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  1. tony2005

    tony's 44gal tank

    pc retro fit light used to be in my old 120gal tank 2 65w 10000k bulbs 2 65w actinic bulbs thank tony
  2. tony2005

    tony's 44gal tank

    more picture
  3. tony2005

    I need some comments and advice

    the ? is can u put out the $$$$$ or will it cause u more $$$ that what u want to put in it. but if can,what the heck go bigger!!! (quote)My tank is doing so well, am I trying to fix something that’s not broken?
  4. tony2005

    tony's 44gal tank

    well i got my dig cam today and just trying out,but here it goes.:)
  5. tony2005

    Tony's 90 gal.

    cool.the reason i ask is because i had one in my old 120gal tank and when i switch over to a reef tank it started to nip @ my coral.but then again the niger i had was 3" bigger and it was in a fowlr.i really wanted to keep him in the tank they are cool fish. good luck tony
  6. tony2005

    Tony's 90 gal.

    the niger is he reef safe?
  7. tony2005

    Setting up my first Reef tank

    oh by the way,welcome to RF
  8. tony2005

    Setting up my first Reef tank

    cal reactor maybe,ro/di for perfect water:D it sound like your on a great start :razz:
  9. tony2005

    lps coral

    i was thinking of a bubble,hammer,frog spawn,and maybe a candy cane coral. yes,i do have 40pound of live rocks.hopefully i will be getting a digital cam soon to take some pic
  10. tony2005


    welcome to rf,it sound like u have half the setup already and a good start. good luck tony
  11. tony2005

    New Home!!

    congrat matt i'll help u move the 120gal to my apt:lol: :eek: but no good luck u luv living in your own home. so went is the project for the tank to be in the wall :eek: :rolleyes:
  12. tony2005

    lps coral

    opps and light are 4 65w pc lighting 2 65w 10,000k bulb 2 65w actinic bulbs
  13. tony2005

    lps coral

    hey guys, just wondering if lps coral will work under 4 65w pc lighting.i never try it cause i always had mh i am wonderland since the bad luck that has happen to me lately:cry: this what i have:eek: ;) 44gal corner tank height is 20" as far as other mesurement can tell u...
  14. tony2005

    Red Slime

    chemi-clean is what i used to get rid of the red slime and it reef safe.if u don't get rid off the problem it will just get worse. good luck tony
  15. tony2005


    what are your plan as far as corals?what size of a tank are u getting? oh by the way welcome to RF
  16. tony2005

    Sumps need cleaning too!

    Brrrrrrrrrr,too cold for me:D
  17. tony2005

    Great News!

    merry x-mas to u:eek:
  18. tony2005

    My 180 gallon soft coral tank

    wow nice tank,hey finn do have any softie for sale:?:
  19. tony2005

    My 40 gallon mixed tank

    nice tank hopefully my tiny 44gal gal corner tank will look good like yours:D
  20. tony2005


    did u try doing a water change before adding the ph booster,and ur cal is pretty low.doing a water change could help in ur ph too and like rock n ruin says changing ur light might have shock ur coral too. hopefully this will help save the corals :cry: