140 gallon Coldwater build.

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So I have an idea... Uh oh. I did the first water change at 5 weeks of 20 gallons. Prior to the water change I tested the water and had .1 ammonia and 1 nitrite and 20 nitrates. So it's two weeks later and it's 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 20 nitrates. So I thought I might try dosing Micro Bacter7 and reef biofuel by brightwell. I want to see if there is a way to deal with nitrates in the system without large water changes. Which is pretty much the standard in Coldwater systems. Micro Bacter7 being a micro culture bacteria and reef bio fuel a carbon source, and when used in unison can lower nitrates and phosphates. And because it encourages bacterioplankton it allows for filter feeding so, my nems and other filter feeding inverts can feed off it. I also added tigger pods. I'm hoping for more variety of pods. I have a population of "tangerine" pods in the tank already. But with tigger pods they would be nice 1, 2 punch. So will be checking it out by testing 2 two times a week and feeding heavy still. If this works it could take care of a couple problems I have. Its basically vodka dosing and provides for filter feeders.
Tomorrow night, the President of Brightwell is going to be holding a Q&A session at Oceans by Design. I'm planning on asking him about their exposure to the cold-water community. I assume a lot of the chemistry carries over with the biological cultures they offer like the Micro Bacter7? I'm curious to see if they're developing anything to deal with these coldwater systems in particular.
I am trying to make that meeting. I'm scheduled to work, but I may be able to get cancelled. I thought of doing this because I researched brightwell after hearing about the meeting. If these products work as advertised on Coldwater systems, it would take care of a problematic piece to the Coldwater puzzle. I'll be testing tomorrow to see what/if any improvements develop. I just regret not doing a phosphate test prior to dosing. I'll post results tomorrow morning. I would be very curious if there is any development for Coldwater systems. I'm starting to get to know the needs of the systems better now and hope to talk with them tomorrow:)
Ok test results from this morning nitrate: 40 and phosphate: 2. It's not what I was hoping for but not unexpected. It may take time to establish itself in the tank. Time to do a water change this week though.
Chris at Brightwell said that Micro Bacter would be perfect for your system. He said they don't have plans right now to do any specific marketing or research in the coldwater systems. I have to assume that your system is going to need some significant nutrient export means like a killer skimmer, frequent water changes, or running GFO and Carbon. I'm sorry I haven't been able to follow the thread all that closely. I mostly pop on to check out the awesome pictures. I'm not sure what all you're currently running for filtration.

I'm curious if the natural filtration we see from bacteria is suppressed in the colder temperatures you're running? Is the live rock less effective at natural filtration
The tank is just looking better and better. He did note that the tidal to 20 or so feet deep is nutrient rich area, so they noted having a heavy duty protein skimmer and such.
The problem with biological filtration is that it is real slow in cold water and takes forever to set in. Live rock is not effective but I have heard of others having success with DSB's and remote dsb's. I can't use sand due to the floor of my tank having hundreds of holes in it. The diy rock I made has lots of surface area which may help. And I have 5 gallons of bio balls working as a fluidized bed filter under the floor board. My system as it stands is without a skimmer, or sump. I am working on plans for a diy cooler sump. But that may be a ways away. I do have 4 wooden airstones in the tubes that lift water through the tubes and produce skimmate with all the micro bubbles which gets strained in the tray with a poly filter where I have a giant bag of chemi pure. The setup seems to work enough if I do large water changes. But my thought are if MB7 is perfect for my system, that reef bio fuel make work also. So I guess I will do my own research on this:)
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Update on the MB7 + Reef BioFuel experiment. I did not do the water change I planned on. I wanted to wait to today to see if there was any improvements or at least see if it wasn't rising anymore. The test results from this morning are nitrate: 12ish phosphates: 1! Big improvement if you ask me:) and now im excited to see what the coming week will produce. If it keeps going this way I will be elated that a possible solution to nitrate reduction in Coldwater systems has presented itself.
Well I'm headed to the coast again. This time Newport Oregon. I'm staying in a time share. No camping this time and a trip to the aquarium is in order:) hope I find something to add.
Hey everyone I'm got back from Newport last week and most all the critters I collected have settled in. And I want to post some pics. The first is of the three pipefish I got in Hawkins bay.

And here is a pic of the larger green surf anemone

and a FTS
Very exceptional Cold-Water collection Paul, really need to make a visit to see it in person sometime.

Cheers, Todd
Very nice!Your running out of room though. Time for a bigger tank, and give me this one!
I am running out of room currently. I've been on the look out for pink proliferating anemones or corynactis anemones to carpet the back wall and possibly a couple green green surf nems or hydrocoral Another plan is to devise a shelf on the back of the right side of the wall and go vertical. It would be hard to part with this lobster tank though it really makes Coldwater easy and practical, but as far as a bigger tank. I have been toying with the idea of a plywood 4x4 tank with one or two viewing panels of double paned glass. I have the plans for the tank just need to think more about the total system. But that is only a thought at this point or a dream :)

P.S. it was yaquina bay where I got the pipefish.
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Todd your welcome to check out the tank anytime seriously. Let me know I would love to show off the system. It like any reef tank has so much more appeal in person. It would be great to show the tank to a fellow reefer.
Your tank is freaking awesome! :hail: So much depth in color, how many Nems do you currently have? Is there any updates? I would love to have a coldwater setup like this oppisite of my Tropical it would be like ying and yang of the hobby LOL! The pipefish you collected remind me of a baby FW needlenose gar very cool! I love the whole well I caught this and put it in my tank thing makes it more personal ya know, Todd has done this too now I'm jealous of both of you guys.
Tanks alot reefgeeker! I do enjoy the ying and yang to my two reef tanks. I like to call em Fire and Ice and they have distinctly different approaches. Your welcome to come by anytime to check it out, seeing that you not that far away. I have 45 nems in that tank. As far as an update I have been experimenting with the microbacter7 and reef biofuel with marginal results. The nitrates have spiked recently to high levels, so I will be doing only my second water change ever on this tank. So it's still kinda early for me to stop now, but I am having concerns. I am thinking of another trip this week, but at this point the tank is pretty full and it's hard to justify 9-10 hours of travel for a couple specimens. But if I can find something special.... Lol I'm hooked!
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Tank is looking great. Do you have pictures of what your looking for? I live on the shore here in manchester and go to the beaches in bremerton as well and can keep an eye out for you. I see lots of nems.
I have been following the thread for a while now. I've been really impressed with the work NemCrazy has done on the tank. I asked his permission if I could post up a little advertisement here for a Mini Expo we're hosting here in the Puget Sound region on February 16, 2013:

The PSAS Bob Moore Frag Swap

We have multiple threads running on this topic, the link above is to the general announcement on ReefFrontiers. We also started one months ago in the club section which you can see here: PSAS BM Frag swap under RF club section. And the original thread that has been running on our home page (thePSAS.org) PSAS BM Frag Swap at thePSAS.org. They all have the same info.

Why post this here? We were inspired by NemCrazy's build to add a speaking section to this year's event for ColdWater Marine Aquatics to share about their approach to the hobby and to set up a booth. NemCrazy will also be hosting a booth to represent his newly formed club ColdWater Reefers. We're really excited about the event and we're looking forward to getting together as a community. We hope to see you all there in February. We have another speaker lined up, raffle items, 10 vendors local and not-so-local, 3 clubs, and a ton of coral we'll be giving out like always to those with their PSAS card in hand.