, they will do great! Keep us updated on how they are doing.
Their fins actually look a little better too.
Great job! I was just in there the other day and seen a yellow eye kole tang that I was kind of interested in, but his mouth wouldn't close. A quick smartphone google search indicated that was not a good sign. Glad to see your rescue working!


Thanks Clint. Must... resist. They made me pay for the yellow tangs, I'm sure they wouldn't think the kole tang has anything more than a cosmetic impurity. Makes me so mad, I'm going to suppress my rant though.

They are definitely utilizing their space and seem much happier than they did a week ago. I wish I had taken pictures the day I brought them home so you could see just how much they've improved. I really didn't think they would make it.
Nice update pictures! They are even getting fat :) As long as they eat well, everything gonna be fine. My freshwater fishes fight with each other sometimes, and lose part of fin, then it'll grow back slowly.
Rea, great job looks like they are in for full recovery and to help recoup some of your costs I'd like to reward you with a FREE Frag Pak if your interested and willing to drive a bit South. I have way to many starts/mini colonies of Sour Apple Birdsnest Corals and a few others I'd be happy to gift to you, just shoot me a pm if you'd like to arrange pickup.

Cheers, Todd
wow! thats pretty cool of you todd. one more reason to love this forum! great advice and friendly and generous people. great job with the tangs ami. do you have room for them with your other tangs in your tank?
Thanks Todd! I'll pm you a little later about that

Pandora, sort of. I'm actually about to set up a second 250 gallon tank that they will be the first residents of. I love the idea of having a group of yellow tangs, so we plan to add them at the same time. We will be running that tank plus our current 240 until we can do our in wall build - thinking around 900 gallons.
Todd, aren't those Tang-eating birdsnests?

No! They are Tang-poop fed though and must be why they grow like weeds in my system. Rea, already jealous of your plans for a 900g DT. I'm just in the early stages of planning a 350-450 DT and maybe 700-900g total system volume by having a mechanical room under house. I have five Tangs in my 125g for now but the A. blochi and Naso are outgrowing it quickly.

Cheers, Todd
That's awesome. What other tangs do you have? I have a passion for tangs, which is why it is so hard for me to see them mistreated by the fish stores (not that I like to see any fish in that kind of condition). I have 7 in my DT, they are all fat and happy. Never see any aggression between them.
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Good to hear...I have the same passion for large angelfish...eventually will have 5-6 large angels in my system...
I started out with keeping my beautiful Powder Blue for this system but mostly Hawaiian Tangs I or my friend Les collected on Oahu. My largest is the Blochi at about 6" followed by the Naso at 5" they were 2" and 3" when I caught them in September 2011. I had Les ship me a small 1-1/2" Kole last year and is now about 3" and last week received a small 1-1/2" Yellow Tang. Got to stop at the five for now but would like to add two more Hawaiian Tangs in an Orange Shoulder and Sailfin which hopefully I can collect myself this Fall. If I had room and budget for a 900g would have to add a Vlamingi, Scopus and Purple Tang to the

Cheers, Todd
Good job in saving those little guys. I think additional fish might cause stress and they don't need anymore than they have already have. Good luck with them, they seem to be in hands.
You collect your own fish? That's really cool. I would love to replace my PBT, she was my favorite :(

Anyway, I will continue posting pictures every week or two weeks so you guys can see the recovery process.