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  1. SaltyDog2

    Pullman Area Reefers

    There are several of us in Lewiston that trade on a regular basis. I'm already babysitting a friends tanks, plus you're a little far for me. I have two frag racks full of stuff to trade or sell $10-$20ea.
  2. SaltyDog2

    Why is it hard to keep Mag levels 'high'?

    I've been dosing Randy's two part for almost two years now and as you know the 3rd part of Randys two part is epson salt. I get great results. Right now my 72 gal bow front is so full of corals that I'm having trouble finding any room for new ones. I add 1/2 cup epson salt to one gal water...
  3. SaltyDog2

    Copepods vs tigerpods

    I have lots of tiny little copepods in my fuge and I have been contemplating adding some Tigerpods. Does anyone know if the Tigerpods will eat my copepods or do they live in harmony.
  4. SaltyDog2


    Was wondering if there are different types of Duncan Corals. I have one that I bought From Tracy (Palouse) that is very beautiful, florescent green and one that I got that is a very dull green and tan. Tracy had a price of $200 but I never asked her if it was something special or different...
  5. SaltyDog2

    Hi Shayne I'm phone is right beside me and on vibrate so it won't wake...

    Hi Shayne I'm phone is right beside me and on vibrate so it won't wake Jean...(208) 305-3289 Tim
  6. SaltyDog2


    Ya, it's definately growing. The little spikes that it is sending up are new. hope that it keeps growing.
  7. SaltyDog2


    I hope that I have saved my Birdsnet by fragging a small piece and placing it in a spot with better flow. Thanks for the advice.
  8. Tank


    Tank at year five.
  9. SaltyDog2

    diy sand box live rock!!!!

    homemade rock Not to derail this thread, but if you click on my photo gallery (under the avitar), you'll see some finish product of the rocks that we made. We made them in my living room while my wife was recovering from surgery. It was a good family project. My daughter made the heart.
  10. SaltyDog2


    Thanks everyone for the advice! Checked my params and they are as follows: Alk 9.6 Calc 380 ph 8.2 phos .5 nitrate 5 Salt 1.024 temp 78-81 Mag 1230 Calc was low so I dosed extra and also Mag. Scrubbed birdsnest with a clean toothbrush. Pointed my powerheads more directly at it and...
  11. SaltyDog2


    My birdsnest coral has been having issues as my 175 MH lights have been getting dimmer. They were 13 months old as I have been waiting for the conversion to 400W, which has now happened. Now that my lights are bright enough to see what is happening, I am seeing dark spots at the base of the...
  12. SaltyDog2

    Is an RV water hose ok to use?

    hosed I've used it for my 5oth post and the 66 post for you. Is that code for now we can sell things?
  13. SaltyDog2

    Mounting Acans

    I have fragged them by breaking or cutting the rock or frag plug from behind and letting the tissue seperate where the cut is. You can also place a rock along side if you have the patience.
  14. SaltyDog2

    Need help to ID

    Thanks everyone for the input. It's nice to be able to put a name to these little guys. I couldn't find them in any books because I was looking for corals and these are not. Thanks again Tim
  15. SaltyDog2

    Need help to ID

    Does anyone know what these cute little noodle -like fuzzy greenish yellow things are?
  16. SaltyDog2

    Top-off Water

    Thanks Kevin That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I used to top off with Kalkwasser so I guess I never worried about the PH. I'll start doing that again. We haven't had any Spokane Doctor visits for the past couple years so you haven't seen much of me there, and that's a good thing. Some...
  17. SaltyDog2

    Top-off Water

    If you use ro-di water for your top off and it has a PH of 7.0 do you need to use a product like proper PH 8.2 to raise the PH of the top off water or does the evaporation process leave enough buffering compounds behind to allow the 7.0 water to be okey dokey! Does that make sense? Any input...
  18. SaltyDog2

    Unknown coral

    DARTHV247...just checked your site and I agree...Metallic Orange Pavona is a dead ringer...thanks. I have a Pavona but it is brilliant lime green...had no idea that they also came in orange. Thanks again everyone.
  19. SaltyDog2

    Unknown coral

    great guesses everyone but here's the rub...they are actually the is still in the back of the tank under MH lights and the frag got moved to the front so I could take a close up picture and probably has more actinic light on it. When they were side by side they were identical...just...
  20. Blasto2mother

