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    open day trout fishing. here is a few pics of the huge rainbow trout

    wow those are some big ones, congrats! what bait/lures you using?
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    T5 Retro kit

    I just installed my t-5 retros in my hood last week, they were pretty easy (once my sister/mom finally helped me) but you just assemble the pieces, wire them up, then screw the whole assembly into the hood. If i can offer any advice, get the right screws the first time, i ended up at lowe's 3...
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    Id this please!

    it doesn't appear to be cyano to me, looks like a red macro algae, not sure what kind though does it wave in the current like a sheet hanging on the clothes line, or is it more solid?
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    Cold salt water rock type

    i would assume that anything you find that is natural to the area of collection would be fine, it exists in the "wild" in the area your trying to recreate at home so it'd only be natural to want to put it in your tank. As per the "weeds", i'd go for several different types but avoid kelp as it...
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    WOW most exspensive polyps EVER

    *hooks up power cord to one, fried palys*
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    Anyone heard of a black ocellaris and a standard ocellaris pairing up?

    This is the main factor, though a perc and occ quite often get along when combined as juveniles. They won't mate as separate species but they have a good chance of bonding, due the social nature of clowns. My perc even bonded with my 6-line, they'd hang out all day then sleep right next to each...
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    Nitrates going through the roof....

    Tested input water, 0 nitrates. I'll do a 55gal water change tomorrow
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    Nitrates going through the roof....

    So I've got my 180 cycling (its been up for about 2months) with about 200lbs of live rock (from my 125 +more from another reefer), and 3 damsels. The ammonia rose and fell, the nitrite rose and fell, but the nitrates just keep rising. I did a 12ish% water change last week, brought the nitrates...
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    Need a Macro eater

    won't help a lot with the hair problem but a starry blenny (or almost any blenny for that matter) will "mow" the lawn around where they like to hang out. Plus great fish to watch do their thing
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    Underwater Nightlights hopefully actinic 03

    is the light fixture you have metal on the outside? if so you may be able to use a magnet to hold some leds on the fixture. Or perhaps some sort of clip on for the back of the tank? At any rate, I'd figure out a way to attach the lights without putting them underwater, just sounds like a problem...
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    Which aquascape do you like?

    I like what you tried to do with the first and second pics but the third one is more unique and should be easier to get good flow going through the rockwork especially if you put a pump in behind the center where no one can see it
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    JBJ 24g question. new setup

    It all depends on the speed of your overflow for the return, if the return is too fast the pump will run dry in the sump (very bad), if its too slow you'll have a longer dwell time in the sump (not a bad thing)
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    Aussie Elegance

    sounds like its feeding itself.....
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    starting upgrade advice

    Yes, to a degree. You can take some of the water from the smaller tanks and put it into the 50 and reduce the cycle (as long as your reusing the rock) but this won't be a cure all, your tank will still go through a cycle, albeit a shorter, less intense cycle. I would say most if not all...
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    What Fish is this?

    you can always email the company that first used the picture and ask them if they know, I assume its dr. fosters
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    Foxface has ich :( need help

    the only way to cure ich is to remove all the fish, inverts and corals are fine, and leave it that way for a couple months. the fish should be given a hyposalinity treatment until the parasite is dead.
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    T-5's w/out reflectors

    So I bought my t-5 retros to put into my canopy and got the boxes earlier today (first timer with all the wiring and was so dang happy when i tested the wiring, that they all lit up and I didn't get electrocuted). Turns out they forgot to put the bulb clips in the box and I didn't realize it...
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    What do you think of this tank?

    I bought a 180 acrylic tank used about 3months ago, good looking stand/canopy, sump, plumbing, return, no lights, etc. for $750. I'd say check craigslist/here for a couple more months, took me sept>feb to find mine though in that time i got bought out of 3 tanks, passed on about 30 others in the...
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    mangroves and a fuge mud question

    sounds like the mangroves aren't getting adequate light, are the leaves of the mangroves getting direct fuge light?
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    New to Reef Frontiers

    Yes, welcome! we are always after pictures around here, you'll hear this many times...