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  1. arman

    Help ID Fish Please

    Thanks, I always though having a school of grunts would be cool :) You could always try the French Grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum), they dont get as big and IMO are good looking too.
  2. arman

    Help ID Fish Please

    I think that those are Black Spotted Grunts (Plectorhinchus gaterinus).
  3. arman

    November Meeting

    That was a great meeting! I learned alot that i can use to redo my sump. Also the yellow tang I got has already settled in, and its already started to eat the massive amounts of algae in my tank :D
  4. arman

    Pat it forward frag...

    If eww cannot frag his, I can frag mine. The only thing is, I dont know how to frag it :/ I've never fragged anything except for xenia before
  5. arman

    Increasing flow cheap and easy

    I hope that it doesnt move :( its in the perfect place, right in the middle of the tank. And I dont think pics would show much because the new pump stirred up the sand so much in the back, that the waters all cloudy
  6. arman

    Increasing flow cheap and easy

    Ya that is what I am using! Why would you not use it without the magnet mount? Because right now I am just using the suction cup mount I was using before
  7. arman

    Increasing flow cheap and easy

    I just thought I would share. I just purchased a maxi-jet modification kit, and it is great! :eek2: Before i would sometimes have a piece of algae floating slowly around my tank, but now the particles and algae pieces are zooming around! My fish all seem to love the new current too and are...
  8. arman

    Got polyp extension?

    What kind of coral is this? Is it a dendro morph?
  9. arman

    Hair algae?

    This is the exact same problem that I have! At first I thought I was crazy or I had a mantis shrimp that was killing my clean up crews, but every herbivorous invert put in my tank I'll find dead after it crawls on the rock. And I know that its not a predator because the snails are still in...
  10. arman

    Actinics: 420nm or 460nm?

    Thanks for the help everyone :D I think that im going to go for a combo of two 420nm, two 460nm, three 12000k, and one 10000k
  11. arman

    Anniversary Sale Version 4.0

    Are you going to have a special on cerith snails too? Also are the instant ocean salt buckets the normals salt or the reef crystals?
  12. arman

    Photos of the latest handpicked coral shipment

    How come you have the gorgonians/sea fans attached horizontally to the sides of you tank? BTW your photos are great! :D
  13. arman

    ac7av tank build

    Your rock work is really nice, and i like all of the movement that your tank has with all of the fish in it. How did you get all of those the damsel pairs? Did you buy them already paired up?
  14. arman

    MrGone's 150g mixed reef

    Wow! You have a really nice tank! Also i like those batfish, how big are they?
  15. arman

    Brie's 34gal Solana

    I'm sorry about your tank, it was really cool looking :( what happend to your fish?
  16. arman

    Actinics: 420nm or 460nm?

    does it matter which one i use for coral health?
  17. arman

    Actinics: 420nm or 460nm?

    Also i was wondering, since my t5 fixture can hold 8 bulbs, what combination of 12000 K lights and actinics should i use?
  18. arman

    Actinics: 420nm or 460nm?

    I am in need of some new t5 bulbs and i am a little confused about what type to get. When looking at actinics I've seen different nm's for sale and was wondering what the difference is for coral, and visually between 420nm and 460nm?
  19. arman

    Lets see your dream tank pics

    I think that this guys reef is great! it has so much color, and if i had this tank i would never leave it because its so cool!
  20. arman

    ID these critters please

    They look like chitons to me as well. Those guys are great algae eaters, but be carful if you have an acrylic tank, as i've heard that they sometime will eat holes in the tank!