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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. F

    Rock Cleaning

    Iv done it also and seemingly it does not create a swing in the tank. I usually do it only when a deep cleaning is due! In the past I used to do it alot, until I got my bio under control and established. I see no problem w it. When Im curing I will do some scrubbing only after I eyeball the...
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    Question about distilled water

    This is pretty irrelevant to this topic but I want to share this little story to you guys. Over the winter i bought a 6 stage 110gpd ro system off e Bay. I paid around $140 w/shipping. I had to get a booster pump cause of my water pressure. The RO unit was great and along with using it for my...
  3. F

    plumbin question

    Maybe your talking about an under gravel?
  4. F

    strange white specs

    I have been getting hundreds of white,hard like specs on my glass,anyone have a clue as 2 what they are? Sorry no pics. They seem to be almost like a calcium particle,but Im not quite sure. Although they scrape off very easily tho. Thanks!:?:
  5. F

    Solar power

    Sorry that would be 2.5gpm!
  6. F

    Solar power

    All of you guys make very good points! The tankless hwh needs a minimum of 2.5gph to make hot water. Im deciding very heavily on getting one. I moved over the winter into my new house and tore down my 125. The dumbest mistake I made was when I left my 6 stage RO system in the back of my truck...
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    Solar power

    I want to start by saying thank you for your feedback! I know that the big oil companies hate the word solar power lol. We on the other hand would love to be able to afford the "Green" route, but it doesnt seem fair that they price these things over the average families budget. I would like to...
  8. F

    Solar power

    Thats great cause it WILL pay for itself! Utilities all over the United States will never go down,only up. Its pricey to get from start to finish,depending on how much you want but, after a few years you can run your tank and many other things for FREE! That only means more$$ for this hobby.
  9. F

    Solar power

    Im tearing down my 125 and Im ordering a 300 reef ready. My question is, would it be practical to hook up solar panels to run the tank? I have not researched this very much but if any of you guys have heard of someone doing this any ideas would be great. My utility bill here in Illinois is...
  10. F

    Calcium levels

    I apologise Dustin I over looked you have not added any supliments so far as your ph goes,whats the reading on it? Cause this may begin with your ph. Ph is very misunderstood and what actually ph is, there are extensive researches done on it and how it affects cal and alk as a whole. Do some...
  11. F

    Calcium levels

    Definately check out Boomers sujestion cause that can throw you way off and then your even worse off than you were! This is a good named brand teast I use, its called NUTRAFIN calcium test. And if you have an accurate reding on the alk then thats your next step! Im still wondering how your...
  12. F

    Frag stations

    I started making my own since the designs are sort of limited. That way you can make about any design or configuration you can come up with. I use a non toxic clay from the local hobby store and hand mold the pieces then bake in the oven for thirty min. Workes fine also. Does not harm your...
  13. F

    Kenya tree help please!!

    I understand your situation. Did you change your waterflow? They like it moderate. My colt did the same thing and now all I have left of it is a frag! Its frustrating to have one die on you. I also will use a DIP when something seems to be gong down hill. Good Luck buddy
  14. F

    Member of the Month - January 2008

    Congrats and what a nice tank you have too! :D
  15. F

    A question about r/o systems..??

    ok i got my ro unit and hooked it up. The pressure coming out of the feed line is around 50 to 65psi. depending on if the sink is running or taking a shower etc. You mentioned something about the ri unit being mounted verticaly but mine is also horizontaly, whats the bad thing here with it...
  16. F

    kelvin ratings affecting corals,lets talk

    Thanks for the input guys. It is a fragile hobby and the endless worm hole seems to be getting closer.....wait,I think I see the I dont think the flower pot is going to make it,nothing makes me more mad than to watch a coral go through this. I dipped him for 10min so i will put it...
  17. F

    kelvin ratings affecting corals,lets talk

    :D:DHere is something that crossed my mind. So you go into your LPS and purcase a softy, lets say the tank it came out of had 10k lighting and you have powerfull 20k lighting,besides the regular aclimation regime how does this affect the coral? I drove 3 hrs to Chicago IL and went to a few...
  18. F

    A question about r/o systems..??

    I bought mine on eBay its also a 6 stage. Its rated at 100gpd so does that mean when I hook it up ill need a 100gal storage tank if say..I wanted to fill up my 500gal hot tub, and the laundry and for drinking,water changes etc? Im still waiting for it UPS. I plan on hooking it up in the laundry...
  19. F

    Tempered glass/Sump setup

    the glass isnt tempered so I think im going for it! Ill post pictures so anyone can follow along to see the progress. Thanks for the input.
  20. F

    Tempered glass/Sump setup

    Ok I see what you mean. Ya Its just a non drilled tank is all. I dont think it would be to bad to drill. They make whole saw bits for glass dont they?