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  1. P

    Who is bigger?

    the female clown is always the bigger of the pair. as far as i know there are no dichromatic (color diff.) of dimorphic (shape diff., other than size) differences in clowns. unless you mix the varieties, black percula with reg. percula for example and the black decides to go female. then...
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    mangroves and a fuge mud question

    i'd say not enough light and/or not enough nutrients to go around. i really hope you bought the mangroves because you like them, NOT for nutrient export (they are terrible for that). with the alage growing like crazy i would lean more tward the nutrient issue.
  3. P

    Any Ideas What This May Be??

    well, after looking at the frag of the symphyllia it looks like it has one of the commensal barnacles on it. so now i'm thinking that those little buggers are the same thing. i have never seen one outside of the coral tissue. i thought they bored into the skeletal tissue but maybe they just sit...
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    Any Ideas What This May Be??

    i can post all the links in the world. the only problem is not a one contain a pic or even a line drawing of the critter. i am having a heck of a time finding any pics of coral parasites other then copepods/isopods. however, i'm leaning tward the barnacle angle because of the "opening". just...
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    Any Ideas What This May Be??

    how exactly did i answer my own question?
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    Any Ideas What This May Be??

    sorry, these ARE NOT stomatellas. stomatellas do not live under coral tissue. stomatellas also have a shell (albeit a partial), a typical rostrum, and 2 eyes, all of which are easily distinguished with the naked eye. all of which these guys lack. P.S: stomies are my favorite snail, so i know a...
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    Any Ideas What This May Be??

    i should note that they were stationary and the first pic is how it looked attatched to the skeleton. the second pic is the "foot" that attatched the critter to the skeleton. the red "proboscis" for lack of a better word does move around a bit now that they are sitting in a container of water.
  8. P

    Any Ideas What This May Be??

    :eek:i had a aussie symphyllia get stung by a torch coral. the necrotic tissue turned to brown jelly and as it started to sluff its tissue i wanted to try to frag it (those guys aint cheap). thats when i discovered what ever the heck these things are there were 4 total and they were living under...
  9. P

    Picasso Clown-Natural Variant?

    cross, i agree that man needs to stop playing god. the problem is we can't, there is still this drive to procreate and everytime we do, we are playing god. i don't have a problem with cloning, i could use a vacation.
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    Picasso Clown-Natural Variant?

    yes because everything we read on the internet is true. are they wild caught, doubtful but entirely possible. its just like albinism, do you find it in the wild sure, just rarely. remember its all just genes, albeit in this case 2recessive genes (from my understanding). i'm not doubting they...
  11. P

    Candy Apple Red or Redd?

    and this is EXACTLY why hobby names are retarded, until DNA sequencing becomes an everyday thing hobby names are USELESS. thats just my opinion though.
  12. P

    T5 fixture: Aqua Medic vs Tek fixtures

    yeah go with the tek light,they are wayyy better. also spend the extra $25-$40(depending on fixture size) for the acrylic will help.
  13. P

    Tatooed fish

    yep, this is pretty old news. you just have to love the asians love of money..errr love of feng shui (sp??). this is sick, but where theres a market i guess. ballon belly mollies and gouramis, "painted" glass perch, tattooed fish. man i LOVE what asia brings to the table in this lovely hobby of...
  14. P

    Can anyone ID this critter?

    yes stomatellas autonomize(spelling might be off) the latter half of their foot. i'm guessing there isn't much pain, seeing as how they are built especially for it. it will stay there and wiggle around while the snail proper slinks off to live another day.
  15. P

    Color change in watchman gobi

    there is also the problem of 2 species being sold as "yellow watchman". one stays smaller and usually stays pretty yellow the other species gets larger and looses it's nice yellow coloring.........
  16. P

    BULLET Goby

    the bullet/dragon goby isn't a sifter goby in the true sense........they are an Amblygobius sp. NOT a Valenciennea goby like the orange spot or golden head sifter goby. i have been in the salt hobby for 15+ years and have never known a fish to eat cyanobacteria....i'd be willing to bet that the...
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    Disappearing Live Stock

    does that crab you have as your avatar happen to also be this tank??? if so he could be the problem. i agree with the overloaded tank idea as well. it could all be boiling down to stress related issues, once a fish is compromised it won't take much to send him to the big ocean in the sky if you...
  18. P

    Id Help

    as with any algae if you keep it in check then it won't be an issue. you might also look up is another algae that looks similar
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    NEW Corals 7/20

    wowee, those are some nice looking corals. i am looking for what i believe is called "juicy fruit" acan. i saw some in barrier reef's display, they say it comes from zesty reef a new local wholesaler??? seeing as how you guys seem to be getting some nice corals lately (everyone else seems to...
  20. P

    what is this thing!!!

    its a of my favorites and completely fact i would try and find more (it is a type of snail).