140 gallon Coldwater build.

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The larger lined chiton. About an inch and a half

A blood star munching on purple sponges on the rough keyhole limpet

The reef at twilight
Tonight I came home to an old friend. It's a green moonglow that I haven't seen since the night I stocked the tank for the first time. Well he popped out and is looking in great shape. With a sweet feeding response. Speaking of that, I've been saying I think I need to feed them more. So today it took 5 prawns and I fed large pieces to each nem and no matter how small they were they scarfed down ridiculous sized chunks.

I have a ton of diatoms. The cuc is working hard but is seemingly always in peril of being devoured by the ochre stars:0
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WOW! Paul the tank is looking awesome, wish I had the room and permission to start another.

Cheers, Todd
Thanks Todd it's been a busy time, but I'm loving sitting back, and watching the diatoms grow lol. It's really taking shape. I've been looking to see how I can make coraline grow in the tank. But I guess I'll just use the same stuff I used for the bta tank. Might as well give it a shot. But along those lines while looking at a chunk of coraline I took off a rock I found a dozen tiny little tube worms growing out of it:)

Aggregating anemone
Wow!!!! I walked up to my tank tonight and saw one of the painted nems, stuffing his mouth with a 10" orange sea cucumber. I couldn't pull it free, without tearing it. These nems have immense holding power. Just unreal!
Now that nem is not big enough to eat that whole thing!
That seems like it would cause a real issue in your tank. Don't cucumbers excrete poison when they die?
Whew I just pulled it free! It's tube feet are moving but I'm wondering if I should just remove it, because your right it has the possibilty doing damage. Right now it's shrunk up. If it's condition doesn't improve in an hour or so I'm removing it and putting it in the 45 which is now empty for the most part. Right now I've got my nose pressed against the glass looking for signs:(
Thank you and welcome to reef frontiers!

Just an update on the the orange cucumber he has moved and appears stubborn enough to stay for now but he hasn't shown his crown of orange. Hopefully it wasn't eaten. But he's alive. Looked dead this morning but when I tried to pick him up he was solidly attached.
The orange cucumber made it. He has been in the move and has his feeding tentacles out:) What a tough SOB. He was held for what I estimate 15-20 minutes by a nem with a sting that left a mark on me. And he is good just 2 days later. I thought he was a gonner.
Killer tank! Man some of the stuff i saw this last weekend in the sound would look amazing in there.
Soo true! I called them to see about a permit of some kind. And the lady sounded upset that I even asked. There was no budge at all.
Super lame, they wouldn't even consider my application for a single species collection permit citing "not enough resources to adequately determine existing numbers".

Basically until they have funds to do a survey to determine existing numbers of any species you want to collect, they wont give you the time of day. And if what you want to collect isn't a "money maker" for them, then they dont bother.