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  1. zenn

    Coral growth time lapse

    thanks krish, that's impressive growth.
  2. zenn

    ViaAqua In-Sump Skimmer

    my thoughts exactly
  3. zenn

    ViaAqua In-Sump Skimmer

    Instead of upgrading every few years like most people do, just get this one. I promise you it'll be the last skimmer you ever buy. (i'm joking, but in reality, i'm kind of serious)
  4. zenn

    Coral growth time lapse

    Has anyone ever done a video or pic series of coral growth lapsed over time? I would love to see something like that.
  5. zenn

    Does this guy look healthy?

    cool. is it necessary for me to feed phyto or will he be fine with the lights and filtering the diatoms/algae that free floats in the water? One other thing, I upgraded skimmers this week from a Remora to an asm g2. It pulled out a lot of crap from the water the first day i had it plugged in...
  6. zenn

    Does this guy look healthy?

    Hi all, I recently bought this Crocea clam about 2 months ago. I've got it under daul 250w 10k lights in my 75g. He's sitting just off the sand bed on a piece of live rock. The flow is moderate where he's at. Does he look healthy from this pic? Now someone had said the openning was too...
  7. zenn

    How fast do they grow

    that's a nice sized hammer. Good luck with it.
  8. zenn

    the picture update, i said i would do 2 weeks ago

    agreed. the tank is looking like it's hitting a sweet spot.
  9. zenn

    ahh man...This sucks!

    sorry to hear hope the female seahorse makes it though
  10. zenn

    Help identifying items growing on LR

    arrow 1 on pic 52 are those spiral tube worms, they're good to have.
  11. zenn

    ASM Skimmer instructions

    what is indoor? Is that a vendor?
  12. zenn

    adding coral, how much at a time?

    generally speaking, you can add corals faster than fish. I would still err on the side of slower is better. If you're lookig for a specific time frame, i'd say there's no problem adding 1-2 corals per week. But that's just a random number i came up with. But really you could add less or...
  13. zenn

    ASM Skimmer instructions

    this thing is skimming the crap out of my tank! It pulled a lot of gunk out overnight. In fact, my corals look a bit perkier this morning.
  14. zenn

    ASM Skimmer instructions

    i think i've got it. You can raise or lower the riser tube to adjust the water level in the skimmer. It's ideal to have the skimmer in an area of the sump that has a constant water level. Check and Check on both of those. Here's the question I have. What water/foam level are you looking...
  15. zenn

    ASM Skimmer instructions

    makes sense. ONe other question. How do you adjust this skimmer? Do you raise and lower the collection cup or to you raise and lower the return tube thing that has the sponge on it? Just want to make sure I get it so it's skimming correctly. I leave out of town monday for a week so i need to...
  16. zenn

    ASM Skimmer instructions

    I need some help operating my new/used asm g2 skimmer. I bought it used so it doens't have an instruction manual. I think these things are pretty much plug and play, but I put it in the sink, filled it up with tap water and plugged it in to see if it works ok. Well, the pump runs and...
  17. zenn

    Am I missing your club?

    Nebraska has a new club. Linoma Reefs covers greater Nebraska and parts Western Iowa. Website is: (LR)
  18. zenn

    Montipora Question

    negatory. Digitatas and milli's are montiporas that don't plate like caprironis does. There's other types of monti's as well.
  19. zenn

    Help critique my system

    I agree. I want to do the same thing. Problem is, my devils hand absolutely hates metal halide lighting. Even though i've got him in the shade, he doesn't inflate as much as he use to under the pc's.
  20. zenn

    Help critique my system

    I can part with fish though. It doesn't bother me to sell off the coral beauty for the sake of a healthier system. I can also get rid of the softies. I think this fix is actually super easy. I'd rather have to get rid of some things than just about any other problem.